The Donald Sterling Thread

Baylor introduced me to Sterling and his wife, Shelly -- who, just a few years later, would sue the woman who ... oh, God, never mind -- and we made about two minutes of small talk about the game and the great season the Clippers, finally, were having.

Then Sterling said, and I'm quoting, "Can I ask you a question?"

I said, "Sure."

And he said, "Why are all these black women having these children out of wedlock?"

David Aldridge on meeting Donald Sterling.
Yea bravelude bravelude you should sit this one out. Clearly you don't know the well chronicled history of this man.
The difference is Sterling's belief system is widely regarded as wrong, and it naturally creates tension and conflict.

I think it's more accurate to say "the Clippers should be taken from Sterling because his beliefs have a negative impact on the league, relations, attitude, business, etc etc" than just "the Clippers should be taken from Sterling because of his beliefs."

It's confusing when people are saying he has had a HISTORY of this. Yet, NOTHING has ever surfaced.

Time for you to step down from this thread dude.
I said this in the NBA thread, but since this topic has been rightly removed from that thread I'll reiterate it.

I wish that the Clippers players made a stronger protest last night. The inside out warm up gear was pretty pathetic. Nobody watches the team warmup, so what good does flipping the gear inside out do? I hope they put black tape over the Clippers logo on the jerseys tomorrow night, or something as impactful.

Regarding the Sterling having his privacy leaked, you reap what you sow. You deal with gold diggers half your age, than you feel with the repercussions. No sympathy here for him
Time for you to step down from this thread dude.

All I'm saying is, DS has had a submarine history, yet guys are playing the 'i just found' out card. All this hulk move about boycotting games, forfeitting games, inside jersey move is just silly!! Yeah yeah, all this 'righteous', I should play for a better ownership talk is just sifunny too. Why sign that contract then? Don't you think?

Why 'force' DS to sell the team "NOW". So yeah, of course DS 'just surfaced'. We'll see what the 'league' does and go from there.
how is this even news? you cannot have an opinion in america anymore?

you act like he said this in public. this was a private conversation between a middle age jumpoff and her sugar daddy.

you are allowed to dislike black people in america. you can't force people to like black people or any other people.

he was expressing his opinion in an private conversation. are his opinions about black people incorrect and disgusting? yes, but they're HIS OPINION.

how is she not in trouble? you're not allowed to record private conversations without consent.

i don't see what silver can punish him for? having an opinion? this political correctness has gone too far.

CarMax, Virgin, KIA, RedBull, State Farm, Sprint, AQUAHydrate, Chumash, Amtrak, LoanMart, Lumber Liquidators, Anheuser-Busch gone.

Steps starting in the right direction, affect the wallet and he'll have to consider at least selling or stepping aside.

While Dooling said he had not experienced any verbal forms of racism as a Clippers player, he did acknowledge that the locker room environment was at times uncomfortable because of Sterling.

"When we saw [Sterling], it was only in an entertainment capacity," Dooling said. "He would come into the locker room when we were half-dressed before the media [before games], with his friends, all these weird people dancing, partying in our locker room while we're half naked."
Guess he's gotten better from parading women to look at the players' dongs in the locker room.
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Legally speaking, I don't think Sterling and the other nba owners have any power to do anything against Sterling, and if they do try anything, Sterling would even have grounds to sue if any actions are taken against him. Tape recordings are inadmissable by California law, I believe. That said, it'd be nice to see the fans and players take a stand. I thought the Clippers turning their shirts inside out was weak sauce.

It was nice to have the sponsors pull their support.
At the end of the day I don't think anything is going to happen, owners aren't going to vote to oust this guy because doing such a thing makes them susceptible to being ousted themselves. They might come out and make public statements shunning Sterling but behind closed doors they aren't going to support an act that threatens their sovereignty as business owners.
Rockets Owner suggesting to let staff and players walk

“I mentioned that to Adam,” Alexander said. “I told Adam I don’t think he can be removed because the constitution (of the NBA) only allows him to be removed except for gambling. I’m not sure that legally can be done. But if he loses his players, nobody is going to want to go there. He’ll only be able to get a player that is worth $2 million and will play for $12 (million.) And who is going to want to coach there?

“If you’re a player in the NBA you don’t want to play for somebody like that. If you worked for a company, you would walk away and say, ‘I’m gone.” I think the players should have that right.”
I hope the league really considers it and puts it in play

But the players gotta follow through
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Damn imagine the bidding war for Blake if all the players can leave....but that plus a suspension/ban from games, and sterling losing sponsorships would be the harshest punishment since it's tough to make him sell the team
If Donald T has repeatedly said racist things to players or Clipper employees he has by definition created a hostile work environment.

Even if the recordings aren't allowed if enough people testify I don't see how that wouldn't stand up in court.
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