If this game was the last game of the season, and knocked us out of the playoffs I'd Be Mad...  But We Lost, Barely. Silly Mistakes. There Still a good chunk of the season left.

And If Our Defense plays like that at the end of the season, We could be deadly if our O ever becomes in sync. 

I slept off the loss, and Looking forward to ATL. If Dallas can do whatever the Raiders did, we can honestly rattle these Falcons.. 

We aren't in a state of emergency, just yet. 
Tyrone is gonna be an elite tackle at the NFL level.

Cowboys secondary was super solid yesterday.

Mo is doing his thing....

It starts from the top.....

Garret is a clown.

I never thought i would say this. But Romo could very well be on his way out.

Apart of me wants a real Head coach like Gruden or cowher to give this team a shot.
I hope Jerry Jones at the end of the season does something cutthroat and out of NOWHERE. For Example, Releasing Of T.O.

Come January, Romo Or Garrett SomeONEis getting the Boot.

& Justice Will Be Served. 
Tyrone is gonna be an elite tackle at the NFL level.

Cowboys secondary was super solid yesterday.

Mo is doing his thing....

It starts from the top.....

Garret is a clown.

I never thought i would say this. But Romo could very well be on his way out.

Apart of me wants a real Head coach like Gruden or cowher to give this team a shot.
Apart of me wants a real Head coach like Gruden or cowher to give this team a shot.
had this exact conversaation with these same names(add holmgren) immediately after the loss...

for me, that was the last straw for coach garrett... dude is obviously overwhelmed..i wouldnt even be mad if he returned to being the highest paid coordinator...just not head coach..

im very serious about this, and i really want some input from you guys...

but am i crazy in thinking that we can have a san fran type turnaround with cowher or gruden coming in??? similar to what coach harbaugh did??  i honestly think so..turn those 'flashes' of good play into 4 quarters of consistency and were a formidable force....   but we only have 'flashes' of good play with coach garrett...

any thoughts?
^^ Those coaches would never work for Jerry. That's the problem. So yes we can have that turnaround but it would never happen because Jerry needs to meddle in every damn thing and undermines his coaches. His ego is too big to take a backseat.

Not sure the validity of this but supposedly Dez's wrist landed in bounds before his fingers touched the ground. Too late to clamor over it now and honestly, the Football God's were probably telling us that we don't deserve to win when you turn the ball over 6 times.
I dont want Garrett anywhere near this team. Not even in an offensive coordinator position. We have seen his asinine play calling during crunch time when it matters.

^^ Those coaches would never work for Jerry. That's the problem. So yes we can have that turnaround but it would never happen because Jerry needs to meddle in every damn thing and undermines his coaches. His ego is too big to take a backseat.

ALL OF THIS. It all boils down to Jerry being the damn problem. I am convinced we wont see any more super bowls in Dallas until Jerry either gives up all or his control, or passes on. We know the former will not happen so I can only wait for the latter.
nah..its not jerrys fault gentlemen...jerrys job as GM is to ACCUMULATE the talent possible to be competitive every year...we  can agree that he succeeded in that...

its the coaches job to MOLD/DIRECT that talent to fulfill the gameplan according to his views... garrett fails in this every week...

jerry is the gm, the owner, he influences the team a lot...that much i cant deny...but at some point he has to hand over the reigns to JG and sit back and watch like you and i..

contrary to the popular opinion, im more than confident that jerry can co-exist with cowher, gruden, etc....

if he and bill can coexist, he can with anyone else too...

mr.garrett is the problem...
i want to blame jerry then u see all the talent we have and ask your self how we got it. 

i want to blame jerry then u see all the talent we have and ask your self how we got it. 

I understand that, but was the reason Jimmy Johnson and Parcells left. I feel like Garrett is more of a "Yes" Man and will not be gone for a couple of years :{.

If they are not going to get rid of Romo(which I don't think they should), I wish they would get a coach to put pressure on him when he makes these bone-headed throws.
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I understand that, but was the reason Jimmy Johnson and Parcells left. I feel like Garrett is more of a "Yes" Man and will not be gone for a couple of years
If they are not going to get rid of Romo(which I don't think they should), I wish they would get a coach to put pressure on him when he makes these bone-headed throws.
on the same coin, he was the reason they came in the first place....

pulling a famously stubborn man out of retirement takes certain skills...pulling a HIGHLY successful college coach from the PERFECT situation in miami, to follow up the landry hat takes certain skills...

we cant sell jerry short, he puts talent on this team EVERY SINGLE YEAR...

one thing ANY coach that goes to dallas will know is that, the gm may meddle in day to day activities, but he's gonna open the checkbook for the best players,best coordinators, best trainers, etc....

my dude jerry HOLDS NOTHING BACK...coaches gotta want that in a owner to some degree....
How many weeks/seasons/years am I going to have to listen to Tony Romo supporters defend his play? How can you people continually blame everyone but the quarterback who has thrown 13 interceptions this year? I swear on everything that is good, you have got to be ******** me.

