The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by onlyjays9P

Yo OJ did you try bumping up your sensitivity yet?
I've been playing on high since the game started. And then I bumped it up to 5 when I started using the ACR and the TAR.

-The Juice
Try it at Insane with the fps its nice
Originally Posted by onlyjays9P

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by onlyjays9P

Yo OJ did you try bumping up your sensitivity yet?
I've been playing on high since the game started. And then I bumped it up to 5 when I started using the ACR and the TAR.

-The Juice
Try it at Insane with the fps its nice
Just tried it. Its going to take some time to get used to it. Before I switched it I went 25/10. The next match I switched to insane and for the3 quarters of the game I was at 3/11
. I was getting heated and Iwas going to switch back to 5 but then I started getting used to the fastness, I ended up finishing the game 11/14. I'm going to stick with it and see if Ilike insane better.

I dont know if I would want to use insane for longshots specially if the gun has a fair amount of recoil.

But it is.... "insane"

-The Juice
holy moly that's some crazy sensitivity settings. Do you guys use the default button layout or the other presets? just curious
I keep the layout the same but my boy was telling me to switch the crouch/prone button to clicking in a joystick for easier drop shots.
i recently did that and find it more convenient for drop shots but i sometimes click it when i did not mean to as i'm shooting and give my position awayhahaha... if you have tried it it might be good but knifing won't be as convenient which sucks i liked it on the joystick.
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

what would the benefit be to moving the sensitivity up to insane?
You can make quick turns, and aim quicker. But if you are a bad shot, it will make your accuracy suck even more. I feel like I die more. I canonly break even on insane.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by its Labrev

Insane is OD, I can only mess with 7.

#!@@ you onlyjays9P . Insane is OD but as soon as I put it to 6, I felt so slow so I put it back to 10. I'm soconfused

-The Juice
Originally Posted by onlyjays9P

I keep the layout the same but my boy was telling me to switch the crouch/prone button to clicking in a joystick for easier drop shots.

Thats what i got mine set at but its a wrap when someone comes around the corner and its a race to the knife button... I ALWAYS get knifed.

I have the FPS analog extenders or w.e they call em and it adds distance from the right stick to the B button. Id say i get knifed 75% of the time when its asurprise encounter around a corner like that
Yo I was gonna play Ground War Domination and all a sudden it's Free For All on Rust!

I was shooting my teamates and s***. My first killstreak was care package though so u know I couldn't use that.

Was that a glitch or something?
Originally Posted by Boomatic206

Yo I was gonna play Ground War Domination and all a sudden it's Free For All on Rust!

I was shooting my teamates and s***. My first killstreak was care package though so u know I couldn't use that.

Was that a glitch or something?
Happened to me like 4 times today.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by its Labrev

Insane is OD, I can only mess with 7.

#!@@ you onlyjays9P . Insane is OD but as soon as I put it to 6, I felt so slow so I put it back to 10. I'm so confused

-The Juice
man i do the same thing some days im fine at 10 some daysi drop it as low as 6 its weird man depends how my head feels
^^ Damn I might have to start playing right now.

Only had 75 kills. Woulda had more with the right killstreaks equipped.
I just got done playing HCTD with 9 on 9. Everyone in the server was freaking out
I guess it was a glitch or something.
I dunno if this was a glitch or if I just sucked during that game. But I just played a demolition match and I swear my bullets seemed to be made of water. Ichanged my class 4 different times and all 4 of my guns were simply not doing damage. It was weird actually.

The only reason I call foul play is because on average I get about 15 kills no matter what map and as of late I only die about 6 times.....on this match I went5/25
That never happens. Made me turn the game off, and grab a beer.

-The Juice
Tell me why every time I'm looking for a match it puts me in either a private match or a match different than what I picked
Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

Sherlock is aiiight

Although I haven't seen him play since he was at like...4 days lol.
My man been on his Madden steez lately
Got me duckin' his games like
Originally Posted by Rafool

Tell me why every time I'm looking for a match it puts me in either a private match or a match different than what I picked

It's a glitch. I played one of those private game matches and I went like 130-62

Straight hectic you can even kill your teammates and get points
Wow 2 games of hardcore ground war free for all on rust with no killcam. Game was straight retarted. Every other game was ground war domination with no timelimit. Dudes had 400 plus kills. I joined in late and got an easy 30000 points. Guess another patch is coming soon.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

onlyjays9P wrote:

I keep the layout the same but my boy was telling me to switch the crouch/prone button to clicking in a joystick for easier drop shots.

Thats what i got mine set at but its a wrap when someone comes around the corner and its a race to the knife button... I ALWAYS get knifed.

I changed this a while ago on COD4. Not because I wanted to crouch/lay down faster, but because I kept pulling out the knife out inadvertently, every time Imade a sudden turn on the right stick I apparently clicked it down just enough to pull out a knife. And this cost me many lifes, because any noob can kill youthree times over before the knife animation is finished and you're ready to shoot again. Now when I click the right stick it doesn't cost me a life,but actually saves it. If you develop a technique where you lay down every time you run into an opponent in a 1-on-1 battle that is between 5 and 20 feet awayfrom you, trust me, your winning percentage of those 1-on-1 battles will be MUCH higher than if you hadn't laid down. But yeah, the drawback is that youalmost ALWAYS get knifed in really close battles (under 5 feet), especially against that god awful commando perk
. But at least I don't pull out theknife when I don't want to anymore, so I am much more happy with this layout.
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