The Murder Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr - Dr. D ick Gregory and Steve Cokely Vol. Wooow




Haze pretty much summed it up "See Jesus see Judas/ See Caesar see Brutus" Its a crazy damn world I tell ya
Haze did u know that about the Green Mile?
Dammit I need a contact for my third eye
Man. Sigh. Lets talk about Malcolm though. Forget Dr Martin Luther THE King as some refer to him.

"...see success is like suicide, if you succeed prepared to be crucified....mmmmm....."
Best verse of the decade quite possibly. Too bad he will never actually rap on an album. Someone must have called him after that freestyle and told him neveragain.
It doesnt just go to Jesse though. Its much more deep.

I read Malcolm's autobio recently and there are def some things he took to the grave, connections you will make if you have a certain as to how this worldworks. Its sad, but it is what it was.....
Originally Posted by I D0NT PASS

haze can you please explain those sequence of pics? I swear I get lost anytime you do that
[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Nothing really complex about it. He's implying Jesse=Judas.[/color]
i ain't check out the video but i can tell its got something to do with shady jesse jackson, man he got pulled over the other day with
55,000 dollars in his whip dude had just got finished shaking down a company in Chicago. dude be threating to boycott anybody
the thats on the rainbow coalitions radar but will keep it calm if you pay the fee
swear I thought EVERYBODY knew that 'bout jesse--like for real.....

I think I found out....I know I was in high school.

but for real, how can ya'll NOT follow those pics??? He usually makes it more confusing
You know whats funny though?

When MLK was rambling and going on about saving our race,
he could easily be pushed aside to the the public (Caucasian) view as a weirdo,
someone out of his rabbit mind.

But it wasn't until he started talking about unity between all races
that he became a problem and got sniped out.

Same instance with Malcolm.

Inside jobs get the job done everytime.
"And it hurts to see these companies be stealing the life
And I love to give my blood sweat and tears to the mic
So y'all copped the LPs and y'all fiends got dealt
I'm Jesse Jackson on the balcony where King got killed"

Was the first thing I thought of

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