The Murder Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr - Dr. D ick Gregory and Steve Cokely Vol. Wooow

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

To single the Black man out as God is just as bad as to single the White man out as God
in other sects of religions.

Thank you. I mean isn't this type of theology just as divisive, if not more, than anything else? How is it possible to unite all people when you're expressing a message that says one group is on a higher level than the other? Wouldn't the leaders of this organization just be the same as Sharpton, Jackson, and others who try to keep the masses in their place by dividing us further?

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!

Could not agree with you more
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by GTEK
My god, man. You took his general message, his posting style, AND his usual .gif? C'MON SON.



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[h1]Graphics Interchange Format[/h1]
The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is a bitmap image format that was introduced by Niketalker User HueyP in LouieV in 1990 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability, and most notably used by NT screename [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]GTEK[/color].

BBCode and HTML
When HTML is disabled Bulletin Board Code (BBCode) is the most common preferred alternative. BBCode usually consists of a tag, similar to HTML only instead of
the tagname is enclosed within square brackets (meaning:
). Commonly is used for italic type, is used for bold,
for underline,
for color and

for lists, as well as
for images and
for links.

The following example BBCode:
is [i]clever
when the post is viewed the code is rendered to HTML and will appear as: This is clever text.

This format has been brought into popularization by NT screenname [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HueyP in LoiueV[/color].

Usenet quoting
When Usenet and e-mail users respond to a message, they often want to include some context for the discussion. This is often accomplished by quoting a portion of the original message.

Usenet standard quoting refers to the practice of preceding the original message with the ">" (or right-angle bracket) character at the beginning of each line, and then inserting one's responses inline, using no special designator for the author's messages.
This to has been popularized by the first existing Niketalk forum member who can only speak
on consciouses issues HueyP in LouieV.

See how idiotic and simplistic you sound?
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

A lot of these rappers are Muslim/5%er when its convenient.

I don't think Muslims mess wit 5%ers... 5%ers are an offshoot of Islam but I'm pretty sure Muslims really don't like them bammas

Eh..not that clear cut like that. Its just like how Some Muslims dont like Christians its not something that I would say is in general.
The NOI is an offshoot if Islam and the Nation of Gods and Earths are a Offshoot off the NOI started by Clarence 13x (Allah the father to them ) after he waseiter kicked out of the NOI for his different teachings and that when the Supreme Math and Alphabet came along .
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by GTEK

[sup][sup][sup][sup]20[/sup]And[/sup][/sup][/sup] when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
[sup][sup][sup][sup]21[/sup]Neither[/sup][/sup][/sup] shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Son who used this scripture is reachin fam. The Kingdom of God being within us God is referring to the Holy Spirit. What we like to call our conscious is the 3rd part of the Holy Trinity the Holy Spirit that leads and guides us in life. Great thread and yes, I'm a big conspiracy person and many continue today from the white house to the middle east and deeper than that.

"I'm not a 5 percenter, 10 percenter, or an 85er, I'm a rhymer teach ya about Messiah pull ya out the fire/ pull ya out the mire and the 3 ring circus, human beings created to dream plus we need purpose/if consumerism is our religion then we need purchase/if America is cursin the Lord then we'll reap curses." -Corey Red

Im going to have to respectfully disagree with you fam.
This is one of the biggest problems I have with the Christian faith.
The Holy Trinity is a false doctrine that was created to heighten the image of "Jesus Christ"
and to gain more appeal to the pagan interest.
The polytheistic idea of Trinity was not entered into the monotheistic Christian faith until the 4th and 5thcenturies of Rome
under the Emperor Constantine.
There are no appearances of the word "Trinity" in the biblical scriptures nor are there any nonconstrewed references.
God is not 3.

During 325 A.D Constantine brought into act[font=verdana,sans-serif]The Nicene Creed in a foolishattempt
to settle thoughts in the church and gain more appeal to paganism.
The Nicene Creed declared
[/font] [font=verdana,sans-serif]that "the Father and the Son are ofthe same substance"
giving birth to the dualism and co-equalness between God and "Jesus Christ".

Later in 381 A.D. Roman Emperor Theodosius later re-evalcuated the creed and made
an addition of clauses on the "Holy Spirit" and other matters.

Leading to the belief today that there is a Trinity between

"GOD, Jesus Christ, and the HolySpirit"

The very existence of this doctrine was
[/font] meant to satisfy the pagan populace that was
a large part of the Roman Empire at that time.

"The Church of Rome borrowed her doctrine of the Divinity of Christ from the pagans
and the way they worshiped their pagan gods,as half human and half god. Their adoration
of Jesus as a man-god was almost identical to their devotions to the ancient pagan gods."

-Pagan Origin of Partialist Doctrines
By John Claudius Pitrat
Published 1871

Janus was usually depicted with two heads facing in opposite directions. According to a legend, he had received from the god Saturn, in reward for the hospitality received, the gift to see both future and past. Janus-like heads of gods related to Hermes[sup][1][/sup] have been found in Greece, perhaps suggesting a compound god. These double headed figures have precursors in Assyrian depictions of Oannes with a human head in front and a fish head behind.
I could have sworn just a few pages back......

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Hermes rules your world.

[font=verdana,sans-serif]Shhhhhh you didn't hear it from me.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Disclaimer: This is not to say that "Jesus Christ" is a aderivation from Janus.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]But just to give you a idea of what a supreme being was in the mythology ofpaganism.[/color]

[/font]Both the Double and Triune godhead was very popular amongst the pagans atthe time that Rome
took over control of Christianity, therefore during the councils that followed "Jesus" was redefined in pagan
terms as a second and equal part of the "godhead".

