THE OFFICIAL 2024 - 2025 DALLAS COWBOYS SEASON THREAD || 3 - 3 Thank God for the BYE


This happens EVERY offseason, time goes by and people just forgive Romo an think...oh well, he isn't all that bad.

Dude is/was supposed to be our DAMN FRANCHISE/BEST PLAYER for the last 6-7 years now! An you can't tell me ya'll are 100% confident he's going to show up every game as our leader and best player. One bad, not so great game here an there is one thing, but dude can rarely string 5 games together where he doesn't take a catastrophic step back... 

19 interceptions last year, 19?!?! From out best player...our leader...our savior? The MNF and Chi-Town games last year were just the final tips of the iceberg for me man, ya'll can keep riding for this n_ but I can't, I love my cowboys to the death but I can't accept mediocrity for all these years and live in denial about Romo in particular. 
I feel you man. But I slept off that MNF Chi Game, I Walked off that week 17 Skins game... It Hurt and I hated romo for that performance, but he got paid... And I Still gotta support him... I Don't gotta love romo just support my QB. It's a new season, he starts fresh... Can't Look at his past anymore.. Just keep looking on forward. But I see your POV's.

This happens EVERY offseason, time goes by and people just forgive Romo an think...oh well, he isn't all that bad.

Dude is/was supposed to be our DAMN FRANCHISE/BEST PLAYER for the last 6-7 years now! An you can't tell me ya'll are 100% confident he's going to show up every game as our leader and best player. One bad, not so great game here an there is one thing, but dude can rarely string 5 games together where he doesn't take a catastrophic step back... 
19 interceptions last year, 19?!?! From out best player...our leader...our savior? The MNF and Chi-Town games last year were just the final tips of the iceberg for me man, ya'll can keep riding for this n_ but I can't, I love my cowboys to the death but I can't accept mediocrity for all these years and live in denial about Romo in particular. 
I feel you but lets wait and see if the additions they got in the offseason can help take some of the burden off of him. Romo is the soul reason this team was not 4-12 last year with the crumbling O-line, non-existent run game, and inconsistent D unable to make 3rd down stops. You dont remember how frustrating Drew Bledsoe was holding onto the ball, or the lackluster qb's before that? Lets see if they can stay healthy, block a little better, run for some conversions and scores, and force some turnovers to make everything more balanced out.
This flawed logic is disgusting at times...

If the Pats, Giants, Colts, Skids didn't have Brady Eli Luck or RG3 they'd all be below .500 as well.

It's Romo's damn job to do what he does every week, he's not doing the Cowboys some huge favor by showing up. The majority of those comebacks he's a big part of are generally due to him coming out extremely flat or turning the ball over... ultimately I'm just sick and tired of this dude getting a pass because I've seen this movie for the past 7 years and while he does a lot of great things those bad things make him nothing more than a good QB. Not great, but good, and we need better than that, giving him a bunch of money isn't going to change that fact because we already gave him the keys (money) to the car once, same ol story. Jerry is Sam Rothstein and Romo is Ginger right now 

I don't want a "well there's nothing else better than him on the market"   QB out there getting paid Brady money, we deserve better than that.
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You can make that argument for just about every position on our team. Look at Jay Ratliff, Miles Austin, offensive lineman, run game. Who on our team consistently shows up every game? Maybe Witten and Ware?

I understand where you are coming from but i think we have much bigger problems than Romo. Like pass protection, establishing a run game, getting pressure on the opposing QB, and getting off the field on 3rd down
Romo is far from being the problem. He is actually a big part of the solution.
19 interceptions is a lot, but considering dude died on the field on several occasions I can understand.
The hit he took in that Tampa Bay game made me feel sorry for dude.
But I'm also the first to call him out when he stinks it up.
For instance, when he threw that last interception in the game to win the division against the Skins.
My exact words at the time were, "Romo your writing your legacy. You need to retire."
I wasn't sure he could bounce back after that failure, but dude is tough mentally.
The biggest issues we have are on the offensive and defensive lines.
No pass rush and no pass protection is a recipe for disaster.
Jerry Jones said after we picked Travis Frederick, Romo called him and said "Thanks for my extra half a second. "
And we know an extra half second for a pretty good QB is all they need to be highly effective.
Romo could be a very frustrating player to have leading this team sometimes, but other times he's the reason why we win games that we do. If you look at last season, he put up some bad #'s (just look at his interceptions), however, those interceptions came because we had no choice but to throw the ball. Our run game was non existent last season. The biggest concern I have about Romo (& really the whole team) is inconsistency. Romo will put together a string of games where he is dominant & he'll put the team on his back. Then he'll turn around & completely take us out of games & fold in clutch moments. We have a lot of issues outside of just Romo, but the biggest thing I want to see with him is consistency.
Give Me Romo The First Game of season vs NYG. and second half Romo vs Clev, Cin, Pitts and possibly NO and 2nd time vs NYG. (all second half of course) And This offense Will Be balling out of its mind.... 

