Thanks for the captcha link. I’ll def be ready the next time. Size 12s staying high as expected, hope it comes down after the major drop. 🥲
the big retailers gonna get em. give me your size and I'll try grabbing a pair for you on the 15th

Size US 10 and thanks bro. I know it’ll be a long shot regardless but any help with securing your boy a pair would be appreciated.
I can’t even be mad with Ls like this.. at least it was somewhat fair. My own errors messed me up. Don’t let it ruin your day tho.. there will be another must have shoe next week

That’s the right mindset my man…

Plus the wider release on these is still incoming so there’s still a chance down the road…My size 12 is way too high on the aftermarket to even entertain that thought anyway :lol:

But did anyone else get this message

Everyone needs LOVE:wink:
I checked my order number 20xxx

hopefully there’s no correlation between order number and whether or not you get the Pats box
Props to whoever mentioned hCaptcha earlier today. After some googling, found out you can sign up as an accessibility user which gives you a cookie that lets you bypass solving anything. I never saw a question or password, no drawing cats, nothing. Just clicked the “are you human box” and off it went. Came in clutch.

Here’s where I signed up Hope it helps some of you with future drops

Edit: found the earlier post, thanks @les_diabolique for you very handy nugget of info

Sign up failed.. If you are having issues signing up, please email [email protected]

Anyone else having this issue?

I was able to cop my size 12, almost got through on a second pair in 12.5 but got a card decline
infamousbape infamousbape sign up worked for me, but I did have trouble enabling the cookie. Emailed support and got a reply within 10 mins. Dude said he had to manually verify the account, which did the trick.
Size US 10 and thanks bro. I know it’ll be a long shot regardless but any help with securing your boy a pair would be appreciated.
for sure. everyone posting they're payment screen, doesn't sit right with me that someone
My **** head boss came up to talk about some stupid meaningless **** at 7:03am as i FINALLY got to the point of putting in my credit card info! This L is for you gregg, you miserable piece of trash…..
bought so many sneakers during corporate meetings, I've lost count. on mute, camera off the good life
Persistence and a bit of luck were needed for this drop. Had a ton of refreshing and reloading to do but finally got my order in. Just received my tracking number too.
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