THE OFFICIAL 2024 - 2025 DALLAS COWBOYS SEASON THREAD || 3 - 3 Thank God for the BYE

Eli has played like trash this year and should be getting more scrutiny then he has. However winning titles will give you somewhat of a pass as opposed to someone who hasn't.

Alot of the crap romo gets is warranted although some of it is blind hate. Romo has been the starter since 2006 and I can point out quite a few games where a boneheaded turnover and the most inopportune time by him has cost the cowboys a game. Everyone makes mistakes but his will be magnified more considering he has a track record for making them at bad times and because he plays for arguably the NFL's most high profile franchise. If romo played for the bills, aside from local media scrutiny we wouldn't hear much about him.

However considering this is 8th season as the starter and he's about 33 you start to realize that maybe he's not going to learn from his mistakes turnover wise. Romo is a great statistical qb and if going off stats alone he would be a top 10 qb. However stats only tell half the story.

Had they won last Sunday it would be regarded as romos career signature win and the cowboys making a statement that there for real. Instead one bad play erased a great statistical performance and people will view them as the same ol cowboys. Is it fair? No but that's just how it is.

Romo gets the cowboys to no mans land every year. 8-8 where its not good enough to make the playoffs but not bad enough to get a high draft pick and that's that worst place to be. If this season ends 8-8 and they don't win a division that's there's for the taking then perhaps the cowboys should consider rebuilding and aside from keeping dez and ware clean house for the most part and start fresh. Its been the same ol same ol from them.
True. But I think he has cut down on those types of mistakes earlier in his career. The mistakes he makes now is largely due to them having to put the game on his shoulders because so many other units on this team are underperforming. He's has to overcome so much over the last few years from a poor OL, very little running game, a historically bad D, WRs going thru growing pains, and a lacking coaching staff. I still think their problem is that they aren't strong enough in the trenches on both sides of the ball. Until they are they will be only average at best.

Last week he shouldn't have never been in that spot last week. 48 points should be enough in an NFL game but when your D has given up a score on every possession other than the 2 possessions they force a turnover then what other alternatives did they have to win other than #9. He is constantly in this kind of spot. I bet he was thinking no way can they punt the ball back to Denver because they been carving up the D all game. So on the 1st play with the game tied at 48 the OL breaks down and they get a sack. Then on the next play Tyron gets pushed in his lap, their feet get tangled and he has to throw with his feet not set. Then the LB makes a crazy diving pick. SMH. Just bad luck on that play. He's all they got and unfortunately it's not enough.
He hasn't worked with the team yet, he is working out with his own personal trainer due to his problems with the boys staff

Continue to shove it down their fuc*kin throats 
Offense picked up where they left off.
Defense hitting but not making plays on the ball.
Need some turnovers.
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