The Invincible Thread

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The way the League is handling this Al Jazeera thing is crazy. They bout to suspend these players for allegations. No positive tests, no real evidence, nothing. Just flexing their power cuz they can. That Brady thing got the NFL feeling themselves too much.

And I hate when people say "Well the NFLPA were ok with Goodell having this power" no weren't. They had no choice but to give in unless they was ready to miss games. That's what it's gonna take to humble the league.
These threats of suspension is a direct result of what the league gained from the Deflategate & Peterson cases. I hope people finally start to see what all that was really about.

Crazy thing is Tagliabue had this same power too, but he never abused like Goodell has in the last 2 years. The players had no idea he'd turn the **** up like this. Now they have to "give something back" to the owners (when the CBA is up in 2020) in order to keep Goodell in check. Stupid.

@dmxfury is to ST as @AirAnt23 was to the music forum back in the day.

Loved by all and a pillar in the community.

Yeah man, this is a perfect analogy. Accurate as hell. There ain't too many of us left from those days so I really **** with this post.



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RG3's ex gonna be caking...

Thought he'd follow Russell Wilson's blueprint and start dating/marry a washed up R&B singer...Keisha Cole, Lil Mo, Tweet...etc.
I have no clue how y'all can make that assessment from that first pic...with only a side view of the brunette making that dumb face. They're aite, nothing special.

The guy who took his job though. 
I think his wife is attractive in a soccer mom/friendly co-worker or neighbor type of way.
And she ain't usually my "type" either.

He might choose to stay at this firm for life, but at least it's a upgrade in the looks department. Shorty from Estonia.


If this is that same brunette from the other
Damn near identical in the face besides eye color and a bigger forehead.

Wonder if he hit her with the cornball dance to win her over.
RG3's wife is about to take him to cleaners, no way I see RG3 having a prenup

I would be shocked, Robert should have gone the way of Russell and copped a fading R&B star like Jordin Sparks
Girl's sister is an olympic athlete (heptathalon.) Don't even know what that is...but her name is Grit.

He might choose to stay at this firm for life, but at least it's a upgrade in the looks department. Shorty from Estonia. :nerd:


If this is that same brunette from the other :lol: Damn near identical in the face besides eye color and a bigger forehead.

Wonder if he hit her with the cornball dance to win her over.

Chick skinny as hell.
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