The Official 2020 NFL Offseason Thread - The Cleveland Steamer

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The video of George Floyd's murder has made people take a side. This ain't no grey area issue. This ain't "both sides". The violence is coming from one side so anything less than saying Justice should be served yeah you a racist. This is basically a modern day Emmit Til. Back then white folks was more open about their racism. That's really what sparked the civil rights movement, the NOI raising and other black groups.

All these corporations and sports teams speaking now because it's good PR and trendy. We'll see if these people keep this mindset.
The video of George Floyd's murder has made people take a side. This ain't no grey area issue. This ain't "both sides". The violence is coming from one side so anything less than saying Justice should be served yeah you a racist. This is basically a modern day Emmit Til. Back then white folks was more open about their racism. That's really what sparked the civil rights movement, the NOI raising and other black groups.

All these corporations and sports teams speaking now because it's good PR and trendy. We'll see if these people keep this mindset.

ben & Jerry’s >

Elway trying to trade for Kaep and then wanting nothing to do with him once he took a knee sums up the NFL and Kaep the best.
Had to look for this article Bomani mentions in that first segment of the podcast above

“Drew Brees can pretend all he wants that it is about the flag or his grandfathers or whatever excuse he wants. This is about something else entirely. This is about another white man silencing Black people because they make him uncomfortable. This is anti-Black. This is why players are kneeling. If Drew Brees refuses to make way for solutions, then he is only standing in the way of equality. I don’t care how much he convinces himself otherwise.

If Drew Brees wants to be the hero he thinks he is, he needs to disentangle himself from his love of preserving white ideals and truly stand with Black people. Until then, he’s just an anti-Black football star in a city he’s betrayed.”


Armada Armada

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All these people now showing their "support" it looks fake. All these old white men now speaking are well aware of how ugly racism is. Goodell saying the NFL wants to be part of the change and "We, the National Football League, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of black people."

When y'all JUST black balled Kaep lol. That was only 3-4 years ago. That's one of the main issues we have. When a black person is taking a stand he gets called everything under the sun but then years later white people see the light. They did the same thing with MLK and Ali. Luckily it didn't take something drastic happening to Kaep or 30 years later but it did take a man being tortured and murdered for them to "get it". :smh:
I don't even know what to say about Drew at this point. He f'ed up bad. Showed his true colors. When you that bold in your stance people not gonna forget that in a week or month. He need to go away and come back do a interview with somebody black that's gonna ask him some real questions.

those statements missed the "checking myself into rehab" section of canned fake apologies

been waiting 48 hours to post this SMH

Only thing missing was the Riley Cooper "Sensitivity training" weekend break. Anything he say now is BS. You can't walk that back.

All these people now showing their "support" it looks fake. All these old white men now speaking are well aware of how ugly racism is. Goodell saying the NFL wants to be part of the change and "We, the National Football League, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of black people."

When y'all JUST black balled Kaep lol. That was only 3-4 years ago. That's one of the main issues we have. When a black person is taking a stand he gets called everything under the sun but then years later white people see the light. They did the same thing with MLK and Ali. Luckily it didn't take something drastic happening to Kaep or 30 years later but it did take a man being tortured and murdered for them to "get it". :smh:

When ppl show you who they are the first time. Believe them. Not after they've faced some backlash. Drew Brees was indifferent at worst to what the kneeling was for based on his initial comments and then the double down. Even the NFL as an league looks phony as hell after colluding to keep Kap out.
Biscuit Mahomes in the Black Lives Matter video like we forgot about him defending Zimmerman and cops. Lame *** clout chaser smh.
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