The Combat Jack Show Thread

Joe doesn’t understand how to deal with people. He wasn’t wrong but he went about the situation in the wrong way.

Mal should also understand that the show does go on. Parks said they employ 30 or so people so yeah it goes on regardless.
Joe’s in his hypocrite bag. Rory is in his emo bag. Mal got one more time to say respect before I lose my mind. :lol:

But nah I agree more with Mal. You’re wild as hell to tell me “this is none of your business” after I helped build it up to what it is.
Parks ain’t letting the mixxy boys stop him from getting his bag. They using his crib and he’s editing for the whole network. Show gonna go on no matter what
Individually they all had their own good points, but that’s definitely some stuff that could’ve been hashed out much quicker if egos didn’t get in the way and dudes treated it like a friendship discussion.

Joe seems like the ***** to have power trips when he’s in the big seat.

Saying you don’t owe your friends respect is some wild ****. Like, fam... what are you even saying right now. Semantics man gonna semantic :lol: :smh:
An hour in and Mal and Rory (mostly Mal) feeling that pressure from ice and ish momentum. Joe wrong for how he goes about things but he's right at the foundation. Mal doesn't seem to understand business which is weird considering his ties. I don't think Rory cares as much about him and Joe as Mal does which is also weird in this situation. Glad Parks made the point about the other folks that work on the pod.
I think the point for Mal is that if there isn’t the level of respect he’s expecting, there is no business.

Completely agree with him there. Friends or not, I’m not dedicating myself to working with or for someone who doesn’t think respect is mutual.

I'm only 12 mins in and it's more confirmation that Joe is a piece of **** as a friend. He told Rory don't come in, Mal was like he's not tryna do the show w/o him and Joe disrespects Mal.

That's almost like dealing with a emotional female. I'm not doing what you want so you get outta line. 40 year old men shouldn't be operating like that. Joe treat his friends like they belong to him. **** is weird.
Yeah just started a bit, i'll finish tomorrow at work but i'd be surprised if the chemistry came back the same. Having been through something like that, after someone really shows who they are, even if I have to be around them and be cordial i'm already mentally disconnected from anything we used to be and definitely don't move together or the same. Never.
Yeah just started a bit, i'll finish tomorrow at work but i'd be surprised if the chemistry came back the same. Having been through something like that, after someone really shows who they are, even if I have to be around them and be cordial i'm already mentally disconnected from anything we used to be and definitely don't move together or the same. Never.
The chemistry is the same. After 1.5 hours, they got into it like a regular episode.
I think the point for Mal is that if there isn’t the level of respect he’s expecting, there is no business.

Completely agree with him there. Friends or not, I’m not dedicating myself to working with or for someone who doesn’t think respect is mutual.

This. It was embarrassing to see Joe try to weasel his way out of admitting that you have to respect your friends, business relationship or not. That Hov “so what” angle was such ********. You don’t know Hov on a personal level so him telling you “so what” is completely different than you saying it to men you’ve been around and have called your friends for decades.
They crazy if they still mess with this dude. Nah. Only part I agree with Joe on is keeping the show going. I fully understand that but the other ****. You mad at them for not coming in but you the one that told Rory not to come in. Then when Mal tried to mediate the situation you got mad at him, told him the show is non of business. Yeah you can eat a **** after that.

This. It was embarrassing to see Joe try to weasel his way out of admitting that you have to respect your friends, business relationship or not. That Hov “so what” angle was such bull****. You don’t know Hov on a personal level so him telling you “so what” is completely different than you saying it to men you’ve been around and have called your friends for decades.

He chased Hov around all through NY. :lol:

He values being cool with Hov more than his personal friends. That's all I got from him bringing that up.
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