The Murder of Sunny Sheu--anyone ever heard of this?

Nov 29, 2010
Check out the Source:
[h1]The Murder of Sunny Sheu[/h1]

Youtube video of Sunny predicting his death:;feature=player_embedded (I can't embed for some reason)

Cliffs: Guy tried to expose a top ranking judge for mortgage fraud (the powers that be wanted his property). Judge called his goons (NYPD officers) to abduct and intimidate him. Details of the mortgage fraud
Sunny still wasn't intimidated.
Was found bludgeoned him to death.
NYPD wanted to cremate his body ASAP and get the medical examiner to state an aneurism as the cause of death.
Major NYPD cover up.
No justice.

I will be doing more research on this, but I believe it. No love for the police. Hate to blanket them together but I have only had one good experience with them, AND I've never been charged and have no criminal record.
No reputable sources. If you find any post them here. Perhaps it needs to blow up so that reputable sources can report on it. There are some serious allegations on that blog that are worth investigating.
Originally Posted by Dimelo

Originally Posted by CJ863

any reputable sources report on this?

Reputable sources? Like the reputable cops?
Everything is linked fam. 

Don't be surprised if the judge supposedly behind this is a member of the same country club attended by the CEO of the reputable source you're seeking.

These high-society scumbags protect each other.


Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by Dimelo

Originally Posted by CJ863

any reputable sources report on this?

Reputable sources? Like the reputable cops?
Everything is linked fam. 

Don't be surprised if the judge supposedly behind this is a member of the same country club attended by the CEO of the reputable source you're seeking.

These high-society scumbags protect each other.




it'll take a while for this to get out
Well hopefully more people can be put on notice and it can blow up so there is an investigation. I don't want to get murked though so I think I'm going to stop bumping this.
how would there reputable sources if they dont have reputable cops/judges? even if there was reputable sources they wouldnt put this on the news or interview or give out any names of witnesses.
Hi there,
My name is Will Galison. I'm the friend of Sunny Sheu who broke the story. I'm very grateful that the members of this group realize the importance of a case in which law enforcement is covering up the assassination of a whistle blower.

The comment "Are there any reputable sources?"says a tremendous amount about our society's attitude towards news and information.. If one looks even briefly at the website sunnysheu.blogspot,com they will see that every factual statement is backed by documentary evidence such as the coroner's "Notice of Death" or a correspondence between Sunny Sheu and FBI Agent Rachel Rojas. Does anyone think that a person could make frivolous allegations of felonies against individuals and fake an official death certificate without getting busted or sued into oblivion? I am certain that forging a correspondence with an active FBI agent is a federal crime.

So with this verifiable, publicly available documentation PROVING felonies by the NYPD and other agencies, what does it mean to ask for a "reputable source"?

It means that we no longer trust our own common sense. If it ain't on TV, it didn't happen, and if it does happen on TV, like the WMD's that were supposed to be in Iraq, than it DID happen.... even if it didn't really. 

In this case, the single most important document is the death certificate: It states that an official autopsy, by Queens Medical Examiner Michael Greenberg ruled that Sunny died of "blunt force trauma to the head with skull fractures and brain injuries" and that "the manner of death" was "undetermined". "undetermined" means a death must be investigated, but there has been no investigation. Then you can hear the audio tape of the ER doctor under whose care Sunny died, saying "not a scratch on his head...he died of an aneurism". There is also an audio recording of an NYPD detective also saying there was no trauma, weeks after the M.E.'s report. How can the Police disagree with the Medical Examiner????? The police rely on the M.E. to determine the cause and manner of death, because the police have no doctors, no labs, no expertise, and NO AUTHORITY to determine these things. It s the EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction of the Medical Examiner to determine cause and manner of death. 

I have spent the last two years trying to get the Mainstream media to pay attention to this story. for a summary of my efforts go to:

For reasons that I cannot understand, the MSM will not touch this story with a ten foot pole. Is it a NWO conspiracy??, corrupt links between local media and the NYPD? incompetence, fear of being sued? laziness?.... I do not know. 

I do know that the retired NYPD cops I have spoken to have told me that I am putting my life in danger by exposing this story. 

I am hoping that publicizing story as much as possible will make me safer. That is why I apreciate those who use their own judgement and common sense, rather than waiting to be spoon fed information by the "reliable sources". You will be fed, but you be fed **$!*!@@, which is not very nutritious.

Anyone with questions about the Sunny Sheu case can contact me at [email protected]


Will Galison
Originally Posted by wgalison

Hi there,
My name is Will Galison. I'm the friend of Sunny Sheu who broke the story. I'm very grateful that the members of this group realize the importance of a case in which law enforcement is covering up the assassination of a whistle blower.

The comment "Are there any reputable sources?"says a tremendous amount about our society's attitude towards news and information.. If one looks even briefly at the website sunnysheu.blogspot,com they will see that every factual statement is backed by documentary evidence such as the coroner's "Notice of Death" or a correspondence between Sunny Sheu and FBI Agent Rachel Rojas. Does anyone think that a person could make frivolous allegations of felonies against individuals and fake an official death certificate without getting busted or sued into oblivion? I am certain that forging a correspondence with an active FBI agent is a federal crime.

