the infamous is better than illmatic

Other than that, people shouldn't be touting this as one of the greatest hip-hop albums ever. With all due respect to a locked-up P and M.I.A. Havoc, their stories on the album were as real as a two-headed penny.

What ? How is this not one of the greatest albums ever ? The production is flawless , P was killin it , the features are classic ,it`s timelessfrom front to back . You're basing your opinion on something off what someone else says . What are you saying isn' t real about their stories ? Thefact they weren't strapped ? They never sold drugs ? They never commited crimes ? They did all that . If it isn't your cup of tea , that`s fine . Youcan believe all the stories you read on the internet . I know Noyd , I know how they used to do . It was that lifestyle and it represented that nasty grimeyperiod here in NY .
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

M16 - Do you like Nas > Jay ?

If so, we've probably got similar taste...

Illmatic is the complete album, 10 tracks or not...but The Infamous' feel is Top 5...The Purple Tape has that feel, but the rhyme's are too complex for EVERYONE to grab (unlike The Infamous album - which I saw someone mention 47.5958% of youth was affected by

Yeah to me Nas is so much better than Jay they are on different playing fields.
I feel what my man Phil is saying but somewhat disagree. In the album's defense 94 was a completely different time time than 09. I knew no one with acomputer let alone the internet back then so most of the news we got especially in NYC was from word of mouth. I remember hearing about an incident with thesedudes at Funhouse but I also remember hearing how they used to roll 30-40 deep to clubs. I also knew a few heads who knew P personally, they went to art &design with him and while dude wasnt the superthug he claimed on record(most rappers aint) but from what I heard P put in work. The same could'nt be saidabout Buckshot.

I'm sure this album put many batteries in the backs of many herbs looking to live out they're street dreams through music. But at the same time some ofus who actually lived what they were rapping about can truly appreciate what they did. Did they live what they rapped about, I'm not 100%, I wasnt withthem to confirm or not, but from the way they described it they atleast had some sort of hand in that lifestyle. That's one of the reasons why I and almostall of my crew and ppl I knew embraced it. It was extremely relateable. "Drinking liquor, doing bids.........." "catiching cabs to Halsey andLewis".......

Maybe I'm just biased cause these dudes are from Queens and were rapping about exactly what I was doing when the album came out, but this +*%% quiklyturned into my theme music. And by the time all of P's shenanigans were finally aired out it was too late , for me atleast. This album was too embeddedinto me by then. Now when I look back and listen to it, it takes me back to a part of my life that I'm glad is over with but this is a constant reminder ofa childhood I could'nt escape.

All in all this is one of my favorite albums ever. Is it on par with Illmatic, no. But still a GREAT album.
The Infamous is one of the greatest because it was one of, if not the most, cinematic albums ever You can'treally look at it as P and Hav putting their lives on those records-- they just wrote a dope movie script in tuned with the times. And since we know a bitabout their backgrounds, I think we can go ahead and say this was a concept album.
Dudes still talking about whether or not they lived it ?

Like I said, go look at any of these gun or drug stories Nas talks about... dude wasn't exactly out living those either. Either way the point is to judgeboth as albums, and doing that, The Infamous wins.

Tragedy Khadafi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mobb Deep / Infamous Mobb > Capone > Cormega > Nas

if you wanna talk about really living it in QB...
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