The NBA is a joke.

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

If the NBA took away 4 teams I think it'd be better

Without a doubt.
And its needs this type of movement to make that happen.
Hate Stern all you want but he's a shrewd business man and the NBA is the best example of free market economics applied to professional sports leagues.

The MLB is a government subsidized big market monopoly and the NFL is also highly subsidized by taxpayer dollars. Just look at New York for example.

Almost all of the $2.3 billion dollars that it took to build the Citi-Field and the new Yankee stadium came from tax-exempt city bonds. Meaning that a huge amount of tax payers $ funded the construction of those facilities (estimated to be over $4 bill when its all said & done) and the stadiums are then leased to already filthy rich billionaire owners for sweet-heart prices. Those owners can then throw as much $ as they please into making their teams winners and slowly pay back the city with revenue generated over several decades.

Compare that to the new Barclays Stadium in Brooklyn, which was only given $150 million dollars in city funds and none of that went towards the construction of the stadium. Those funds were allocated just to fix the streets and the infrastructure around the stadium. The $2.5 Billion that it took to build that facility came out of the pockets of Bruce Ratner and the other Billionaires involved in the deal. Same thing with the Billion dollar renovation of Madison Square Garden, all of that came from the Optimum Empire of the Dolan family. 

Thats a much better deal than giving taxpayer's money to billionaires, instead of spending it on schools and other municipal necessities imo.

So I applaud whats happening in the NBA.

Let the best players go to the best managed teams and let the inefficiently ran teams, located in areas that don't care to support, disappear.
Where are all the centers and 2 guards gone? Seriously no skilled 7 ft dudes any more and whos taking over the helm at 2 from Kobe? To many hybrid 6-8 dudes who can 'do it all'
Originally Posted by sensaciondelbloque


teams like Milwaukee, Minnesota, Orlando, Indiana will never win anything..they are not as glamorous as Chicago, NY and etc. those teams will get a superstar for his first contract and then beg to be with big markets...all the NBA teams are farm league teams for Knicks, Nets, Lakers, Bulls and etc. NBA popularity might take a hit.
Orlando and Indiana have been to the NBA Finals in recent memory, whereas Chicago and NY haven't. 

Your reasoning is null and void.
Originally Posted by irishbaz

Where are all the centers and 2 guards gone? Seriously no skilled 7 ft dudes any more and whos taking over the helm at 2 from Kobe? To many hybrid 6-8 dudes who can 'do it all'

I was just thinking about this 
 There really are no good shooting guards outside Kobe and even Wade is getting old. And free agents deciding where they want to play or old players trying to chase rings is nothing new. Gary Payton did it with the Lakers and Heat, Mourning did it, Karl Malone tried to do it, the list goes on and on. By the way, how is NO getting the #1 pick rigged?
This thread is hilarious

But seriously, NBA has been a disappointment for over a decade now.
yeah it really sucks but hey, what are you going to do? I was just thinking about this last week. I then realize a small market hasn't won the NBA Finals since the Pistons did it in 2004.

it making the sport super competitive once again. Just waiting for the Bulls to bring more superstars in to help D.Rose 
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by sensaciondelbloque


teams like Milwaukee, Minnesota, Orlando, Indiana will never win anything..they are not as glamorous as Chicago, NY and etc. those teams will get a superstar for his first contract and then beg to be with big markets...all the NBA teams are farm league teams for Knicks, Nets, Lakers, Bulls and etc. NBA popularity might take a hit.
Orlando and Indiana have been to the NBA Finals in recent memory, whereas Chicago and NY haven't. 

Your reasoning is null and void.
In fact both Orlando and Indy have been consistently better over the past 10 years than either of those teams....and the NBA is a farm league for the Nets?  you must not have been watching lately
Originally Posted by allreds

I've been keeping up with this sport since 2002. Now with all this trading going on and these rigged #@$ draft picks, ie. New Orleans bagging Anthony Davis, I really can't stand it anymore. Also all of these veterans like Jason Kidd going to the Knicks, I'm happy for him and all, but it just doesn't seem right to see him in a Knicks uniform. I'm a Lakers fan too and aquiring Nash is good I guess, but he was our enemy in the past. If we do actually take a chip this season I won't be a happy camper. I just wish we had the same squad from beginning til death. How can you still be a Lakers fan if about 40-50% of the squad has changed? And all of these super teams forming is not helping the Kings or Bobcats one bit. I know this is a business but still. Kobe fan by the way. End of rant. Cool story bro.
Was hesitant to even read when you said since '02, but I said f it and went it. Couldn't make it past "happy camper." You're not a fan if your team won and you're not happy. If you watched basketball before '02 or listened to anyone who has, you would know most great teams had multiple stars.The teams that draw the stars (by whatever means necessary), are the teams that have them and a legit chance at winning. With the addition of free agency (well before you started watching),  the billion people on facebook and twitter, and the idiots at ESPN, it just seems that things are different. BREAKING NEWS: Things are not different, just more public. 

