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Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf is promising to get right to work with the Raiders and NFL to come up with a good stadium for the team here at home.


by Tiffany Wilson

Updated 26 mins ago

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) --
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf is promising to get right to work with the Raiders and the NFL to come up with a good stadium for the team in the Bay Area.

This comes after NFL owners voted Tuesday to allow the St. Louis Rams and the San Diego Chargers to move to the Los Angeles area.

Raiders owner Mark Davis did not hide his disappointment over the deal falling through in Los Angeles.

Schaaf told ABC7 News she's going to give Davis a few days, but then she wants to get back to work on a new stadium proposal.

The Raiders can forget about the Carson project. The team heads back to the drawing board for a new stadium.

Schaaf renewed her commitment to reaching a stadium proposal that works for the Raiders, NFL, fans and the Oakland tax payers. "Now that Los Angeles is behind us, we know that we can get attention on the work at hand. We're ready to demonstrate to the Raiders that we can preserve that incredible game day experience, the tailgating. We can guarantee at least 8,000 surface parking spaces in that coliseum area and a new stadium and a development that we believe can create a revenue flow to finance the whole thing," Schaaf said."We're asking the Raiders to give us the time and attention to show that this can be done," Schaaf said. "We never were able to get to the level of detail where they could see how we can leave room for development and still have the parking and tailgating they want."

Davis remains skeptical. When told that a lot of Raiders fans are happy the team will be staying in Oakland, Davis responded by asking: "Are we?" "America the world is a possibility for Raider Nation," Davis added.

On Tuesday, Davis said he had no message for Schaaf. "She knows what it's going to take to get something done," he said, referencing his demand that the Raiders control the full Coliseum site.

On Tuesday, the NFL promised to contribute $100 million for a new stadium in Oakland.

Davis said money isn't the only sticking point. "Land and money. No we haven't been talking about money, we've been talking about land," he said.

"I respect that things did not go the way Mark Davis wanted them to go, but I know that Mark recognizes the power of that Raider fan base that is here in Oakland," Schaaf said.

Officials said the first order of business is a new lease or lease extension for the Raiders at Coliseum for next year and Schaaf said a new stadium proposal could take about a year to hammer out.
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Mark or Al are still majority owner of the team. Mark need to sell at least 20% of the team.
Mark or Al are still majority owner of the team. Mark need to sell at least 20% of the team.
seems like his hands are tied, cant sell enough of the team to fund the stadium and remain controlling partner.
I feel bad for Mark, the team is his families legacy and it seems like he's trying to do right by his father but at the same time as the years since AL died goes by it's looking less plausible that he can do it.
First tweets i read said he took an uber...I was actually relieved to read he took the yellow cab lol
If some how the Sacramento Kings were able to get a new stadium. Something can be done here in Oakland. 
jerry and mcnair are two of the more influential owners in the league. would only need 7 other owners to vote against the move.
[h1]La Canfora: Raiders Aren’t Moving To San Antonio[/h1]January 15, 2016 1:01 PM

Filed Under:  Jason La CanforaNFLOakland Raiders

Just when you thought the NFL-relocation saga couldn’t get any more dramatic, the Raiders are reportedly considering a move from Oakland to San Antonio.

Not Los Angeles or San Diego, but San Antonio.

Yes, billionaire and former Vikings owner Red McCombs is reportedly trying to convince Mark Davis to move the team to San Antonio, where Davis owns land and could build a stadium.

Are there real possibilities that the Raiders could move to San Antonio?

“In Mark Davis’ fantasy land, there are,” CBS Sports NFL insider Jason La Canfora said on CBS Sports Radio’s Tiki and Tierney. “Now I will try to apply logic to this because when it comes to the issues of money in the NFL, it’s pretty easy to see where things go. So Stan Kroenke is the second-richest guy in the league. He bought this land on his own, he can finance this land on his own, and he can put $1.1 billion in escrow for a while to wait and see how this unfolds – and he had to jump through hoops for years and sweat it out to the very end and pay a massive relocation fee and get the Chargers hitched to his wagon even though he could go by himself. And only then does he get to LA. Where the hell does Mark Davis think he’s going?

“If this process proved anything,” La Canfora continued, “it’s that (the NFL headquarters at) 345 Park Avenue controls it. It doesn’t even matter if you can do it on your own, which Mark Davis can’t. ‘You’re not going until we say you’re going and at what price and at what point – and oh, by the way, you got to take this guy with you.’ So how is he going to San Antonio?”

Indeed, La Canfora believes that relocating to San Antonio is nothing but a pipe dream.

“They’re going to the Bay Area, or (Davis is) going to sell the team to somebody who will,” La Canfora said. “(The NFL wants) two teams in the Bay Area. Somehow he missed the overriding thing that everybody else got here, which was they want two teams in L.A. and two teams in the Bay Area. And if he’s not wiling to do it, they’ll squeeze him and squeeze him and squeeze him and squeeze him until does. He’s not going anywhere. San Antonio? Are you kidding me? ‘Hey, Mark, here’s your relocation fee: a billion dollars. Good luck.’”
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