Tony Romo is an average quarterback at times and mixes in some of the WORST quarterback play of our generation. This results in a quarterback who is BELOW average, at best.

We have 3 wins and 4 losses. We beat the Giants, Bucs and Panthers. Let that sink in for a second. We beat the Giants the first game of the year with most of their defense hurt. We beat the Bucs by 6 and the Panthers by 5. Are we serious right now?

This team isn't just bad, it's absolutely HORRENDOUS. The fact that we have Jason Witten, Miles Austin and Dez Bryant on offense and can't beat anyone by more than a touchdown, should tell you something. This begins and ends with Tony "slippery when or when not wet" Romo. Jason Garrett is a terrible head coach and hasn't a clue about how to call a game in the NFL, but Romo has all the weapons and enough time.

It's a damn shame that this defense is getting wasted by the offense. I genuinely feel mad about it. To watch Romo throw the ball to the other team time after time after time after time, and then get none of the blame, pisses me the **** off. **** Tony Romo.

This regime in Dallas is summed up by the 3rd and 1 bomb to Ogletree with the game on the line. First off, you throw a bomb to maybe your 4th best receiving option. Then there's the reality that you need about 2 feet to keep the game going. Then there's Tony Romo ACTUALLY CHECKING INTO THE ******G BOMB.

**** Tony Romo. **** Jason Garrett. **** this team.
Sure he fumbled.. So what? We have a Bonehead as our QB throwing picks left and right...
He gets blame for the fumble.. But for the loss, NOPE.

Our "boneheaded" QB threw the first pic because Dez Bryant is a sloppy route runner. He should cut in front of the safety instead of behind him. All you see is interception.. I bet you blame all 5 pics against the Bears on Romo too. You are just a casual fan who apparently doesn't understand football. Interception #2 Romo threw the ball against a one on one man covered Miles Austin in which Miles stumbles at the beginning of the route. Pic Three, Nate Livings allows Chris Canty to come in untouched and Romo throws a dump off pass to Felix Jones.. That was just an extremely athletic play by Piere-Paul. 9 times out of 10 that doesn't happen. It's not just Romo.. It's Felix Jones who fumbled during an inportant drive.. And earlier in the first quarter is by himself and is instructed by Romo to run up field and he has no clue what to do. Or on 2nd and one Jason Witten drops a pass that could have gave us the first. .. And the fact that you say "Dez Bryant fumbled, so what" makes me question what you think are good decisions and bad decisions in football. Chill bro.. If our QB is as boneheaded as you say.. How did we get back into the game?!?
Im just really down on Jerry right now man.

It has become blatantly obvious to me, since that MNF loss to the Bears, that Cowboy Stadium is a damn joke. And we all know that stadium is his baby. He had the franchise's best interest in mind. Not the TEAM that has to go out there and perform and win, the billion dollar franchise is all he was thinking about when it was built. Couldnt even give the team a legit home field advantage. That stadium has a damn art gallery and a MF'n Victoria Secret in there! What kind of sh*! is that? The upscale people are in there buying panties on games days. THAT IS NOT FOOTBALL. We need passionate/rowdy people sitting in the lower bowl of the stadium on game days. As opposed to the upper class, who can afford those seats, who go to be seen and just sit on there a**. And its that type of mindset right there that has me thinking that Jerry is ultimately the issue. The Dallas Cowboy brand is his #1 priority as appose to the team on the field.

He just needs to loosen his grip, step back, write the checks, and draw the personal the team needs to be successful on the field.
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In fact, when asked about specific turnovers, Garrett said Romo had two poor decisions against the Bears for interceptions – in a game where he threw five. He also said there was a bad decision against Seattle. Garrett said of the four interceptions Romo threw on Sunday against the Giants, none of them were considered poor decisions on the quarterback’s part.

And that is really all you need to know about the state of this team. Smh
Lets keep in mind Jerry and Bill were very well acclimated prior to his stint in Dallas. I don't give props to Jerry from bringing Bill in.

Jerry brought in Jimmy yes. But Jimmy had the final say and had his hand in all player personell decisions. As we started to win, Jerry's ego wouldn't allow Jimmy's success to be plastered without him being somehow involved. I forget which draft it was, but I remember Jerry explicitly telling Jimmy to have a 'discussion' with him while the ESPN cameras and such were rolling so it looked like HE was involved. Jimmy finally couldn't take it and we parted ways which what would have been a three peat. Jerry was so content that he could plug any coach in there and we'd win so this was the beginning of the "Yes Man" era. I'm sorry my fellow Cowboys fans, I'm as die hard as they come but 1995 was a fluke SB win. Rich O'Donnell gift wrapped two INTS but most Cowboys fans miss the big picture:

The San Francisco 49ers finally had our #.

Dudes put up 30 points with Elvis Gerbac at the helm. Thank God for us, Green Bay knocked them out of the playoffs in the divisional round which avoided us from having to go to Candlestick to get demolished again.