Romo took the nastiest of shots that would of sidelined most of NFL QB's, Romo got right back up and led the team. I still love the way Romo has the ability for a white dude to roll out and dodge defenders and make plays... Yes, I know its a risk at times.. But I love it. 
^^^Give me the O-line and running attack we had in those games also.
If our running game can stay efficient and move the chains, our offense should be potent.
Its also up to Jason Garrett to call quality run plays, and have enough brains to utilize play action at the right time.
unless terrance williams shows out, its gotta be dwayne harris' job to lose right??

i HATED ogletree...last game of the season and hes STILL running the wrong i like what dwayne harris brings with the rock in his hand...he has sure hands..can go inside or out...  bryan broddaus said he was running his routes much more crisp, and looked leaner and faster..

i think this offense is gonna be something else...

my question is particular safety...ive read matt johnson is penciled in as a starter, ive read will allen...
The question should be when has the Cowboys had a solid secondary especially the Safeties?!?!? AGESSSSS :nerd:

My bet is when we still had Deion and Darren Woodson was young.. So 97?

- 09 secondary was solid; we led the league in sacks that year and got great pressure every game. imo, having a beast front 7 is way more important than the secondary.

- I like Harris too. He's not fast but just makes people miss, great hands, never fumbles. Exactly like Crayton before the injury/fall off.

-Excited for Sean Lee and Bruce Carter. Bruce's closing speed and Sean stays with the clutch INTs. Plus I feel they're fast/smart in general.

- Romo getting in on the gameplanning/calling his own plays I'm warming up too. I feel like he'd more inclined to throw especially early. Read some stuff way back that the good teams have pass/ run balasnce because they throw early, build a lead and milk the clock late. And we've had success with that way back :smile:hat) Also read some stuff that more qb's should probably call their own plays and it had examples, etc. One thing I do remember was two years ago watching two Rams games vs the Giants and Ravens. In both games i don't know if it was scripted or Bradford calling the plays but they're first drive was no huddle and they would march down the field. And then they would stop and struggle to score the rest of the game. It boggled my mind; why they wouldn't just go no huddle full time.

- Demarco regressed in my opinion. I wonder if he was truly healthy but he looked like he was missing that pop he used to have. Hope that's the case.

- I think Dez is primed for a huge year. Absolutely can't wait. He's gonna be healthy, he's laser focused right now, and he's in practice. He's going to OD on the league.

Just some random thoughts. Sorry for rambling. Just want the team to get healthy, finish 10-6 or above. All I ask.
Can someone explain to me how you all KNOW a WR has ran the wrong route. I hear an announcer say it, and a few minutes later its on NT (not a personal shot at all, very serious i wanna know)

Dez gets S!!!d on by the announcer for a bad route, yet Romo went on to throw like 3 more interceptions if im not mistaken. its just weird to me so id like to know.

and like always, i PRAY Ed werder stays away from us this season. Seen him reporting on Cruz missin giants camp and was feeling bittersweet, he's goonna ruin Cruz's career with his reporting....
Its football fellas, the league is set up for every team to eventually big win big. Why can't it be the Cowboys?
Can someone explain to me how you all KNOW a WR has ran the wrong route. I hear an announcer say it, and a few minutes later its on NT (not a personal shot at all, very serious i wanna know)

Dez gets S!!!d on by the announcer for a bad route, yet Romo went on to throw like 3 more interceptions if im not mistaken. its just weird to me so id like to know.

and like always, i PRAY Ed werder stays away from us this season. Seen him reporting on Cruz missin giants camp and was feeling bittersweet, he's goonna ruin Cruz's career with his reporting....

sometimes you can tell just off of the other routes around it.

Look at he lower route on the left side. If the out did a curl both WRs would be in the same area.


Now how would a person watching know who ran the wrong route Idk.

Now a BAD route? thats a totally different thing.


I couldnt find a good example but you get the idea. She stops and doesn't come back to the ball. It allows the defender to go right under you

lazy WRs do this all the time when they dont think they are going to get the ball so they end the route early then end up having the QB picked off
Can someone explain to me how you all KNOW a WR has ran the wrong route. I hear an announcer say it, and a few minutes later its on NT (not a personal shot at all, very serious i wanna know)

Dez gets S!!!d on by the announcer for a bad route, yet Romo went on to throw like 3 more interceptions if im not mistaken. its just weird to me so id like to know.

and like always, i PRAY Ed werder stays away from us this season. Seen him reporting on Cruz missin giants camp and was feeling bittersweet, he's goonna ruin Cruz's career with his reporting....

sometimes you can tell just off of the other routes around it.

Look at he lower route on the left side. If the out did a curl both WRs would be in the same area.


