THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Originally Posted by i LyricaLJKilla i

Originally Posted by PLVN

At least the new trailer makes it look decent.

Still, I have very little interest.

Oddly enough, that's how we feel about your beats. 
Feel free to exit now. 

Catching Up on The Dark Knight Rises - we are less than three months away from the most anticipated film of 2012 - Here is the latest, spoiler free info -


Trailer - The Dark Knight Rises - the third and final trailer that'll debut in front of The Avengers this weekend - WATCH IT NOW -

Would appreciate if you guys can pass along these links to my movie blog - site is doing well and the Batman stuff always generates tons of traffic. Any little bit helps, hope you guys can spread, and or watch over and over.

Click away
I'm gonna get a lot of heat on this board for this, but that trailer > trailers for the dark knight. I loved TDK and Heath Ledger killed that movie.

But this just feels different. Truly EPIC. I guess just the killer scenes we've seen so far, mixed with the really good cast, and then the mystery that very seldom surrounds the ending of superhero movies. Like it's legitimately possible Batman might die. When was the last time any hero movie took it there, much less the big 3 (Batman, Spiderman, Superman)?

And even the whole "we're working with Batman" angle of John Blake and Batman is coming off as interesting and well-grounded, not corny like most expected. I literally can not wait until July 20.
Does Bruce Wayne disappear for 8 years too?
I'm convinced he dies. When Catwoman said "You have given them everything" and he goes "No not everything, not yet" .... He's dead bruh, he's gonna sacrifice his life for Gotham B.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Does Bruce Wayne disappear for 8 years too?
I'm convinced he dies. When Catwoman said "You have given them everything" and he goes "No not everything, not yet" .... He's dead bruh, he's gonna sacrifice his life for Gotham B.

For some reason this made me 

That would be 
Can any of yall put me onto some death metal or something?

Need practice if I'm gonna understand Bane.
Nothing cornier than someone who doesn't express interest in something the other person likes, then has to resort to make a "personal"comment for a cheap laugh.

Insecure much?
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