Jerry is the only constant in our mediocre 16 years of .500. He does NOT know football and swears he does. How soon we forget the Joey Galloway trade. Or how about hiring Dave Campo as our HC? Jerry had NO CHOICE after those three 5-11 seasons to bring someone in to turn it around. Bill only agreed to the job if he had FULL CONTROL. Jerry agrees but AGAIN had to stick his hand in things and eventually brought in T.O, against Parcells wishes.

Ask yourself this question: How many 1st round and 2nd Round picks do we have still starting that were handpicked by Jerry compared to other teams. Look at other teams that have injuries. They have players that fill in nicely because their GM knows how to add depth. Notice how when a starter goes down for the Cowboys we panic because we know the next guy in line is trash.

I will continue to root for my Boys and still cling to SB hopes this year because its the nature of my Cowboy fandom. But there is no other GM that could have a resume of .500 after 16 years and still keep his job. Jerry IS the problem and it goes deeper than his poor evaluation of talent. Jerry doesn't hold himself accountable and he's at the top. Guess what? That trickles down to your head coach and then to the players.

We've had 3 coaches in the past 6 years. I'm not a fan of Garrett as an OC, but I think he needs time to develop as a HC. What would help with that development is getting an OC. But NOPE Jerry doesn't want that. He wants his HC to handle either the defensive play calling or the offensive play calling instead of delgating duties like most successful teams do. And it starts AGAIN with Jerry not willing to delegate his GM duties and instead playing owner/GM/President. You can't expect players to take a HC seriously when they know they can go right to Jerry and get a different answer or the answer they are looking for.

I will end my Jerry rant on this note: After losing to the Ravens and dropping to 2-3, Jerry tells the media "I believe this team still has a chance to compete for the SB." Do you think a GM should be saying ANYTHING AT ALL after a loss as devasting as the one to the Ravens, much less saying "this team can compete." That sends NO SENSE OF URGENCY to the players and NO ACCOUNTABILITY. Hence the undisicplined mental errors. Fellas, this team has had the same penalties, same mental errors, same dropped passes since Parcells was here, Wade was here, and now Garrett. So who do we hire next after we fire Garrett?
Im just really down on Jerry right now man.
It has become blatantly obvious to me, since that MNF loss to the Bears, that Cowboy Stadium is a damn joke. And we all know that stadium is his baby. He had the franchise's best interest in mind. Not the TEAM that has to go out there and perform and win, the billion dollar franchise is all he was thinking about when it was built. Couldnt even give the team a legit home field advantage. That stadium has a damn art gallery and a MF'n Victoria Secret in there! What kind of sh*! is that? The upscale people are in there buying panties on games days. THAT IS NOT FOOTBALL. We need passionate/rowdy people sitting in the lower bowl of the stadium on game days. As opposed to the upper class, who can afford those seats, who go to be seen and just sit on there a**. And its that type of mindset right there that has me thinking that Jerry is ultimately the issue. The Dallas Cowboy brand is his #1 priority as appose to the team on the field.
He just needs to loosen his grip, step back, write the checks, and draw the personal the team needs to be successful on the field.

^^ This.

To followup on that, an email was sent out to all those who bought tickets this past Sunday that begged everyone to CHEER for the defense and get loiud for the Cowboys. How many other NFL teams have to send out an email prior to game day to beg the fans to get loud?

Don't get me wrong, Cowboys Stadium is a palace and I can't wait to visit. But its NOT a football stadium and gives us NO homefield advantage whatsoever. Again, this is Jerry the marketing genius. As long we finish 7-9, 8-8 he'll have fans believing we are "1 player away from a SB" to keep the stadium filled. And I guarantee despite his god awful season, he extends Romo WITHOUT getting a QB to sit in groom for the next 3-4 years.

P.S. We extended Barry Church, who has a torn achillies injury, to a 4 year contract.
Cowboy Stadium is a place to make to money and its a horrible place for fan experience.

There wasn't a bad seat in Texas Stadium and unless you spend 700 a ticket there isn't a good one in Cowboy's stadium.
Im just really down on Jerry right now man.

It has become blatantly obvious to me, since that MNF loss to the Bears, that Cowboy Stadium is a damn joke. And we all know that stadium is his baby. He had the franchise's best interest in mind. Not the TEAM that has to go out there and perform and win, the billion dollar franchise is all he was thinking about when it was built. Couldnt even give the team a legit home field advantage. That stadium has a damn art gallery and a MF'n Victoria Secret in there! What kind of sh*! is that? The upscale people are in there buying panties on games days. THAT IS NOT FOOTBALL. We need passionate/rowdy people sitting in the lower bowl of the stadium on game days. As opposed to the upper class, who can afford those seats, who go to be seen and just sit on there a**. And its that type of mindset right there that has me thinking that Jerry is ultimately the issue. The Dallas Cowboy brand is his #1 priority as appose to the team on the field.

He just needs to loosen his grip, step back, write the checks, and draw the personal the team needs to be successful on the field.
Well maybe them passionate/rowdy people need to get some better jobs more $$$ so they can sit up front then. I agree we don't have a homefield advantage but I also think for the most part them days are gone of the rowdy home field crowds esp in these new big behind stadiums.
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