The Friendzone vol r/niceguy

Also, sometime, the girl is just trying to take it slow.

It can too slow, doe.
I think most guys get tripped up in the approaching part of it all
thats 100% true. I was never a guy that could walk up to a girl and start a convo. still not to this day. but i greatly offset that by being someone everyone knew, again the social aspect of it all. having female friends is probably the best way to get introduced to women. having a girl speak well of you to another girl can work wonders. group settings and interactions can kill awkwardness so fast. throw some drinking into it and by the end of the night youre already making plans to get together again 
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I was never a guy that could walk up to a girl and start a convo. 

Alotta nters are gonna come in and say thats nothin.

But 4 alotta cats thats really difficult.

There was a point where i only did that if i knew for certain they were into me.....then you get to college where there are so many opportunities to meet women everywhere so it gets to a point to where if shes not interested youre just like **** it lol.

After youve been in a meaningful relationship and you go on with that or break up and move dont really think about the friendzone thing anymore imo.

Its just like it is or it isnt.
Theres certain situations if you let someone at work or school know youre interested in them....and 4 watever reason the feeling isnt mutual. all off a sudden youre stuck with seeing them all the time with that mindset...but people can change both ways.

Also, sometime, the girl is just trying to take it slow.

It can too slow, doe.

this is true too.
basically dudes get friendzoned because they just didn't seduce the girl. Dudes be trying to kiss on the cheek after the first date :lol:

I'll kiss a broad on the cheek, then try to work my way to the lips and usually if she ain't with it I'm not putting anymore time into it.

Friend zone is real..
I've been a victim when I was younger

But trust me, it's all a phase
Once you sexy yaself up to a certain degree, you won't have that problem.
And a lot of people are confused when I say "sexy yaself up". It's another way of saying step your overall being up.
It's a self esteem thing. It's an internal thing. It's an attitude and a personality thing. Once you realize that you're the best dude out there, your level of caring about what other people thinks drops DRASTICALLY.

Once you feel comfortable in your own skin, you won't even realize or care when your being friendzoned. Build up that confidence. Smile more, don't doubt yourself. Your the best man out there for every job there is. So what if there's a dude over there with muscles and a mercedes. Son probably got acid reflux and burps in girls faces every time he tries to talk to them. Don't compare yourself to other people, because other people have their own problems.Once you realize that you can't even be compared, you'll realize that the friend zone is nothing but a phase, a myth.

50 Cent said it best:
"If a ***** don't like me, something wrong with the *****", Material Girl, 1999

This is the realest most sincere **** I've ever seen you post. I've never seen you not go for the lols. I honestly don't think the friendzone is a myth. I've never been in it, but it's definitely a real thing that man ALLOW themselves to get into because they refuse to chase another broad. There's plenty of women out there and no point being stuck on one who doesn't want the same things you want.
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I'll kiss a broad on the cheek, then try to work my way to the lips and usually if she ain't with it I'm not putting anymore time into it.
This is the realest most sincere **** I've ever seen you post. I've never seen you not go for the lols. I honestly don't think the friendzone is a myth. I've never been in it, but it's definitely a real thing that man ALLOW themselves to get into because they refuse to chase another broad. There's plenty of women out there and no point being stuck on one who doesn't want the same things you want.
the firendzone isnt a myth, but i also dont think girls are oblivious to a guys feelings/intentions either. the friendzone is def a deliberate move girls make to push back guys theyre not interested in, but dont want to be rude to
Let the woman who friendzoned you, see you fraternizing with a girl who she perceives to be more attractive than her. Better yet, an enemy of hers. That's the only remedy.

Or her best friend


But I wish I learned some of these values people speak about earlier in my life
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You guys are overthinking it.

She either wants to **** you now or will want to **** you eventually. If you're interested in her long enough, just keep her around. Text every now and then but don't sweat her. Woman are constantly looking for validation and attention. You're not necessarily in a friend zone but more so queuing for a woman's attention. She sees your advances but she hasn't gotten to you on the "totem pole" if you know what I'm saying. When you say you've been friendzoned what you're essentially saying is that you're willing to wait around hand and foot for her to get around and feel the same level of attraction she has for you. Flip the idea on its head, don't wait. You can like her AND her best friend AND her co worker AND the girl she doesn't like and once she sees that the attention she was getting from you is being distributed amongst other females, the female in question will begin to want what she deems from you as her attention all to herself. As a man exercise your ability to have options and watch how nature takes over and woman become needy and possessive.

