The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW


Not even mad. That's official? Is it still on the same card?

Still a good scrap.

You assume Cormier will dominate with wrestling but many thought the same when Rumble fought Davis.

He's fought at HW so not sure Cormier strength will overwhelm him either.

And Cormier is incredibly durable on his feet. Proved it vs. Jones and even Barnett if memory serves.
Wonder how long the suspension is for.

Glad DC is getting another shot, always been a fan of dude.


Not even mad. That's official? Is it still on the same card?

Ya to both, Iole tweeted it about 15 minutes ago.
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Suspension is indefinite.

So if we use his rehab stint as a gauge....

I'd say 6 months so they can line him up to fight who ever wins at 187 :lol:
This entire ordeal may at first seem like it makes the UFC look bad, but in opinion, this is a perfect business opportunity for the UFC.

We cannot forget, this isn't martial arts in a dojo style tournament, this is entertainment now above anything else.

Fans are emotionally involved in this situation. Any time you have fans emotionally involved, you have them hook line and sinker.

People will either say feel two types of ways right now; happy to see Jon get what he deserves; sorrow for Jon Jones losing his belt.

This sets up the perfect come back story. For UFC's biggest star to reboot his image and come back even stronger to reclaim his belt.

Imagine that headline for the first ever UFC event @ Madison Square Garden.

We all know UFC shouldn't be policing what will eventually turn out to be a settlement reached out of court or a misdemeanor charge at the most.

To me it's the perfect scenario for them to take advantage of.

Just from a business perspective.

Anybody feel me? haha.
Have no issue with a dude who fights other assassins in a cage for money getting high, but dude should be smarter.
"Got a lot of soul searching to do, sorry to everyone I let down" -Jon Jones

Yo, this was the perfect week for UFC Tonight on Fox Sports 1 to randomly be on 5 days this week, Monday through Friday. Pretty interesting coincidence (they planned to do this since at least last Wednesday)
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Have no issue with a dude who fights other assassins in a cage for money getting high, but dude should be smarter.

Exactly, they can miss me with all this moral high road **** when so many fighters get caught taking drugs to get an advantage.

Jones is a **** up for sure yes but he's still without a doubt the best fighter in the entire organization.

UFC reminds me of the NFL with the fake morals, get the **** outta here man, it's all about money.

As soon as Jones is off suspension, he'll wash whoever has the the belt and be champion again, this is stupid.

I can't legitimately feel like whoever wins the next fight is champion because I know they wouldn't beat Jones. I don't give a **** that he likes to powder his nose and smoke trees, he beat DC while he still had blow in his system, I'd rather still see him in the octagon.
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Sucks for Jones financially since a mid-7 figure payday has vanished before his very eyes and from a legacy standpoint he'll never beat Anderson's record of 10 title defences. And I don't feel the least bit bad for him. He's a flat out moron and the worst part of this is he still wont learn his lesson.
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Have no issue with a dude who fights other assassins in a cage for money getting high, but dude should be smarter.

I have issues with it if he's getting drunk or high and driving around. Lucky no one has died in any of the accidents.
Yea, um, there's a big difference between being a "recreational" drug user and being charged w/ a felony.

It's also not a given that dude would wash Anthony Johnson.
Yup, definitely has the NFL conduct policy vibe to it

The only reason I could agree with the UFC taking Jones out of this fight is because he many not be dependable to make the fight itself if any legal trouble comes from this

Stripping him of the belt though is definitely a panic move and PR driven. If anything take him out of the fight but don't take his belt
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Can't wait for the Jon Jones 30 for 30 special in ten years. I don't think the guy has the mental capacity to handle the spotlight reminds me of GSP and how he went paranoid. 
Yea, um, there's a big difference between being a "recreational" drug user and being charged w/ a felony.

It's also not a given that dude would wash Anthony Johnson.

Agreed on both counts.

Some have argued he didn't even beat Gus.
I think his point more so was that this DC v Rumble bout shouldn't be for the title. Because I agree, Jones isn't washing Rumble right now

To get the belt, either man should have to beat Jones. They'll be the fake champ until they get Jones
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If it's true, well, I'm glad they didn't fully scratch the Main Even off. I wouldn't have been mad if Gus got his rematch neither.
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He's suspended indefinitely, :lol:

They aren't going to have the 205 title in a state of limbo because some dunce can't control his behavior, even if that dunce just so happens to be the best fighter on the planet.
He's suspended indefinitely,

They aren't going to have the 205 title in a state of limbo because some dunce can't control his behavior, even if that dunce just so happens to be the best fighter on the planet.
What's so funny? They're the ones that suspended him indefinitely. If they got substantial clues that Jones is going to prison, then I'm all for stripping him of the title. Maybe they have information we don't
It's funny because people act like Jon is going to somehow beat this and stroll right back into the UFC in a month or 2.

He's gonna be gone for a while, IMO, even if he avoids jail.

Apparently this dude needs to take someone out before he gets a timeout in some of your eyes.
Dude got clipped for coke going into a title defense. Went to rehab.

And then this. With a title defense on the horizon.

No way in hell you can have the belt in this dudes hands right now.

There is no other option. It's not that deep. Jones will fight for it again once he hopefully gets his **** together.
Yea, um, there's a big difference between being a "recreational" drug user and being charged w/ a felony.

It's also not a given that dude would wash Anthony Johnson.

Yea just how it wasn't a given he would wash DC. :lol:

There's nobody in his class on his level, Gus the only one that even posed a threat.

If he's charged with a felony and is sentenced to jail time sure I understand stripping him but whoever wins between Johnson and DC ain't really the champ if he's still able to fight, that's BS.
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