The Gambler Who Blew $127 Million

Damn that's crazy.

For some odd reason, I believe him--which is to say, I believe that the Casino did whatever it took to weasel more money from him.

thats too long.....but is my math correct here???

they said he made 5.7% of harrahs revenue last does that mean harrahs makes 2 billion+ a year?
i LOVE to gamble

thankfully i have never gambled money I know I need. It's always disposable $$
This whole time I disregarded those cheap dollar store toys, this dude made $300 million from it.
As for his gambling problem, I guess that's what happens when you have too much money and don't know what to do with it.
Nobody around him was willing to keep him in check They all just leeched off of him until his sister stepped in.
He's a lonely person.
It's a combination of things: ego, no self-control, greed,poor money management, etc. As someone who is now a recreational Sports Gambler, I know far toomany people who "get in over their heads" and believe they cannot lose when they are riding high, or conversely those who lose a few and continue to"chase" their losses, increasing the amount they bet in order to make the money back they originally loss. Like any other addiction, those who haveno experience in the area have difficulty understanding the addiction.
With all that money you would think he wouldn't need to gamble.

Also the alleged credit line they game him was insane.

I'll finish reading the whole thing in the morning.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by The Stoic Paisano

Good read...I understand the addiction thing but don't get how a person could continually put up that much money and ruin himself. Of course the outlandish tipping doesn't help either.

Go with what you can afford to lose.

The addiction is understandable but there must be some point where you have to say to yourself that I'm out of control and I'm ruining my life.

But that's the thing. It's an addiction. He can't just stop. If that were the case Oprah would be skinny all the time.
The Wynn

If I had that kind of money there's no way I would gamble. People gamble to get that kind of money. Makes no sense to work backwards like that. And now hecan't take the L.
Coming from someone who wants to be a pro poker player, this disgusts me.

What's even more disgusting is the fact that they drugged him to keep him in the casino longer, unless I misread that.
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