dunno man, maybe they are maybe they're not
Yes there QS

People selling them on feebay already
These safari 87s will be at all US Niketowns in minimal qtys...i think NikeLab got the most stock
thats my experience.  others may and do feel differently than i do.  overall, the pendleton experience is diff from the essential experience.  

pendleton: more cushioning, roomier but acceptable and more plush on the inside.  

essential: stiff and snug.
So, yesterday I went to 3 shops in my town, one didn't carry them in the size I wanted to try on, other didn't have any and the other one not in my size again. Then I went to the city where my college is and I couldn't find any in that size again. And now almost all colors at the Pendleton options are gone. Fml. 
flux flux

Not that this helps much but just wait til the next Pendleton edition. I regret not getting back in the game and missing out on the plaid and flannel patterns.
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