What I'm basically trying to say is don't put all your eggs in one basket. She'll come around, they always do.
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Piggy bank chicks aka "low-interest"...text sometimes to see if she'll jump. If she does coo, if doesn't all you invested was a a little bit of change. 
You guys are overthinking it.

She either wants to **** you now or will want to **** you eventually. If you're interested in her long enough, just keep her around. Text every now and then but don't sweat her. Woman are constantly looking for validation and attention. You're not necessarily in a friend zone but more so queuing for a woman's attention. She sees your advances but she hasn't gotten to you on the "totem pole" if you know what I'm saying. When you say you've been friendzoned what you're essentially saying is that you're willing to wait around hand and foot for her to get around and feel the same level of attraction she has for you. Flip the idea on its head, don't wait. You can like her AND her best friend AND her co worker AND the girl she doesn't like and once she sees that the attention she was getting from you is being distributed amongst other females, the female in question will begin to want what she deems from you as her attention all to herself. As a man exercise your ability to have options and watch how nature takes over and woman become needy and possessive.

What I'm basically trying to say is don't put all your eggs in one basket. She'll come around, they always do.


You just reminded me I should text someone...
You guys are overthinking it.

She either wants to **** you now or will want to **** you eventually. If you're interested in her long enough, just keep her around. Text every now and then but don't sweat her. Woman are constantly looking for validation and attention. You're not necessarily in a friend zone but more so queuing for a woman's attention. She sees your advances but she hasn't gotten to you on the "totem pole" if you know what I'm saying. When you say you've been friendzoned what you're essentially saying is that you're willing to wait around hand and foot for her to get around and feel the same level of attraction she has for you. Flip the idea on its head, don't wait. You can like her AND her best friend AND her co worker AND the girl she doesn't like and once she sees that the attention she was getting from you is being distributed amongst other females, the female in question will begin to want what she deems from you as her attention all to herself. As a man exercise your ability to have options and watch how nature takes over and woman become needy and possessive.

What I'm basically trying to say is don't put all your eggs in one basket. She'll come around, they always do.
also a very good way of going about things. my only qualm it still sounds like getting the girls attention is the ultimate goal. the way i see it is if youre out there having a good time developing your social skills and your image as a person, the girls will naturally come to you. I hate "the game" and playing into it.
also a very good way of going about things. my only qualm it still sounds like getting the girls attention is the ultimate goal. the way i see it is if youre out there having a good time developing your social skills and your image as a person, the girls will naturally come to you. I hate "the game" and playing into it.

It's the woman you ultimately want though, and her attention comes with that. The thing is as men we don't know how to juggle our pride and we tell ourselves "if we don't have her now, we will never have her". Good things come to those who don't stunt these ****. It's ok to like her from a distance while you're still pursuing and courting other females. The "game" is a real thing. All woman of all ages play the game but it's because they want to gauge their worth. As a man, know your worth off the bat. This world is full of people telling themselves that they are the **** for no reason what so ever so why can't you who has everything going for themselves portray that energy out into the world as well...
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You guys are overthinking it.

She either wants to **** you now or will want to **** you eventually. If you're interested in her long enough, just keep her around. Text every now and then but don't sweat her. Woman are constantly looking for validation and attention. You're not necessarily in a friend zone but more so queuing for a woman's attention. She sees your advances but she hasn't gotten to you on the "totem pole" if you know what I'm saying. When you say you've been friendzoned what you're essentially saying is that you're willing to wait around hand and foot for her to get around and feel the same level of attraction she has for you. Flip the idea on its head, don't wait. You can like her AND her best friend AND her co worker AND the girl she doesn't like and once she sees that the attention she was getting from you is being distributed amongst other females, the female in question will begin to want what she deems from you as her attention all to herself. As a man exercise your ability to have options and watch how nature takes over and woman become needy and possessive.

What I'm basically trying to say is don't put all your eggs in one basket. She'll come around, they always do.

Dudes are just a part of this instant gratification culture, so they've never experienced the surprise poom poom from a long time homie.
You guys are overthinking it.

