The Invincible Thread

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I don't know why seeing as how Romo's won five of his last six games against the Giants, 3 of which were all 4th quarter comebacks.

Its not like the cowboys blow the giants out and vice versa.
Different year, different teams

Besides I want the challenge
11-2 and atop the AFC. feels goodman
Don't blink 
Just finally read that Polo Rico WIR thread. Me afterwards

I cannot remember the last time I laughed so ****** hard 
 that was some serious ether, even with half the pics missing
11-2 and atop the AFC. feels goodman :D
Don't blink :evil:

got denver this week. might be some blinking :lol: :frown:

Don't blink :evil:
We should say the same to you.

got denver this week. might be some blinking :lol: :frown:

We should say the same to you.

I think Spray Tan is about to do work I'm not even gonna lie :lol:

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