Bulls bringing in Doug a senior adviser. I don't know WTF that means. One more person to make half assed decisions, I guess.

Gar's days are numbered, we all knew he was going to be the sacrificial lamb. The Reinsdorf's are too cheap, and too damn loyal to whoever brings in money. Get rid of both and fire Pax!!!

Man hasn't even started yet and you calling his decisions half assed LOL. Doug is a fresh set of eyes for organization. From what I've read Pax isn't the problem, as he's been wanting to do a full rebuild, but of course Gar and his homey M. Reinsdorf was okay with mediocrity as long as he put people in the seats. It will be interesting to see what comes about with this move.
C'mon fam. It ain't even like that :lol:

Let's keep it real. Last we all knew of ol' Dougie while he was still in a position of power, was back in Washington with the MJ Wiz.
His players quit on him and he succumbed to cry..CRY...on national TV! talking about how MJ had to talk to the team and young guys cause they tuned him out.

I won't condemn the man before he does anything, but what is he really doing? Judging characters? evaluating talent? or keeping tabs on Gar.
Tired of Pax as well. He was personally involved in all these moves behind the scenes for years, and now he's ready to shed blood so he can walk away clean. I truly believe these last 2 years he just kinda stepped back and let Gar hang himself, he knew he could survive if he sacrificed Gar.
Accountability. That's all I want.
C'mon fam. It ain't even like that :lol:
Accountability. That's all I want.

thats exactly the problem. paxson and gar have been awful for 5 years and neither has been on the hot seat. who the hell has 2 GM's anyway?

from rick odonnels article on collins:
Damn we too washed for a season thread?

Bobby gets 8 games for breaking Niko's face
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Yeah I was getting drunk last night watching the Cubs game and saw this.

I couldn’t stop laughing and shaking my head. I want to know what really happened.
Yeah I was getting drunk last night watching the Cubs game and saw this.

I couldn’t stop laughing and shaking my head. I want to know what really happened.

Apparently they were chippy in practice, then words turned into shoves & Bobby punched him once & fractured his maxillary


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Damn we too washed for a season thread?

Bobby gets 8 games for breaking Niko's face

hoiberg probably wondering what the hells gotta take place for him to get fired

aside from seeing how lavine looks post injury and markannen, theres nothing on this rotser. whats markannens ceiling? ryan anderson? over/under 0.5 all star selections in his career?

the city is awaiting the return of cam payne, the most garbage player in the nba who we traded 3 assets for. not to mention the most useful player we got back was morrow who we never used.
markannen i have hope. would be great if we can pair him up with a number 1 pick in one of these next 2 drafts. dunn is not done yet folks. he reminds me of a young gary payton......haha i can dream

he has the skills that will only improve. but will he have the mental game so many of these euros just don't have or really many young players. don't know why the bulls even signed mirotic. and that money? this is why people make fun of the NBA. this dude went the entire offseason without getting any kind of offer and we give him a 70% raise off of last season?!!!!! WOW where is that done? what sport? ONLY nba.

Thats like hiring a reg joe off the street. hey joe you dont have a job? that sucks man. What did you make at your old job? oh 100,000k? not bad, i know you're unemployed and really didnt make much of an impact at your old job but i'm willing to offer you a job. would you be willing to take 170k?

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We weren't beating OK3 anyway.

Atl was the only winnable game in our first week.
Miami next week COULD be another W depending on what team shows up.

Mia,Orlando, New Orleans,Toronto again,Indy then San Antonio next week, that's another 1 possibly 2 win week.

They got out competed last night & folded it in way too soon.
We weren't beating OK3 anyway.

Atl was the only winnable game in our first week.
Miami next week COULD be another W depending on what team shows up.

Mia,Orlando, New Orleans,Toronto again,Indy then San Antonio next week, that's another 1 possibly 2 win week.

They got out competed last night & folded it in way too soon.

Glad to see you're back bro.

Lauri looking good, kinda glad the Bobby/Niko situation happened.

We still shouldve kept that #16 pick tho :lol:
kept the #16 pick and their 2nd round pick, and the second round pick they gave away last year.

happy to see Markkanen play well, hope im wrong on him altogether. nwaba is another piece i hope works out, really like his athleticism and energy.

dont see what value portis or niko bring to the team at this point, and everytime i see felicio in the game im wondering how the hell he got a 4 year deal

We can not get clowned like that ever again!!
Somebody show Fred the door!!
This losing was expected but it can't be like this, we can not continue to play this way.
3 in a row! wow break up the bulls please.....

do you want demarcus cousins? lavine & mirotic for cousins?......i'm not liking the idea of half season of lavine chucking up shots we sign him to a contract this it just me?
It's not just you.
It's hard to commit till we see how he bounces back. Last thing we need is another bloated contract for a guy who will rarely play due to injuries.....we've been down that road.
^^^my fear is injury prone but also his game. don't see him as a core guy you build around. are we winning if hes our best or 2nd best player? i think bulls sign him but do you sign him when you hope your 2017 and 2018 picks are the top 2 players on the team. its just funny to me dude avg 19 in season that ended early and will likely come in and avg 18 here and get 20 mil a year? i dont know. id rather have cousins. instead we will sign lavine and draft a big that they hope becomes cousins.
Cousins at 27 years old makes no sense on a team that isn't ready to make the playoffs for another few years
5 in a row. Starting to wonder once they get Lavine in there, what the potential might be? Don't want to think too far ahead.
Trade paying off. Dunn living up to my expectations and looks like he will continue to grow, plus we will get Lavine back. I honestly want us to continue to lose to get a top draft pick to compliment the team. The team we have now is great, but to have another young piece to add to it would be amazing.
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