"theconception of God is Jewish in its origin, but into it has been read and impressed the
spirit and character of Rome.
Indeed, Rome has modified and influenced our concept of God."

-The Place of Christ in Modern Theology
By Andrew Martin Fairbairn
Published 1895

They took the knowledge that was given to them from ancient Kemet
and just ran through it.

From my years on this earth I can honestly say that no single individual, group, association, religion, secret authorities or other groups who claim they"know" know anything. Uncertainty is one of the few truths in this world and you can't expect to get to the truth without checking all you knowat the door...Tabula Rasa.

This thread started off with a great topic...but started to turn into a question and answer session over religion/knowledge which in the end is pointless.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by GTEK

[sup][sup][sup][sup]20[/sup]And[/sup][/sup][/sup] when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
[sup][sup][sup][sup]21[/sup]Neither[/sup][/sup][/sup] shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Son who used this scripture is reachin fam. The Kingdom of God being within us God is referring to the Holy Spirit. What we like to call our conscious is the 3rd part of the Holy Trinity the Holy Spirit that leads and guides us in life. Great thread and yes, I'm a big conspiracy person and many continue today from the white house to the middle east and deeper than that.

"I'm not a 5 percenter, 10 percenter, or an 85er, I'm a rhymer teach ya about Messiah pull ya out the fire/ pull ya out the mire and the 3 ring circus, human beings created to dream plus we need purpose/if consumerism is our religion then we need purchase/if America is cursin the Lord then we'll reap curses." -Corey Red

Im going to have to respectfully disagree with you fam.
This is one of the biggest problems I have with the Christian faith.
The Holy Trinity is a false doctrine that was created to heighten the image of "Jesus Christ"
and to gain more appeal to the pagan interest.
The polytheistic idea of Trinity was not entered into the monotheistic Christian faith until the 4th and 5th centuries of Rome
under the Emperor Constantine.
There are no appearances of the word "Trinity" in the biblical scriptures nor are there any non constrewed references.
God is not 3.

During 325 A.D Constantine brought into act [font=verdana,sans-serif]The Nicene Creed in a foolish attempt
to settle thoughts in the church and gain more appeal to paganism.
The Nicene Creed declared
[/font] [font=verdana,sans-serif]that "the Father and the Son are of the same substance"
giving birth to the dualism and co-equalness between God and "Jesus Christ".

Later in 381 A.D. Roman Emperor Theodosius later re-evalcuated the creed and made
an addition of clauses on the "Holy Spirit" and other matters.

Leading to the belief today that there is a Trinity between

"GOD, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit"

The very existence of this doctrine was
[/font] meant to satisfy the pagan populace that was
a large part of the Roman Empire at that time.

"The Church of Rome borrowed her doctrine of the Divinity of Christ from the pagans
and the way they worshiped their pagan gods,as half human and half god. Their adoration
of Jesus as a man-god was almost identical to their devotions to the ancient pagan gods."

-Pagan Origin of Partialist Doctrines
By John Claudius Pitrat
Published 1871

Janus was usually depicted with two heads facing in opposite directions. According to a legend, he had received from the god Saturn, in reward for the hospitality received, the gift to see both future and past. Janus-like heads of gods related to Hermes[sup][1][/sup] have been found in Greece, perhaps suggesting a compound god. These double headed figures have precursors in Assyrian depictions of Oannes with a human head in front and a fish head behind.
I could have sworn just a few pages back......

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Hermes rules your world.

[font=verdana,sans-serif]Shhhhhh you didn't hear it from me.

Disclaimer: This is not to say that "Jesus Christ" is a a derivation from Janus.
But just to give you a idea of what a supreme being was in the mythology of paganism.

[/font]Both the Double and Triune godhead was very popular amongst the pagans at the time that Rome
took over control of Christianity, therefore during the councils that followed "Jesus" was redefined in pagan
terms as a second and equal part of the "godhead".

"the conception of God is Jewish in its origin, but into it has been read and impressed the
spirit and character of Rome.
Indeed, Rome has modified and influenced our concept of God."

-The Place of Christ in Modern Theology
By Andrew Martin Fairbairn
Published 1895

They took the knowledge that was given to them from ancient Kemet
and just ran through it.

The christian stuff you're talkin bout is really catholicism

and no christian and catholic is not the same

thats like sayin islam and the 5 % are the same

or in niketalk terms :

a pair of og concord xi's bein the same as some dub zeros

average person would say they're both jordans right?

yea but big diffferences

The christian stuff you're talkin bout is really catholicism

and no christian and catholic is not the same

thats like sayin islam and the 5 % are the same

or in niketalk terms :

a pair of og concord xi's bein the same as some dub zeros

average person would say they're both jordans right?

yea but big diffferences

Uhhh, naw fam.

I was talking about the judaist derived monotheistic, systematic approach
to life whom some endorse the thought of trinitism between its supreme being, savior, and spiritual essence
known as Christianity.

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

Explain please.

Here is a good video of Bussa Bust breaking down the construct of
The Nation of Gods and Earths I was looking for earlier...
It's unfortunate, but I believe Dr. King speaking out against Vietnam had a lot to do with his death. His legacy also never mentions his views on Vietnam.Sad loss for America and the entire world
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

To single the Black man out as God is just as bad as to single the White man out as God
in other sects of religions.

Thank you. I mean isn't this type of theology just as divisive, if not more, than anything else? How is it possible to unite all people when you're expressing a message that says one group is on a higher level than the other? Wouldn't the leaders of this organization just be the same as Sharpton, Jackson, and others who try to keep the masses in their place by dividing us further?

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!

Could not agree with you more

If you guys are talking about the saying that goes along the lines of, "the black man is god", then you guys are mistaken in your interpretation. Theword black basically means man.
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