When Jordan was going to leave the Bulls if he didn't get his 30+ mill you think he was going to Cleveland or Denver? Nope, he was going to New York. There are no such things as rivalries when you're a free agent and max contracts are on the table. 
Originally Posted by MetroKid26

Originally Posted by allreds

I've been keeping up with this sport since 2002... Kobe fan by the way.

If you were watching the sport since 2002 (the year the Lakers won the championship and had 2 of the most controversial playoff series ever, however swept the Nets) and your a Kobe fan, that must mean you were watching him for the past few years now.

but tell me, is it that you can't stand the free agents optimizing their chances of winning, or you can't stand the fact that the best post season move the Lakers pulled was bringing in 38 year old Steve Nash?

I bet you weren't complaining when the Lakers got Pau Gasol for Kwame Brown.
I bet you weren't complaining when the Lakers got Ramon Sessions for Luke Walton.

Sounds like you miss the days Kobe was putting up 60 points to win games by 10, and now he finally has competition, and he can't deal with that.

Kobe fans need to stop.
What the hell are you talking about? It's not like he hasn't won since '02 and is a scrub. He won a few years ago. He was the NBA's second leading scorer and 1st team all NBA. I'm assuming you're a Heat fan based on avy. Let's be honest, were you a Heat fan in '04 or '05.....hell, were you one in '09. Sorry bruh, if you're honest and the answer is no, that's worse than dude saying "since 2002."
Some things I don't like but you can't do anything about it.

One thing that annoys me the most is superstar favoritism as far as calls go.

Now as far as this Dwight situation is concerned, I find it disgusting. The man is under contract and is telling them where he wanted to get traded and I'm sure if he didn't, he wouldn't play to his potential or cause problems. Situations like this need to be stopped.

Also, the league stopping owners from moving teams cities of their choice is also weak
Originally Posted by you go boy

i agree the super teams are bad for the league... i know knicks are guilty for this but they haven't had a good team in a decade so they have an excuse 
... but seriously the super teams are a bad look and it started with lebron... there was super teams back in the day in the 80 and 90s with magic lakers, birds celtics and jordans bulls team and even teams now also but those teams were formed legit through the front office...some of it was trades or through free agency but the super teams were home grown players for the most part... some are the exception like kobe n shaq its like players are going out of their way to join forces instead of compete against each other...rarely will you see players stay on the same team like you did in years past 

98-99 Rockets : Olajuwon, Pippen, Barkley
03-04 Lakers : Oneal, Payton, Malone (Bryant, Fisher, Grant)
07-08 Celtics : Garnett, Allen, Pierce
Then we have
10-11 Heat : Wade, Bosh, Lebron
11-12 Knicks: Kidd, Melo, Stoudemire
11-12 Nets : Williams, Johnson, (Dwight)
11-12 Lakers: Bryant, Nash, Gasol

If your a purist, the only teams you can really not hate on our the Spurs and Thunder since they acquired all their players from drafts.
Originally Posted by DubA169

None of the players were in their prime widely regarded as the best in the league to make insecure and butt hurt Kobe stans mad when they joined up. Good try though

Fixed. Good try though.
Always trying to get out on some lame technicality. Always. ALWAYS!

Demanding a trade to get out is = shows how much he wants to win, not #%%@$ move, is forgotten ... Signing for a team as a free agent = COMPLETELY different, can't be compared even remotely, #%%@$ move

Making a team better on extremely one-sided trades = legit, good GM'ing ... Making a team better by signing free agents = COMPLETELY different, can't be compared even remotely, #%%@$ move

Two players who are past their primes but still one of them being an all-star the previous season and the other averaging 20.6, 7.8 & 4.7 the previous season joining to create a superteam = nothing wrong with that ... Three friends joining up to create a super team = COMPLETELY different, can't be compared even remotely, #%%@$ move

Steve Nash joining his biggest rival team =
... Ray Allen joining his biggest rival team = COMPLETELY different, can't be compared even remotely, #%%@$ move

None of them were in their primes you say, eh? Here are the Celtics' big 3 numbers from the last season before they joined up:

Garnett: 22.4 ppg, 12.8 rpg & 4.1 apg
Pierce: 25.0 ppg, 5.9 rpg & 4.1 apg
Allen: 26.4 ppg, 4.5 rpg & 4.1 apg
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