The Invincible Thread

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:lol: no one likes Hill apparently. Didn't give a sh-t about his TD.
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They finally getting their monies worth in London
but y'all swore Norman was top 5 tho..

dude has been getting letting up big plays all year.

stick to cover 3. man ain't for him
Panthers wouldnt be struggling like they are if he wasnt top 5. Homie is just having a bad game...

Yea. because the panthers zone coverages cater to his skill set. norman had a lot of help with the likes of Luke, Davis, Coleman, Tillman etc. People don't want to admit that. It's a system.[/quote]

Don't you remember? That didn't count as Norman getting torched cause the play got called back because of taunting by the giants Oline
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Yea. because the panthers zone coverages cater to his skill set. norman had a lot of help with the likes of Luke, Davis, Coleman, Tillman etc. People don't want to admit that. It's a system.

System isn't working without Norman and those players in the front 7 are still there.[/quote]

Don't you remember? That didn't count as Norman getting torched cause the play got called back because of taunting by the giants Oline[/quote]

Still counts o me because of just how ridiculous that flag was :lol :lol :x
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