The Invincible Thread

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Life is more than just a comedy, that's a great all around movie. Can quote that **** for days.

The movies I listed by Eddie are just stupid comedy movies. Norbit is funny as hell. My mom put me on to that one.
Friday After Next >>>> Next Friday

Ben Stiller gotta have mad movies on the list

South Park movie and Team America were both dumb funny.



Friday After Next was eh. Last Ben movie worth mentioning was Meet the Parents.

Matt and Trey are the **** though. Baseketball >
20 years is too much. You could list 100 movies over the last 20 years. Need to make the cut off like 10 years.

The Nice Guys is probably my favorite comedy of 2016. I was dying.

I didnt even know The Nice Guys was considered a comedy going into it but yeah that movie was hilarious. Two movies in a row by Gosling that he was pretty damn funny in.

Did you just say Norbit?

Ben Stiller gotta have mad movies on the list.
don't really find ben stiller that funny.. he's not jack black bad.. but maybe a step above

the movies I like him in, either succeed in spite of him (tropic thunder).. or he's more toned down (something about mary and meet the parents)
Friday After Next >>>> Next Friday
completely agree..

pinky was the only really REALLY funny part of next Friday to me.. felt like epps was trying too hard the whole movie
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