So with this verifiable, publicly available documentation PROVING felonies by the NYPD and other agencies, what does it mean to ask for a "reputable source"?

It means that we no longer trust our own common sense. If it ain't on TV, it didn't happen, and if it does happen on TV, like the WMD's that were supposed to be in Iraq, than it DID happen.... even if it didn't really. 

In this case, the single most important document is the death certificate: It states that an official autopsy, by Queens Medical Examiner Michael Greenberg ruled that Sunny died of "blunt force trauma to the head with skull fractures and brain injuries" and that "the manner of death" was "undetermined". "undetermined" means a death must be investigated, but there has been no investigation. Then you can hear the audio tape of the ER doctor under whose care Sunny died, saying "not a scratch on his head...he died of an aneurism". There is also an audio recording of an NYPD detective also saying there was no trauma, weeks after the M.E.'s report. How can the Police disagree with the Medical Examiner????? The police rely on the M.E. to determine the cause and manner of death, because the police have no doctors, no labs, no expertise, and NO AUTHORITY to determine these things. It s the EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction of the Medical Examiner to determine cause and manner of death. 

I have spent the last two years trying to get the Mainstream media to pay attention to this story. for a summary of my efforts go to:

For reasons that I cannot understand, the MSM will not touch this story with a ten foot pole. Is it a NWO conspiracy??, corrupt links between local media and the NYPD? incompetence, fear of being sued? laziness?.... I do not know. 

I do know that the retired NYPD cops I have spoken to have told me that I am putting my life in danger by exposing this story. 

I am hoping that publicizing story as much as possible will make me safer. That is why I apreciate those who use their own judgement and common sense, rather than waiting to be spoon fed information by the "reliable sources". You will be fed, but you be fed **$!*!@@, which is not very nutritious.

Anyone with questions about the Sunny Sheu case can contact me at [email protected]


Will Galison

Originally Posted by hymen man

Originally Posted by wgalison

Hi there,
My name is Will Galison. I'm the friend of Sunny Sheu who broke the story. I'm very grateful that the members of this group realize the importance of a case in which law enforcement is covering up the assassination of a whistle blower.

The comment "Are there any reputable sources?"says a tremendous amount about our society's attitude towards news and information.. If one looks even briefly at the website sunnysheu.blogspot,com they will see that every factual statement is backed by documentary evidence such as the coroner's "Notice of Death" or a correspondence between Sunny Sheu and FBI Agent Rachel Rojas. Does anyone think that a person could make frivolous allegations of felonies against individuals and fake an official death certificate without getting busted or sued into oblivion? I am certain that forging a correspondence with an active FBI agent is a federal crime.

So with this verifiable, publicly available documentation PROVING felonies by the NYPD and other agencies, what does it mean to ask for a "reputable source"?

It means that we no longer trust our own common sense. If it ain't on TV, it didn't happen, and if it does happen on TV, like the WMD's that were supposed to be in Iraq, than it DID happen.... even if it didn't really. 

In this case, the single most important document is the death certificate: It states that an official autopsy, by Queens Medical Examiner Michael Greenberg ruled that Sunny died of "blunt force trauma to the head with skull fractures and brain injuries" and that "the manner of death" was "undetermined". "undetermined" means a death must be investigated, but there has been no investigation. Then you can hear the audio tape of the ER doctor under whose care Sunny died, saying "not a scratch on his head...he died of an aneurism". There is also an audio recording of an NYPD detective also saying there was no trauma, weeks after the M.E.'s report. How can the Police disagree with the Medical Examiner????? The police rely on the M.E. to determine the cause and manner of death, because the police have no doctors, no labs, no expertise, and NO AUTHORITY to determine these things. It s the EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction of the Medical Examiner to determine cause and manner of death. 

I have spent the last two years trying to get the Mainstream media to pay attention to this story. for a summary of my efforts go to:

For reasons that I cannot understand, the MSM will not touch this story with a ten foot pole. Is it a NWO conspiracy??, corrupt links between local media and the NYPD? incompetence, fear of being sued? laziness?.... I do not know. 

I do know that the retired NYPD cops I have spoken to have told me that I am putting my life in danger by exposing this story. 

I am hoping that publicizing story as much as possible will make me safer. That is why I apreciate those who use their own judgement and common sense, rather than waiting to be spoon fed information by the "reliable sources". You will be fed, but you be fed **$!*!@@, which is not very nutritious.

Anyone with questions about the Sunny Sheu case can contact me at [email protected]


Will Galison


I don;t understand the reference to the "Joker", but the photo under it is of Judge Joseph Golia, who was complicit in stealing Sunny's home and who ordered his kidnapping by the NYPD/ DA's office. 
Sunny discovered proof of his financial disclosure fraud involving millions of dollars, but there has ben no investigation.

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