The house was just robbed...

you were scouted before hand. these robbers knew what time to strike. at least you are still able to post on NT.

but seriously, sorry to hear about this
Originally Posted by peep tha sneaKs

Originally Posted by derrty6232

Originally Posted by doosta45

4 hours and no cops, really?
Oakland Police Department.

i was gonna live in Oakland, dont you?
Man first time my hut got robbed, too the boys 12 hours to show up
Do your own investigation

How did they know no one was home?

possibly could be an inside job (someone who knows you)
I remeber my house got robbed back when I was like 12.
They broke the backdoor down and everything...and we never figured out what they took.
It didnt take the police long at all though...probably because they were just around the block
breaking up a drug deal.
Def. be glad nobody was home...Just realize that everything that was taken is replaceable. Glad you and the fam ok OP.
This happened to me about 10 years ago during Xmas time, these *%!*+%%##@@++ took a few hundred in Cash (less than 1k) and a bunch of stupid %+!* like CD'sand what not
so I believe the OP when he says they just took MP3 players and what not

no one was home though, but I'm surprised/thankful that they didn't take much more than they could have

now though, if I'm home and someone tries to act funny they are getting shot at
Investing in a gun IS a good idea but like someone said if no one is home it won't really matter(and they might steal your gun too if they find it)

How'd they get in? the best thing to do is upping your home security(locks, gates, alarms, etc)
Yeah...the police never came. So I just called 911 to let them know what a great job they are doing.

I would start to look for my stuff in the streets or local pawn shop and start offing heads
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