The Greatest Feelings in the World Thread VOL. [/nt virgin] POON LULZ [nt virgin]

Originally Posted by Wade187

Breaking stuff
Walking around feeling the fresh air on a nice night

On a beautiful night solo

Just chilling with fam and having a good time

Hanging out doing nothing and truly enjoying it

Just waking up and knowing its gonna be a great day
A chick you're diggin hittin you up thru text/call/facebook

Fresh never worn outfit.

The feeling you get when you know its going to be a good day.
- stretching in the morning.
- having money in your ATM but you thought you didn't have any money in it.
- hot water in the morning.
- urinating after holding it for hours.
-telling a joke and the entire room erupts in laughter.
-the moment you see a great meal that you're about to eat.
-looking the girl you love in the eyes.
-receiving an 'i love you' text from said girl.
-getting paid

-hearing your favorite part of your favorite song from your favorite album of your favorite artist.
-drinking something that you've been wanting for a looong time.
-hitting a three pointer nothing but net.
-knowing that you have a lot of groceries in the kitchen.
-seeing the gas tank on Full

-Hearing your boss say 'good job'.
-turning to the preview channel and it's right on the channel that you were looking for.
-an outfit turning out exactly how you like it.
-smelling your favorite cologne.
-sharing a good laugh with your best friend.
-getting off from work and watching your favorite show.
-getting off from work and logging on to NT

-that light that's always red is green for a change.
-warm clothes fresh out of the dryer.
-putting on new underwear.
-seeing your car after it's just been washed.
-giving to a homeless person.
-finding out at the register that it was on clearance

-when someone quotes my post.
-logging into facebook seeing multiple notifications.
-getting a stain out of your favorite shirt.
When you have one of those games where everything you shoot is going in. (Basket be looking like the ocean)
Fresh Hair cut
My son imitating me when i do everyday stuff(workout, brush hair etc..)
When you make a joke and everyone enjoys it.
When all your bills are paid and you got that extra bread to play with.
When you wear a fit and you know everyone is jealous.
When you dance with a chick that just spent the last hour turning dudes down.
getting a full 9 hours sleep, your face glowing.. full of energy.. revitalized... then walking down the street and having every chick walking towards your way jocking and staring
-finding $
-new ({})
-waking up looking at the clock and realizing you still have like 5 more hours to sleep
To go along with everything else that's been listed...

Getting that perfect thing to eat at the diner after a night out

Sitting on the beach in perfect weather with friends

Watching your kids/nieces/nephews etc, grow up in front of your eyes

Going on a vacation where you actually relax and not wake up early everyday going to theme parks or attractions

Achieving a goal you set for yourself

That is all for now.
Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

When you smile at a girl and she smiles back.
Someone quoting me on NT.

Getting a random text/call from a girl you didn't expect it from.

Holding the door open for someone and they actually say thanks.

Giving someone the right of way and they give you a courtesy wave or smile.

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