The Little Things Appreciation Post

Jan 19, 2005
It's always good to carve out time focus on the things that we take for granted. Although we aren't always aware, it's the "Little Things" that make our lives so incredible.

Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Sunsets
2. "Good Morning Daddy" from my wife and kids
3. A hug on her tiptoes form the wife
4. The song of my childhood phone number being dialed.
5. Encouraging Words from my parents.

Share yours NT
Putting socks on when you just hopped out the shower

Sitting down after prepping a mean you worked for with your own money

sunshine over the trees and the water at the park

Dog greeting me when I come home from work

Giving moms a hug before I leave out

Shaking my pops hand after he spits that wisdom to me

My van that gets me to and from wherever safely

Hope I'm doing this right.
A hug from mom. "cry me a river," but my mom in law fell to cancer at 45 years old. most real **** I ever felt

Never took my moms for granted again. I call or text my mom every single day, even, if it's just I love you.

Hug yall moms, man. 7 years later my wife still cries sometimes cuz she misses her mom dukes.

NT, hug your mom, dawg. For the NT homies who don't have their moms, hug SOMEBODY cuz.
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Good stuff OP.

- hearing a certain tune that brings nostalgia.
- considerate drivers
- watching my kids enjoy their food. Especially when they repeat how good the food taste :lol:
-watching wifey dance goofy when an old 80/90s song comes up
Seeing my dog look back & smile when we go for a walk.

Hearing my wife & son laugh or seeing them smile.

Hearing my son & his best friend laughing their a**es off in my son's room during a sleep over.

That first sip of Dunkin Donuts coffee just after purchasing it...

Walking up in the middle of the night & looking at the clock to see you have plenty of time for more sleep.

When listening to my iPhone on shuffle mode & a song comes on you haven't heard in a while but love.
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Wen sumone zooms past you and overtakes you then u both pull up to the same stoplight 8)
I forgot to charge my phone last night so I had to listen to the radio on the way to campus this morning. I turn on the oldies station and Bill Withers song "Lean on Me" came on, had me harmonizing and now I'm in a good *** mood
When random people at your local gym are acknowledging that you're making gains..

"Good Job" form parents and / or employer

Smelling new sneakers

When u don't post day in and day out on social media about losing weight and someone hits u wit da ":wow: u been loosing weight, huh?"

The 45 second window of time when cereal isnt too soggy or too crunchy

When someone asks for advice, they implement the wisdom you dropped on them, and they're thankful for it :pimp: :pimp:

Putting someone on a new food / food place

Plopping down in bed after a LONG day and the sheets, pillow, and blanket are crazy cold.... :wow: :pimp:
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When the cute girl from class just so happens to be at the club too :smile:

When you talk to said girl and she knows exactly who you are and smiles :smile:

Punanny :smile:
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