The Minnesota Timberwolves Thread: Timberwolves, Anthony Bennett part ways

Our fan base is going to grow the next few years when we get in the playoffs...

So many people in minny Lakers and bulls fans...

Switch coming :smokin
Crazy amount already. Target center was packed for the draft party. The hype is real..just gotta have these young guns work hard to reach their full potential
I live in ATL now, I gotta make that trip and catch a home game..

Yea a lot of people jumping on the bandwagon early just off the potential..

Hopefully these young fellas live up to it
Not sure if I missed it reported before but Saunders just said on radio the Wolves need new uniforms and they are in process of changing them

We're getting everything we want right now.

Something bad about to happen...

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They should either go back to the Pooh Richardson joints or Garnett era joints. Phaks.
Get rid of the blue and make the team colors just black/green, visualize those old Pierce celtics throwbacks with a better design. :pimp:
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Whoops. Switched up profiles on myself. :lol:

I keep envisioning the future of this basketball team and it's so hard not to get excited. Even if it were just Wiggins and Towns alone, I'd be pumped, but I love a lot of the other pieces too. I really wish Rubio could shoot, but if they can get all the scoring from Wiggins, Towns and LaVine and/or whomever, then I guess Rubio can be like a Rondo if this team starts getting real with competing for a Championship. It's just sooo much easier when your PG can shoot.
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I just want him to be able play a full season..maybe a few games off :lol:

I agree tho..just Wiggins and towns was enough for me..but there are some other bright areas on the team. I'm still high on Rubio and I think zach playing mostly at the 2 this year with Tyus on the squad is gonna be fun..this team is exciting :pimp:
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Yeah, you're right. Him staying healthy for an entire season should definitely be the first step. :lol:

I like LaVine. He's a smooth shooter when he gets in a groove. But what's awesome is with two potential stars in Towns and Wiggins, they have a team built that if they all grow as individuals, can be great great pieces. Pairing Towns with Dieng is just :nthat: Shabazz has impress me and can be that scoring/hustle spark off the bench. Rubio is a great facilitator....There's also your great veteran presence in KG and some scoring down low and toughness with Pekovic, but I don't know where Pek fits long-term or if there is one and how long he can be productive.

This team needs a shooter though. I like healthy Kevin Martin, but he's never healthy for long either. Plus, he's in the Pek boat of uncertainty with the future of this team.

They should be even more fun to watch next season though...That's for sure. Heck, I had fun watching this last season, so I'm feeling like it only gets better from there.
Neither guys are in the plans for the teams future.

The positive is Martin is on a pretty good contract for what he brings. When the cap goes up it'll be even better. Pek is on a crap deal and should not be playing more than 15-20mpg next season. 1 so he can stay healthy for once and 2 so Towns and Dieng get more burn.

If we bring Bjelica over this year we're going to have a pretty full roster. It's looking like AB is the odd man out. I doubt flip does anything with Payne since we just traded for him midseason.
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If anything, Martin helps them stay more competitive in games until Wiggins is fully ready to take over (one more season?). I like that plan for Pek, but who knows Flips thoughts?

Not at all familiar with this Bjelica, but a league MVP? Should be decent? I wish AB wasn't such a slow project, because I think he can eventually be valuable, but as you say, there roster is getting pretty thick with guys that already bring more to the table than just occasional flashes. And I'm in the camp that likes Paynes game and feel he can be a great piece for this team. His hustle plays combined with his length is great, but if he ever can start hitting the mid-range with any consistency then he's a mainstay for sure, in my opinion. Especially, since he's "Flips guy."
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As much as Kmarts scoring punch helps it does more harm then good with him jacking up 20-25 shots and eating up 30min of time from lavine...

In order for them to fully develop he has to go. We have a log jam at the wing spots with bazz, Wiggins, air bud, and lavine...

I say let Kmart go and let the young guns flourish
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I can see that side of things too. He's not a free agent though. Maybe a trade deadline casualty?
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I like Martin. I think just having him come in as a 6th man is better than getting rid of him. He's like our only real threat from deep :lol:
Kmart is def a trade deadline move...

He is our only threat from deep but again he is a hindrance to the development of the young guys. I could see bazz being the odd man out, with the way he played before he went down I would rather him be the 6 man....

Also I think lavine could develop into a 40% plus player from 3....

To me this season should be all about development, I dnt see us making the playoffs Quite yet...
I mean we aren't gonna have a roster full of 19-21yo kids. We need guys like kmart KG..I wish we could move pek but no one wants that contract..if he was healthy maybe..but his career is likely over after this contract.

I'm also not saying Martin needs to start and Jack up 20 shots a game. But him on our roster for the money ain't bad
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I agree about LaVine kidkain kidkain

I won't try and pinpoint his actual percentage, but I think people who still question his ability to shoot really aren't watching as much as they need to. He's inconsistent, yeah, but his progress towards the end and his athleticism that lends itself to a sweet stroke makes me believe he'll be huge from downtown for the years Minnesota will be a playoff team. Meaning, what his progress will develop into after another few seasons.
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carver carver long as flip doesn't run the offense through him like he did in portions of last season.....I'm good.

651akathepaul 651akathepaul yea alot of people are sleeping on lavine thinking he's just a freak athlete. Dude has the hunger to be better..

Best thing about these group of kids is they actully want to be in Minny. That's huge when people try to make it seem like it's a horrible place to play
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Needless to say I really like how this team is shaping up. I sound like a broken record, but I would really like to start the season with towns and Pek starting together and trying to raise Pek's value. I would try to unload him for a mid level wing. Jamal Crawford comes to mind, or anyone who can produce some defense on the wing..... Hopefully a team that is 1 piece away takes a flyer on him, when healthy he is still a top 100 player.

Kmartin is a nice piece as long as he knows he is going to be coming off the bench as soon as this team turns the corner. I would also like to see a couple more pieces in free agency, an Alan Anderson or Evan Turner I would love to see come in and offer some veteran combo-guard ability. Both good character guys too. 









At the very least that is 7 solid pros who would get time on any playoff team when healthy right now.

Add a few more and hope Tyus turns into a nice backup and you have yourself a playoff team in 2 years.








New Orleans

We should def be in the 9th to 10th spot out west.
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Will be buying league pass for this team. I'm a lakers fan but I hope we meet in the playoffs in a few years. Would be fun as hell to watch.
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