The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

:stoneface: how you disrespect udon no kuni no kiniro kemari like that?

And how y'all sleep on


Glad to see da great passage on someone else radar :smokin

Might want to give Keijo a shot if your bored and what to watch some foolishness with a good deal of action/fanservice.
The name is just too damn long son :lol:

The Great Passage might be my favorite of the season.

I feel like I've seen a lot of praise for Yuri on Ice's animation, but I'm not into ice skating so I kept looking the other way. I'll give it a shot tomorrow. Thanks for the recommendation, pa.

I'll pass on all that fanservice **** though :lol:

That's what porn and IG are for.
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One piece [emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji]

**** getting too intense
Tower of God
I'm on Chapter 285. The Chapter after Bam briefly fought Kaiser. How come his hair is long when he fights her but when Endorsi takes him back to the residence his hair is short?
Tower of God
I'm on Chapter 285. The Chapter after Bam briefly fought Kaiser. How come his hair is long when he fights her but when Endorsi takes him back to the residence his hair is short?

He was fighting Kaiser as viole so xia xia gave him a wig when he got to the station since people know viole to have long hair.
Only anime I've watched is Grave of the Fireflies and I loved it. I was looking for a street/urban Anime next. I think Akira might be one. Can anyone recommend anything else that came out more recently?

Thanks for the help if anyone knows any.
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Thanks, I'll check those out.

Don't waste ya time with that gangsta garbage b, trust me. Go rewatch black lagoon or something. Hell check out michiko e hatchin, but leave that gangsta dog **** in da garbage bin where it belongs. Go balls deep into 91 days if you want an urban blast from da past but seriously, leave gangsta alone.
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Don't waste ya time with that gangsta garbage b, trust me. Go research black lagoon or something. Hell check out michiko e hatchin, but leave that gangsta dog **** in da garbage bin where it belongs. Go balls deep into 91 days if you want an urban blast from da past but seriously, leave gangsta alone.

Black Lagoon :pimp:

Revy >>>>>
Thanks, I'll check those out.
Don't waste ya time with that gangsta garbage b, trust me. Go rewatch black lagoon or something. Hell check out michiko e hatchin, but leave that gangsta dog **** in da garbage bin where it belongs. Go balls deep into 91 days if you want an urban blast from da past but seriously, leave gangsta alone.
Haha, alright. I found 'Tekkon Kinkreet' through Googling which looks super dope. Any of you guys ever seen that?
Haha, alright. I found 'Tekkon Kinkreet' through Googling which looks super dope. Any of you guys ever seen that?
That was a dope movie
I hated that I put off watching it for so long
Almost shed a tear

It has a slow start can be a little confusing
It doesn't have as much action as you would think it's mostly story development
Branches out to other characters
But it was an enjoyable film

Fight scenes are good
Animation too
I didn't know The Seven Deadly Sins had new episodes. Been waiting for it. Will check out tomorrow.

Finally got around to watching the original Berserk anime. I watched 12 episodes on youtube which must've combined eps since the original had 24. Saw a little bit of the movie trilogy since they gave a little more detail and background and watched 2 episodes of the 2016 series. The original was great but it was weird how they threw in most of the demon stuff in the last few eps. Like the early eps had very few mentions of it and I would've liked the story better if it didn't have all that evil stuff at the end of the series. It went from being a minor mention in the story to being the main focus at the end. That fool griffith threw everything he worked for away because he was depressed about guts. So dumb. In the movie he was even thinking about guts while in the guts of Charlotte, so damn weird :x . The movie trilogy was like hentai in some parts. Not really liking the anime style of the movies or this new series.
Binged watched the last three episodes of Occultic Nine

Not disappointed at all
The story just gets deeper with each episode
Finally getting into dragon ball super since I can't find anything better at the moment

Dawg, no.
Like seriously no.
Like tha only thing worse than gangsta is super.
Like in 10000℅ seriousness tha ecchi show keijo has an actual better plot, story line, and fight scenes than super.
Go watch poco udon world. Go watch March comes in like a lion. Maybe the great passage. Or Re Zero from last season if you haven't already seen it. Hell go watch dragon Ball z over before wasting your time with super.
Go play XenoVerse 2 if you need a new Dragonball fix.
Or go fishing or something.
For you own good don't watch that super garbage.
For your own sanity b.
It's that garbage.
Better off watching a snail move from one part of da sidewalk to another.
Don't do it.
Go donate ya time to ya local charity. Helping a soup kitchen or teach young kids how to read.
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