The Following: Episode 15.....Season Finale - Finally.

Def gotta rewatch last episode. Love the show

I think that Carroll chick is def down with the cult.
I agree with Zik here, I feel like they're trying to make it obvious to fans that there's a connection between her and Joe and then outta LF they'll have someone like the wife turn out to be in on it the whole time :lol:
It's too obvious to have the main new chick be the groupie she appeared to be. They are going to try and confuse us and stop and start all the time to throw us off the scent.

And really, when she was talking with all that knowledge, all she did was sound like the female counterpart to Bacon, they just had him sizing her up to make us all suspicious. Delivering the book only seals our suspicions, but they aren't doin that yet. Each of the members so far has been a complete surprise. The pixie, and the dudes next door were in our face the whole time, THEN revealed. Not revealed and then confirmed.

She's setting us up for something else.

We have (ya know what, i need ****** names with the pictures, I suck with remembering their names on the show dammit :lol: ) We have Bacon
We have chick with the mole on her cheeck
We have Iceman
We have new broad
We have Mike Mathews from Dexter.

In theory, Iceman or Mathews would be candidates for being followers. Iceman always seems to find where they need to go next, if I had to take a wild guess, he's our guy. (or one of them at least) Right in our face, looks innocent, helpful, etc, yet in the end could be Joe's boy. In fact, didn't he look a little irritated when Ryan first showed up and started talking, then he played all nice right after?

Iceman's dirty. Callin my shot.

We'll just have to wait and see. And hope Fox does not prematurely cancel this series like it does with others.

Mole chick is gone though. That new FBI cultist broad replaced her in real life. There are articles on it discussing mole chick leaving the show or Fox replacing her for some reason after the pilot.

EDIT: I don't usually nit-pick but the only moment I cringed and thought was cheesy so far was in the last episode when the big ol' cop did the Michael Myers Halloween H2O come down from the ceiling, I hated it.

WORD. I was like DIS DUDE IS NINJA. Ol big dude coming down the ceiling like that w/o making any noise. No huffing, puffing. Dude was not even soaked in his sweat waiting in that attic for how long. Sam Fischer would have been proud. :smh: :lol:
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What happened to the exotic board with a mole?

Who's Iceman? Is it Bacon's #1 Fan?

If so, I think he's a Follower as well. 
What happened to the exotic board with a mole?

Who's Iceman? Is it Bacon's #1 Fan?

If so, I think he's a Follower as well. 

I haven't learned most of their names on the show yet, so I go with where I have seen them before, Iceman being from X-Men. :lol:

He's the detective that does all the research and stuff, came up with the address on the chicks house, was yellin at the lady in the hallway that it was their job to know, etc etc.

I was just throwin it out there that he could be a follower later on down the line. At some point, they have to throw us a huge curve, he and the ex wife seem like solid candidates.

We'll just have to wait and see. And hope Fox does not prematurely cancel this series like it does with others.

Mole chick is gone though. That new FBI cultist broad replaced her in real life. There are articles on it discussing mole chick leaving the show or Fox replacing her for some reason after the pilot.

EDIT: I don't usually nit-pick but the only moment I cringed and thought was cheesy so far was in the last episode when the big ol' cop did the Michael Myers Halloween H2O come down from the ceiling, I hated it.

WORD. I was like DIS DUDE IS NINJA. Ol big dude coming down the ceiling like that w/o making any noise. No huffing, puffing. Dude was not even soaked in his sweat waiting in that attic for how long. Sam Fischer would have been proud. :smh: :lol:
Damn. They got rid of her quick. She wasn't that attractive anyway so no biggie.

Yeah, I was like this fatboy is not strong enough or agile enough to descend down the ceiling like that. These are the worst cops ever. They can't protect anyone :smh:.
Show is not nearly as good as it thinks it is, if that makes sense. The dialogue/ cop action is no better than your average basic cable show, no matter how much violence and gore they throw in. "He never visited the same website twice, which suggests he was using different URLs" is almost CSI bad.

This ep just got so sick

This went from a good ep to a great one just cuz of that reveal in the end. The whole time I just thought the kid was bait, a bargaining tool. They ******g teaching him to be one of them is SICK.

:lol: @ these pretend to be gay, find out we're really gay killers. So emotionally lame.

