Bot's run 24/7 to cart everything Nike sells

I haven't seen a successful launch in months
That new oos me$age been popping up for me as soon as i clicked on the link..
And its been like that for nearly all revent release 4 me smh
I've seen screenshots on twitter (not this release but others) of people who have carted full size runs minutes before they release. That is what is happening. Then, three or four days later you see those instagram pics of the guys surrounded by Nike boxes..
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So did anybody cook AT ALL?  I haven't seen one person confirming success.  That's pretty unusual.

This is all I been getting lol. Tried chrome as well
I was able to purchase with a pair of size 13 earlier. Let's see if it holds and they don't cancel my order. I ended up paying about $210 ($48 shipping) out the door. Which is only about $60 more than here in the US. These shoes are easily going to be pushing $300 USD.
The moment the countdown started people already were in line for the shoe and some were even able to add them to cart.. The moment it hit 0:00 theyre already in the cart..that 10 minute countdown- many things already happened.
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