yeh i definitely feel you lol. i suspected they were 103s from the jump but it's messed up they made it past authentication and got my hopes up.

What are they saying when you talk to them about the slip up?
Anybody here order nikeid recently? Wonder how the new shape is. I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on this one..

It's the old shape, I ordered a pair about 2 months ago. Unless they changed it since then but i doubt it.
Hey what's that one master or air chick's name? She's from Europe. She's the biggest air max chick in Amsterdam or somewhere.

Is it Shoenica?
Hey what's that one master or air chick's name? She's from Europe. She's the biggest air max chick in Amsterdam or somewhere.

Is it Shoenica?
Yea that's her. Saw she picked up a lot at Complexcon. Of all of the ig sneaker people, she's one of the cooler ones imo.
I was wondering where the post went.. I dont see how that was out of pocket. Relevant to the thread and where you copped from.
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