Now how would a person watching know who ran the wrong route Idk.

Now a BAD route? thats a totally different thing.


I couldnt find a good example but you get the idea. She stops and doesn't come back to the ball. It allows the defender to go right under you

lazy WRs do this all the time when they dont think they are going to get the ball so they end the route early then end up having the QB picked off

appreciate you taking the time my man.
I like Harris as our 3rd receiver... He's got good hands & I think he would fit real well in the offense behind Dez & Miles.
Harris Showed out this season. Especially on 3rd downs. I forget which game it was, but it was a crucial drive and it was 3rd and 7 or so. Romo hit Harris on a bubble pass, Somehow Harris broke the initial CB's hit and beasted for a 1st down. That right there I became a believer. 

Consider me reaching, But If Dez shows out like last year, and IF Miles Stays healthy all 16 games. *crosses fingers* and we get Harris the Rock more... I Think The Dallas Cowboys Could Have THE Nastiest WR Corps Out There. & Don't Forget Witten, To Fast for LB's and To Big For CB's/Safetys. Witten opens the field as well and makes defenses scheme there DB's on him. Causing Single Coverage on Dez + Miles is to quick for a CB to play off on him. 

So Yeah, Dallas Cowboys Have Potentially The Sickest WR's. Can't Knock ATL, NE, NO, SF, SEA. But We COULD be up there....
Harris Showed out this season. Especially on 3rd downs. I forget which game it was, but it was a crucial drive and it was 3rd and 7 or so. Romo hit Harris on a bubble pass, Somehow Harris broke the initial CB's hit and beasted for a 1st down. That right there I became a believer. 

Consider me reaching, But If Dez shows out like last year, and IF Miles Stays healthy all 16 games. *crosses fingers* and we get Harris the Rock more... I Think The Dallas Cowboys Could Have THE Nastiest WR Corps Out There. & Don't Forget Witten, To Fast for LB's and To Big For CB's/Safetys. Witten opens the field as well and makes defenses scheme there DB's on him. Causing Single Coverage on Dez + Miles is to quick for a CB to play off on him. 

So Yeah, Dallas Cowboys Have Potentially The Sickest WR's. Can't Knock ATL, NE, NO, SF, SEA. But We COULD be up there....

All we need is a line to block and give them time to get open
Harris Showed out this season. Especially on 3rd downs. I forget which game it was, but it was a crucial drive and it was 3rd and 7 or so. Romo hit Harris on a bubble pass, Somehow Harris broke the initial CB's hit and beasted for a 1st down. That right there I became a believer. 

Consider me reaching, But If Dez shows out like last year, and IF Miles Stays healthy all 16 games. *crosses fingers* and we get Harris the Rock more... I Think The Dallas Cowboys Could Have THE Nastiest WR Corps Out There. & Don't Forget Witten, To Fast for LB's and To Big For CB's/Safetys. Witten opens the field as well and makes defenses scheme there DB's on him. Causing Single Coverage on Dez + Miles is to quick for a CB to play off on him. 

So Yeah, Dallas Cowboys Have Potentially The Sickest WR's. Can't Knock ATL, NE, NO, SF, SEA. But We COULD be up there....

I think they already do. Miles had better stats then 16 #1 receivers last year. Dez is Dez, Witten is Witten, we saw the progression of Harris and Hanna last year. No reason they can't be the best corps in the league. Hearing out of mini camp that Dez, Hanna and Harris look even better than last year. Cant forget Williams either. Dude was the best receiver in college statistically. If he can give us 25 percent of his college production that's 450 yards 4 TD's for a #4 receiver :smokin . Cant forget about the tight end we drafted either. Weapons everywhere.

Cant forget T Smith will have another year of experience and there's no way Fredrick can be worse than what we had at center last year. So our line has to be at least a little better, that should help the Receivers have even bigger numbers.

I've had the Cowboys / Jerry Jones Kool-Aid before but I dont know... this year feels different.

Giants have no linebackers / secondary, JPP just had surgery, Osi left, Eli doesn't even know who he'll be throwing to in camp.

Eagles are rebuilding,

Skins needed absolutely everything to go right (8 straight wins, 5-1 in division, being spotted 28 points vs Dallas, RG3 only throwing 5 picks, having mad luck with fumbles, Dallas losing over half their starters on D, Philly having their worst year in 15 seasons, Giants taking the year off) just for them to win the division by one game... idk all that stuff isn't going to happen again this year.

Lee and Carter can be one of the two best LB corps in the league, Mo will be better, Ware and Spencer are going to cause havoc. Hearing really good things about the rookie Webb.

If the team stays healthy I expect good things. Definitely not a Superbowl but I see them at least winning the division and a playoff game, barring multiple key injuries of course.

Alot of people don't like Garrett but you have to give him credit for how hes building this team through the draft. I trust his plan. * finishes Kool-Aid :smokin *
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