The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

..going hammmmm
or YNS
Originally Posted by Dunks r nice

Ak-47 with silencer = Beast.Finally 8th prestige.
GT: dunksrnice
Yo dunks why you deny my friend request

And i just started using the FAMAS
put up 3 emp's in less then 6games. Could have nuked them all those 3 games but felt like using the emp
am I the only one who hasn't come across any NT clan tags? I played a few matches with ahyoon chef the other day other then that I haven't come acrossany NTers...had NT as the clan tag but changed it to 203
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

im about to be tenth prestige 70! yes finally i cant wait to use my ak47 + models forever! without having to prestige!
either u glitched it or have no life man
Hes been talking about going 50-5 on each match since the game came out
i played HQ with him a few days ago..dude went 98-16

he gets 30+ in TDM consitently so i can vouch for him. I thought i was doing it going 36-16 in that HQ match.

If anybody plays SnD on PS3 add me PSN= erupt107th

Just tell me if you're a NTer when you add me. I'm probably gonna get in like 30 min.
I hoped on at midnight last night and prestiged. By 3:00 I was at lvl 20. The Famas is a beast. I didnt use it my first time through because I never reallyliked the 3 burst guns in COD4. But once I get the M16 its gonna be on.

And I know its getting repetitive but I come across boosters atleast two or three times a night now. Last night it was a whole crew of them, like 4 guys alldoing it. I broke up the party like 3 matches in a row. Dudes was TIIIIIIGHT.

And is there a place online that is documenting how to get certain titles and what not. Cuz half the time when im getting them I dont know what im doing.Atleast on the accolades it tells you what you did.

Edit: Thats what I get for not checking google first,

Heres the WIKI for callsigns and emblems
Yeah, I haven't come across the NT clan much if at all. Are people using different variations?

my gt = jb1zer0

The end digit is a Zero.
My GT is fatpat1251... Im only a level 4 but I lost my internet at my house so I come to my mom crib to use her internet and cable.. LOL Im bout to hop on in afew so holla at me NT'ers
does anyone else find the models are still cheap? I just reached 67 for the 2nd time and decided to test them out again.... i went 47-1 on ground war withthem.
I think prestiging once might be worth it since you have more challenges which can give you a lot more titles. I like the ones that are weapon specific.

Akimbo 1887's still do work. I can't notice any difference.

My little 12 yr old brother is getting frustrated because he just started playing and they are putting him in matches with all people that are on 2nd and 3rdprestige. I do wish there was matchmaking a little bit, but I also don't. I got annoyed with Halo because I had a bunch of good games with a team and thenext day I would get worked because I didn't belong on the next tier of talent.

FFA on huge maps is annoying.

I still can't figure out shipyard.
i'm getting so damn good at this game now. got 2 nukes in a row yesterday. my KDR went up 10 points in one day

if anyone wants to add me, GT: o iNSaYNe o
GT: Eugchkk. I suck but I just got the game 2 days ago.

Hit me up with the NT message and I'll add you, haha.
Originally Posted by So Authentic

i'm getting so damn good at this game now. got 2 nukes in a row yesterday. my KDR went up 10 points in one day

if anyone wants to add me, GT: o iNSaYNe o
So your K/D is 10.00?

im only lvl 22 but i went 27-0 last night on team death match, no nuke though cause i dont even have it unlocked

GT: ProjectMIU
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I think prestiging once might be worth it since you have more challenges which can give you a lot more titles. I like the ones that are weapon specific.

Akimbo 1887's still do work. I can't notice any difference.

My little 12 yr old brother is getting frustrated because he just started playing and they are putting him in matches with all people that are on 2nd and 3rd prestige. I do wish there was matchmaking a little bit, but I also don't. I got annoyed with Halo because I had a bunch of good games with a team and the next day I would get worked because I didn't belong on the next tier of talent.

FFA on huge maps is annoying.

I still can't figure out shipyard.
I wish there was matchmaking. I'm only level 35 and I'm playing dudes on their 6th or 7th prestige...%$!! is that?
i was a hardcore cod 1 fan on xbox, it broke now im on cod on ps3..and this game is amazing but very very different.

lot less tactical, more arcade like.

am i wrong for thinking this ? if so.. add me & teach me the ropes.

psn- ohsnapitsfusion
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by So Authentic

i'm getting so damn good at this game now. got 2 nukes in a row yesterday. my KDR went up 10 points in one day

if anyone wants to add me, GT: o iNSaYNe o
So your K/D is 10.00?

10 points is 1/10 (or 0.10)
How are the new maps? Hadnt turned on my XBox for awhile and saw they came out with some. I got one of those XBox arcade editions so I'll have to go outand buy some more memory to load the new maps. They worth it?
Marathon + Lightweight + Commando = mad knife kills

im about to get on right now- add me if you want
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