The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

Eh, they grew up in the same house but we're not gonna yell incest if there's ever penetration.
Didn't help Barry that he literally is like family to Iris since he been living in her house since he was like 11 or 12. She moved out and he still there :lol


Cats being outrageous and just roasting Barry for the sake of roasting him. They completely leaving that part out where they grew up as brother and sisterl

Naah fam, they didn't grow up as ****. Joe said it straight up. "I've watched you be in love with Iris since before you even knew what love was". Barry always wanted more and then let Iris place him in that family box. :{ Henry was in ******* jail for like a decade and even he knew :lol Son should've been making moves all throughout high school. Joe even said he'd been waiting years for Barry to confess to Iris, but Barry never did :{ Kid must've had dozens of chances and let every single one pass him by. Probably took chick to Prom and let her think it was a "friend date" or some ****.
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That's one perspective on the situation highlighted by the fact that Joe likes Barry. If Joe wasn't fond of Barry he easily could have called him a creep for pining over his defacto step sister.

This isn't some they were young adults and lived together for a few years situation. Barry's spent half his life living with the girl.

On top of that let's say Barry made a move in high school, you really think Joe was about to let that go down in his house. Barry would have ended up homeless

I guess Yams >> Nice Roof Over Your Head. Right?
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Joe isn't talking about whether or not he likes Barry though. He's talking about Barry's own feelings and his own ability as an adult who has watched these kids grow up to recognize them. If Joe said that Barry had the feelings for that many years then logically he's the one person who would know. Only one who was seeing this as some type of family was Iris :lol Whether or not he likes Barry is irrelevant. Even if he were to call him a creep it'd be the same situation, with Barry having feelings for Iris for years that aren't in any way familial.

EDIT: In fact, we can squash this right now

Fam outright admits he had feelings for this girl before he even moved into her house.

If you really think Joe would've kicked Barry onto the street because he told Iris how he felt about her you need to watch the show again :rolleyes Especially since as a police officer he should definitely know he can't just kick a minor that he has taken into his care onto the street :lol Obviously he wouldn't support them ******* in the house, but he's clearly in support of them and has been for a long time. Acting like it has to be either Barry doesn't say anything or he has no home. Stop making excuses for him not making a move.
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:lol @ blaming a 12 yr old Barry for not making a move on Iris.

It is known Barry steady playing shy guy for 10 years. He definitely ain't have that confidence in his teens.

Dude been beta. Accept that. At best since getting his powers he's gaining some alpha traits.
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:lol @ blaming a 12 yr old Barry for not making a move on Iris.

It is known Barry steady playing shy guy for 10 years. He definitely ain't have that confidence in his teens.

Dude been beta. Accept that. At best since getting his powers he's gaining some alpha traits.


Thank you for having some common sense. They in here talking like they were slaying their first crush in the neighborhood at 12 years old. NT gonna NT.
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Whoever said he should've made a move when he was 12 though? :lol I simply pointed out facts, that he's had since he was 12 and that there was never any brother/sister **** holding him back.
12 or 21 he's still a gump. ***** damn near 30 and still getting cotton mouth around the *****. A cotdamb shame.
So this flashpoint stuff is only gonna be for an episode or two and won't affect the other cw shows. Good to know larry didn't mess everything up too bad.
So this flashpoint stuff is only gonna be for an episode or two and won't affect the other cw shows. Good to know larry didn't mess everything up too bad.
He will accumulate at least 5 L's this season.
I still say Tom Wellington should make a cameo as Superman on Flash. Would be so dope
Someone said tyler hoechlin looks ike bizarro. Make him that character and welling arrives to reveal he's the real clark / superman.
I still say Tom Wellington should make a cameo as Superman on Flash. Would be so dope

Should've just had him as Superman in Supergirl. But I heard he didn't wanna come back, so you can't really do anything in that situation. :{ Hell, even now they could still mention him, since we've seen there are multiple Earths. Just have his pop up separeate from Supergirl's.
Yeah, Welling no longer wants much to do with them anymore.

They wouldn't even need him to come back to just show a Smallville clip when Cisco looks at multiple worlds :lol
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Would be dope for one or a 2 ep special.

It'd be like that red kryptonite Clark swag all over again :smokin

Have him wash all of the CW DC heroes Zoom style :lol
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Flashpoint Paradox is working out for Cisco Ramon.. :rollin

He's a millionaire or possibly a billionaire..
He needs to get punished somehow. Can't just travel back in time and change the past for selfish reasons. I don't even consider him a hero anymore.
That's what the time wraiths are for but his solution was to travel in time again to create a copy of himself for them to go after 
 It's ******* nuts how easily he does this **** and changes everyone's lives 
I forgot about those wraiths. larry got too much power and is abusing it.
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