The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

im on marine ford rn

why is it only a few dudes front lining where da rest of da squad at :smh:
why they got whitebeard out here reckless 1st in command getting clapped too :smh:
why dont they just cut ace head off :smh:
why garp not helpin out :smh:

been hearin lotta good things bout FMA too might have to check that out later

After you saying Naruto over One Piece, im not sure if you deserve to watch such a magnificent show

I'm joking today yall, had a long day need to internet thug for awhile to make myself feel better.

prob fma > once piece too then huh fam :evil: :lol:
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im on marine ford rn

why is it only a few dudes front lining where da rest of da squad at :smh:
why they got whitebeard out here reckless 1st in command getting clapped too :smh:
why dont they just cut ace head off :smh:
why garp not helpin out :smh:
prob fma > once piece too then huh fam :evil: :lol:

honestly I dont know...... FMA is really really good....

I love One piece though

right now it's FMA= One piece..
Just FYI, Naruto fillers are over. Animation for this week's episode is on point too. MadaraGawd flourishing

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Anyone read the attack on titan manga.It went down hill quickly

1 Naruto

2 Gundam 0079 or z


4 Yu Yu hakusho(Uncut ony lol)

5 Bleach

6 Ruroni Kenshin & Samurai X

7 Deathnote

8 Cowboy Bebop(best dub ever

9 Code Geass

10 Now then here and there ( kind of obscure but worth the watch)

Honorable  Mention 12 kingdoms, Ghost in Shell S.A.C, Akira, Gundam 0083

Going to go back and give one piece another shot
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Naruto better than One Piece? :lol: :lol: :lol: Naah.
BLASPHEMY. Naruto is one of the best animes ever.One piece is certified garbage. There is no way you can tell me the one piece story line is better than naruto. Evangelion and one piece i feel are the 2 most overrated shows in the history of the genre. You mind if i ask what your top 5 shows are??

Also i think we are all forgetting the pain arc


outta this thread b.
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@sreggie101Had to laugh at that one dude. I been watching anime since dbz's original run and this thread is the first time ive ever heard people say one piece is better than naruto.I may be wrong about the certified garbage part(getting the first 50 ep as i post). But what makes one piece better than naruto
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I don't know if I would say OP is garbage, it's just not for me. I don't care for the art, I hate almost all of the characters, I don't like Odas style of writing, I like the premise though
Had to laugh at that one dude. I been watching anime since dbz's original run and this thread is the first time ive ever heard people say one piece is better than naruto.I may be wrong about the certified garbage part(getting the first 50 ep as i post). But what makes one piece better than naruto
I've never seen an episode of one piece so I can't argue that but did you say Naruto is one of the best EVER?. I know I said to each their own, but that statement is straight disrespectful.
One piece arcs are just better than overall than Narutos arcs...
it never loses focus on the many characters it has given us. (unlike Naruto)

Put it in Video game terms. Naruto is a Sandbox game (which there is nothing wrong with)
One Piece is open world

there are so many possiblities stories characters that Oda can easily slide in to and we'd understand

Naruto jumped around a bit... the characters we came to love pre time skip got no more love..
at one point it seemed he ran out of ideas..

it essentially went in to post Frieza

did one piece take awhile to get in to.........for most people yes... but once you're in and the story builds up for you... you're in and invested....

I hear more people complaining about it's slow start.

never hear people talking about jumping out or just reading for it to be over (unlike Naruto and bleach)

as we said before though first 100 chapters of bleach first 100 chapters of pre time skip naruto are better than the first 100 chapters of one piece easily....

but you have to be willing to invest the time in to letting that world build in OP to truly invest.

all good novels are like that... Oda is writing novels man..

as far as art style... art style has never personally deterred me from reading a good story. It has changed from when it first started it's smoother now the characters aren't as long... but i personally liked it it was unique
You are not lying about naruto. After the time skip he forgot all the characters people loved. the akatsuki were great but everybody else was just there not doing anything. I do think that  how poorly the war was executed has changed how we look at the series though
Everything up until the Pein Arc (One of the greatest, if not the greatest, arcs in the entire series :smokin ) was solid. After that it steadily went downhill.
I'n not crapping on Naruto at all, I said this when it first ended. Naruto shaped my love for Manga/anime
I grew up with Naruto, learned important lessons. I love Naruto and will always ride for it..
I just don't think it's better than One piece.

You are not lying about naruto. After the time skip he forgot all the characters people loved. the akatsuki were great but everybody else was just there not doing anything. I do think that  how poorly the war was executed has changed how we look at the series though

that's part of the reason.. I think the lack of commitment to characters is what hurt the most.

the pointless deaths that could've been done better or at least had more of...
(still have feels about Asuma)
Jiraya was probably the only designed death that made sense.
Asuma, Neji, made no sense...
There was no real connection to their death.

When we got Ace, straight tugged on the heart strings..

The war was done poorly as well, that was his opportunity to let people shine.. we got a bit, but it still always came back to Naruto and/or sasuke.
all that unnecessary stuff... he could've straight taken the entire Kaguya character and those chapters and focused more on the war and those characters.

That would've been my suggestion. it could've stopped at madara honestly... Hargano could've still been in there also and it would've been fine... making Madara that powerful was enough...

The fact he gaves 3 dumb powerful enemies in less than 50 come on.
Just FYI, Naruto fillers are over. Animation for this week's episode is on point too. MadaraGawd flourishing :pimp:  

Was complaining about the same thing once i finished the episode. :lol:
can't wait I love those games.. I hope we get all the adult characters also even if it's just a skin
Just FYI, Naruto fillers are over. Animation for this week's episode is on point too. MadaraGawd flourishing

Animation on point? Animation so far has been TRASH.
......which is why I edited my post
I'm not referring to the filler though. I'm talking about the lazy animation quality. I thought the point of the months of filler was so that they would up the ante on the final episodes. I'm tired of seeing characters stand in place for 5 seconds at a time.
Studio Pierrot comes through when needed. Kakashi vs. Obito was classic. I expect 8 Gates Guy to be nothing less than orgasmic
Anybody with half a brain knows OP>>> the depth and detail is unparalleled, narutos a joke at this point, entertaining yes cuz it's more naruto but still a complete and utter joke. Each and every op arc is more entertainment than naruto man, prolly don't got the patience. Esp if your caught up to ops manga, the theories are redic outchea
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