The Graphic Design Thread UPDATE: 1st post filled with info. 2nd with NTer's portfolios.

here are some local (Toronto area) designers i support.

Dilan M.
this kid is a friend of a friend. talented with fresh ideas.

heres his behance profile.

my favorite logo he did for a new burger joint Gangster Burger

this is Gangster Burger's website, which is very impressive Gangster Burger's website

Bryan E.
he is someone who i really look up to (where he's at now, is roughly what i want to end up doing) he is money with mixing his wordplay and his designs

his behance profile

his tumblr archive (scroll down to check out his artwork,)

and his clothing company, Ideall Clothing better known as The Legends League

Bryan just added Dilan to the Legends League design team this past summer/fall. and both of them post random design pieces on their IG, so i suggest you follow them.
Toronto's talent is something else. the business here is very competitive, but thats what makes it fun.

hope yall enjoy these designers work as much as i do :lol:
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new to this forum.. check out my stuff
If any of you guys are in the immediate Philly and/or the Orange County/Los Angeles, CA area 160over90 is looking for a bunch of people ranging from interns to production design to art directors to copywriters and more.

They're a solid smaller shop that will be catching attention of the industry very very soon.

Hit them up, worst they can say is no.

Stay creative, people.

In photoshop, you create a drop shadow onto the image that you want to silhouette. On the actual image layer, you then click on the drop shadow (the word) and select make new layer or create layer (its one of those).
If any of you guys are in the immediate Philly and/or the Orange County/Los Angeles, CA area 160over90 is looking for a bunch of people ranging from interns to production design to art directors to copywriters and more.

They're a solid smaller shop that will be catching attention of the industry very very soon.

Hit them up, worst they can say is no.

Stay creative, people.


Bumping this for the new page.
This thread is awesome! I have an associates in Graphics communication. - Wish I could continue on to my BA but not enough moolah. Anyway this thread has given me inspiration. I need to sharpen up my skills. I work in customer service which is a far cry from what I really want to do but in my spare time I do work on various projects. I actually had a proposal at Penguin Shoe care for a product I designed a few years back. I didn't have a professional looking mock up of what the product would look like so they didn't pick it up but it gave me a great confidence boost.

I'm currently saving for a better computer and software so my designs have slowed down.. I also want to get into animation so I'm looking into starting out on Blender.

Here is a logo I designed for a faith based tshirt company I started  -  Staff and Anchor Clothing
Wooo! Your boy got a job! Not the most glamorous, but at least i can pay bills and work on my stuff at the side! :smokin

:smokin :smokin :smokin

Congrats man.

I've been flat out like a lizard drinking at the moment. So much going on, currently working on a wine label and a couple different corporate identities...

Good times :lol:
Wooo! Your boy got a job! Not the most glamorous, but at least i can pay bills and work on my stuff at the side! :smokin

Just got an email from my future supervisor that I got the office transfer and I'll be on my way to NYC this August at an ad agency. :pimp:

Right now, I'm in the stage where he's asking for my salary expectations.

I have about 2 years experience and heading to Parsons to complete my Master's in the evening.

What are some good sites to do some research?

I've already looked at PayScale, GlassDoor, The Creative Group, and Coroflot.

Any help would be appreciated.
^^^^I sort of like work spaces like that. Makes you see other people's work as well as interacting with them.
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