Apr 25, 2007
So I just watched The Mist for the first time.

Yes, late pass, finally came out from under my rock, etc, etc. But I don't care.

At first it was cool, served its purpose, weird looking bugs and stuff until the end......

WOW. I was mad.
Literally I felt angry at...I' don't know whatI was angry about. I sat there and watched the entire credits thinking to myself if what I saw was really what I saw.

I went back to the Main Menu looking for some alternate ending or something and no luck.

That ending could quite possibly be the absolute worst ending I have ever seen.
I've never seen it, but someone explained the entire thing to me from start to finish. The ending seemed like the only good part.

I think that's the movie I'm thinking of. He kills his son and then gets saved, right?
This guy hasn't seen the "The Happening" if you think The Mist has the worst ending ever.

Lets take this even further. The Happening wasted an hour and half of my life. I would of rather sat in my house looking at a fly on the wall, while playingwith my finger rather than watch that piece of @###. It literally made my brain heart.
^I own The Happening.

The Mist was a good movie, but the fact that dude killed everyone (including his son), considers killing himself, doesn't, walks outside to get attacked bythe bugs, but instead, the Military comes like 30 seconds after... was just really? they couldn't have came sooner?
yeah the ending caught me off guard... i wonder how he would have lived to know he had killed his son and 3 other people. terrible ending imo.....
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

^I own The Happening.

The Mist was a good movie, but the fact that dude killed everyone (including his son), considers killing himself, doesn't, walks outside to get attacked by the bugs, but instead, the Military comes like 30 seconds after... was just really? they couldn't have came sooner?
I'm the type of person that can usually tell the ending of a movie, before it comes up. This movie caught me completely off guard and Ibelieve that's what made the ending so good. You could not have predicted it.(Atleast I could not)
This movie was pretty good imo.

The Happening ??? OMG this was awful
I think the ending was dope. Just because it didn't end the way you expected or the fact that it wasn't the typical hollywood ending doesn't meanit was bad. I think it was pretty memorable and it kind of makes you think.
the ending made me angry also. maybe because I'm a parent? how could dude blast his son? just got me upset.
I would've got out the car and piggybacked my son as far as I could. screw those two old people.

Movie would have been so boring if they had gone with a standard ending. There was nothing else memorable about the movie, but the ending was a major departurefrom your basic Hollywood happy ending. If the military would have come and saved them then I would have felt the way about they movie that you do now.


^I own The Happening.

The Mist was a good movie, but the fact that dude killed everyone (including his son), considers killing himself, doesn't, walks outside to get attacked by the bugs, but instead, the Military comes like 30 seconds after... was just really? they couldn't have came sooner?
He ran out of bullets...he did try he clicked the revolver dozens of times...I think you guys are just used to formula hero takes all happyendings...
I said this another thread "THE MIST" is a metaphor for the "hero's" stubborness and how the his neighbor turned out to be the real"hero".
The horror wasn't the creature..The horror was the hero's constant indecisiveness that got everyone killed.

I think the movie was was "the happening" and 30 days of night...I like more realistic movies whereit's a catch 22....I hate movies where heroes take out a whole army with a six shooter with 3 bullets and a paper clip...dodging thousands of bullets shotwith markman's aim and gets the gets tiresome....

The Mist
30 days of night
The Happening

i liked the ending, i was happy to see a movie that didn't have the typical happy ending every other movie made in the u.s. has.
Great movie. I just saw the movie for the first time 2 days ago and I loved it. The religious lady had me furious
I think thats the point of the movie.

Yea I felt angry and helpless then mad again.

I mean might as well go out fighting right....... good movie
I signed up my xbox Netflix last night just to watch this movie, but it wasn't available for streaming so I just rented it at Blockbuster down the street. I enjoyed it even though I remember someone posting the spoilers here when the movie first came out. I was so happy when Ollie shot that religiouslady
She was so annoying
Originally Posted by JBug88

the ending made me angry also. maybe because I'm a parent? how could dude blast his son? just got me upset.
^I could see why people would be angry/mad at the ending because of that...

makes sense.

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

but the ending was a major departure from your basic Hollywood happy ending.
and I applaud them for having the balls to go through with it (which was also a change from the OG ending, in the book...S. King gave the filmending his approval)

I liked the ending...nice swerve.

I made a thread about the Mist after I saw it and felt the movie was OVERRATED on here (despite me liking the ending)...I brought up some points, hopefully Ican find the thread so I can post the OP on here...
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