The Game of Game of Thrones - SEASON FINALE UPDATE - macbk wins

hennessy hennessy repped homie, figured it out. Picked up The Waif. Hoping Arya doesn't get to her just yet :lol:

View media item 2057371
Only 10 points so far but on paper my team could put in work starting this week.
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Missed this episode. Will catch up tomorrow.

I'm going to go ahead and assume that my squad once again put in work. Yessir. [emoji]128526[/emoji]
Damn good call for whoever picked up the waif on waivers. Had a nice little 4 hit combo then dipped out.

Davos should get me some points for his epic speech and Jaime should get me mad points for the epic pimp hand, word to Tyrions hand vs. jofferys face.

I don't see a lot of points being given out this week. The Hound, The Waif, Jaime, Davos will all probably get some. Looks like it might be another scoreless week for me :x Need to get on the boards already :smh: Will update the thread once the points are posted.

Scores for Week 7 are coming soon! In the meantime, the new characters are available to draft — you wil need to trade one of your characters under Settings > Trades > Free Agents.

As a reminder, the new characters are:

  1. Kinvara (aka High Priestess Rachel Weisz)
  2. Edmure Tully
  3. Benjen Stark
  4. The Waif
  5. Eddison Tollett (aka Dolorous Edd)
  6. Smalljon Umber (who?)
  7. The Night's King
  8. Randyll Tarly
  9. Gendry (just for fun!)
  10. Catelyn Stark (just for fun!)
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Man if gilly got points for looks Wun Wun should give me points for talking
I didn't watch last nights ep yet but only 20 points this week with my star studded team :smh: changes need to be made.
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I didn't watch last nights ep yet but only 20 points this week with my star studded team :smh: changes need to be made.

At least you got SOME points. Team SerSexyLoras is looking sick and flabby like he does in the show (avy check). I'm still out here at 0 :lol: Our teams look similar with Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, and Tyrion Lannister. Don't worry. Real stars put up the points when it counts (in the last few episodes). Fully expect you to shoot up after the Battle of the Bastards since you have both of the bastards. Hopefully they don't negate eachothers points though. I diversified my team by family/region as best possible to hedge against all the shenanigans in this show :lol: I'm a little upset you got the same star players as me + Ramsey though :smh:
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I almost dropped Septon Meribald when I thought free agency was first come first serve because I didn't know who the hell dude was.

Googled his name and man I'm glad I ain't drop dude. He's coming and he's bringing a certain someone who we all thought was dead with him. If you don't want any spoilers DO NOT google Septon Meribald.

Kind of goes to show, you can't count anyone in this show out.

Damn hennessy hennessy , what's going on? :lol:


While Jaime weighs his options, Cersei answers a request. Tyrion's plan bears fruit. Arya faces a new test.

I'm putting up points this week. That's what's going on :wink:

tdogg2k tdogg2k and everyone else can enjoy their leads from these weak build-up episodes for now... My whole squad (minus maybe Ellaria and Melisandre) will be in the cut for the last few episodes racking up points.

Jorah Mormont
Cersei Lannister
Robin Arryn
Podrick Payne
Ellaria Sand
Jon Snow
Tyrion Lannister
Loras Tyrell
Benjen Stark

105 points is not that big of a lead. A lot can/will happen in the remainder of the season. I'm not worried.
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I didn't watch last nights ep yet but only 20 points this week with my star studded team :smh: changes need to be made.

At least you got SOME points. Team SerSexyLoras is looking sick and flabby like he does in the show (avy check). I'm still out here at 0 :lol: Our teams look similar with Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, and Tyrion Lannister. Don't worry. Real stars put up the points when it counts (in the last few episodes). Fully expect you to shoot up after the Battle of the Bastards since you have both of the bastards. Hopefully they don't negate eachothers points though. I diversified my team by family/region as best possible to hedge against all the shenanigans in this show :lol: I'm a little upset you got the same star players as me + Ramsey though :smh:

And I had auto-drafted mine too 8) not sure how I wound up with such a stacked team.
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