On a predictable sad note, there goes the black guy, it was only a matter of time before he died and again the police/agent presence stretches belief imo. He's the only guy in the house with this chick, while her serial killer husband is on the loose. I mean really who decides who gets top priority in these situations? I mean seriously were they just cutting the wife loose with how the two other guys weren't even suppose to be there?

Nice reveals in the flashback

And again that ending, "Hi Ryan"
I knew it was over for him when she asked him to go there alone and she'd relieve him in the morning :lol:
Detective Mike Mathews needs like a security job at a small town high school or somethin. :lol:

I still say Iceman is one of them.

Brokeback serial killers. :x

Damn at that email. They ain't playin, they straight torturin Ryan.

Death by gauze? :lol:
Kept me interested. Iceman a little too nosy with kbs life details, may turn out to be a follower of kb rather than the other dude.

Seriously though they got to write all these protection detail units better. 3 weeks in a row now an officer/agent dies either by the protectee or some one else infiltrating the premises. Can't suspend belief every episode that these protection units are that incompetent.

So smart, cult fbi girl calls kb instead of the dude in immediate danger. :smh:

And the fake gay couple turning out to be gay for real. Emma is gonna go bat**** when she finds out. I mean if she cuts the dude for giving her the mean mug, imagine what she going to do when she finds out he stole him from her. :wow: :lol:

Nice twist with the kids true purpose though. :wow:
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**** this. The black man didn't even last a season.

So disappointed. 


Wish he lasted as long as this Legend.
^^^HAHAHAH as soon as he died, I was like damn only the 3rd episode?? His character is irrelevant either way, wasn't memorable.
the ending saved it , them getting the kid involved is just plain evil

as for the rest of the episode

this formula is getting old and order old

and that poe mask unsettling
Detective Mike Mathews needs like a security job at a small town high school or somethin. :lol:
Man you know what would happen then :lol: :smh:
Brokeback serial killers. :x
Leave it to the fat guy to eat himself to death. >D

I'll ask again, what happened to that other fbi chick that was in the first ep that was like the partner of the black guy? It's like once the cult specialist came on she disappeared. Will she return now that the black guy is dead?


NVM I see they pulled this chick from the show and in story she was sent back to Quantico and the cult specialist was brought in. I missed that in the 2nd ep. Her name was Jeananne Goossen for anybody that cared.
NVM I see they pulled this chick from the show and in story she was sent back to Quantico and the cult specialist was brought in. I missed that in the 2nd ep. Her name was Jeananne Goossen for anybody that cared.
didnt they fire her or relocate her for letting kevin bacon's character alone with the cult leader? when he jacked up dudes hand
haven't seen ep3 yet, but the ending of the 2nd had me like 
.... so dude dressed in old english attire with a poe mask just runs away in the city in broad daylight with a crowd of people?

if episode 3 does not have this clown already caught, something wrong
NVM I see they pulled this chick from the show and in story she was sent back to Quantico and the cult specialist was brought in. I missed that in the 2nd ep. Her name was Jeananne Goossen for anybody that cared.
didnt they fire her or relocate her for letting kevin bacon's character alone with the cult leader? when he jacked up dudes hand
I didn't see it in show. I just read the actual reason why the actress isn't on the show anymore. I think the showrunner or somebody else in charge, Kevin something, was not satisfied with her acting, studio didn't pick up her option, and in show it was explained as she was sent back to home base (Quantico) so they can bring in an expert on cults. I gotta re-watch to get the dialogue though.
haven't seen ep3 yet, but the ending of the 2nd had me like

.... so dude dressed in old english attire with a poe mask just runs away in the city in broad daylight with a crowd of people?

if episode 3 does not have this clown already caught, something wrong
After what he does I can understand ppl not approaching him but just being in a Poe mask is not enough, I forget how much they showed in the preview but if they showed him in the mask and that's it you'll see why at first nobody thinks he's suspicious. Still a bit of a strain though.
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NVM I see they pulled this chick from the show and in story she was sent back to Quantico and the cult specialist was brought in. I missed that in the 2nd ep. Her name was Jeananne Goossen for anybody that cared.
didnt they fire her or relocate her for letting kevin bacon's character alone with the cult leader? when he jacked up dudes hand
That was the plot aspect they provided on the show but in reality she was fired or she quit after the pilot episode and replaced by that fbi cult broad in real life and on the show. Because FOX thought they needed a more experienced/older looking actress above/bossing KB not some youngin.
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