She either wants to **** you now or will want to **** you eventually. If you're interested in her long enough, just keep her around. Text every now and then but don't sweat her. Woman are constantly looking for validation and attention. You're not necessarily in a friend zone but more so queuing for a woman's attention. She sees your advances but she hasn't gotten to you on the "totem pole" if you know what I'm saying. When you say you've been friendzoned what you're essentially saying is that you're willing to wait around hand and foot for her to get around and feel the same level of attraction she has for you. Flip the idea on its head, don't wait. You can like her AND her best friend AND her co worker AND the girl she doesn't like and once she sees that the attention she was getting from you is being distributed amongst other females, the female in question will begin to want what she deems from you as her attention all to herself. As a man exercise your ability to have options and watch how nature takes over and woman become needy and possessive.

What I'm basically trying to say is don't put all your eggs in one basket. She'll come around, they always do.

repped. was in the friendzone with a few chicks in college and high school and ended up smashing most by being an ******* and hooking up with their friend/sister/mentor lol

at the end of the day, being "reckless" wont get you any less action if YNS anyway.
It's the woman you ultimately want though, and her attention comes with that. The thing is as men we don't know how to juggle our pride and we tell ourselves "if we don't have her now, we will never have her". Good things come to those who don't stunt these ****. It's ok to like her from a distance while you're still pursuing and courting other females. The "game" is a real thing. All woman of all ages play the game but it's because they want to gauge their worth. As a man, know your worth off the bat. This world is full of people telling themselves that they are the **** for no reason what so ever so why can't you who has everything going for themselves portray that energy out into the world as well...
i guess its hard to see that perspective because i was always really active socially. and i planted seeds where ever i went. eventually with more interaction and socializing youve got a little black book full of girls that you can go either way with with out having to pursue anyone. the game can work for a lot of guys but its not the only way to land a girl. its all about being balanced. being confident but not cocky, knowing when to push it and knowing when to relax and just have a good time. men can attract women just as much as women can attract men. and it can completely throws girls off cause theyre so used to the game and the phases that go along with it. but that all comes after getting yourself right first, which in my opinion should be the ultimate goal. women will come as a result of that.

if you as a person cant thrive socially, 9/10 you wont be able to be successful with women either. I realize that context for me is the same for everyone else. I lived in a city with 20 something year old yuppies that were all making good money, dressing well, and doing well in life. and being so close to the city, women tend to be very unapproachable outright. which is why i had to stress the social aspect. 
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You have to friend zone that bish before she can friend zone you. That's when she wont even know what hit her. Like this ninja really friend zone me? When she questions it be like yeah bish you'd friendzoned and then lay down the pipe.

Fax, b.
Dudes are just a part of this instant gratification culture, so they've never experienced the surprise poom poom from a long time homie.

Facts. I've had a few friends that I've kept on the bench that surprised me with a 50 point game
Dudes are just a part of this instant gratification culture, so they've never experienced the surprise poom poom from a long time homie.
do you think its that more than dudes just being afraid of rejection? ive got a friend who spends all of his time talking to and meeting up with all the safe girls he matches with on tinder and doesnt even attempt to make convo with the girls that are 7.5 and above
I'm not a nice guy at all and I still struggle approaching/closing at times. I still approach but my game is weak/socially awkward.I still keep on chucking though.
I've only slept with 10 chicks in my life and I'm 30 plus. Number hella low. Never have problems being in the friend zone tho.I wont be friends with a girl If I do get rejected but most of the time I go for girls that make it obvious they want it so its a for sure thing but that's a weakness in itself..

10 isn't low, that's like one girl a year since 20.

Numbers slow down if you get into commuted relationships.
Girls dont like nice guys

high post to sn ratio 
Dudes are just a part of this instant gratification culture, so they've never experienced the surprise poom poom from a long time homie.

The problem with this advice, is most guys will wait around and not pursue other females.
Or not be as aggressive pursuing other females because they have a "friend" they are working on.
Secondly, stop relying on text messaging. Call, or set up some socializing time. Never understood how nowadays people would rather text, or gawk at photos. If you ain't trying to be out in the field and get overcome by these digital lifestyles, you will always lose. Interpersonal skills will forever hold precedent.
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