The Invincible Thread

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This defense is garbage as ****

I pretty much expect teams to score TD's every single possession against us
Mike Evans is killing it this season
The one bright spot in the team this year
You better not even think about it when you're in SD
I haven't had KFC in like 12 years

Dominos is the worst I do and that's usually a Sunday hungover AF
Dominos is a guilty pleasure every once in a while. it's not great pizza but it tastes good
The Pizza Hut dinner Box with boneless BBQ wings has been sucking my wallet lately. I usually don't eat any fast food but said **** it one night and now its a vice 
Dominos is a guilty pleasure every once in a while. it's not great pizza but it tastes good :lol:

that pan pizza plus one of those ****** oven baked sandwiches is hangover glory

never tried one of the sandwiches. might have to next time

Stilln has had one too many IPAs
Stay away from those trash *** sandwiches :x

If you're going to indulge you do it with a fresh baked pizza not their gross *** frozen plastic wrapped sandwhiched which sometimes are still frozen in the middle who,e greasy on the outside :smh:
Stilln has had one too many IPAs
Stay away from those trash *** sandwiches :x

If you're going to indulge you do it with a fresh baked pizza not their gross *** frozen plastic wrapped sandwhiched which sometimes are still frozen in the middle who,e greasy on the outside :smh:

Stillin doesn't do IPA's

Dominos is glory when you are too hungover to leave the house
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