The Official FLASH FORWARD Season 1 Thread - Premieres 9/24, 8 ET on ABC - Vol. What Did You See?

Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

I actually enjoyed tonights episode. I didn't think I would like the storyline involving the dr. and the Asian girl but they played it well. Shes also cute in a different sort of way.

But i'm really not enjoying the whole drunken/military daughter/who sent the text storyline.

agree with all of this

Can't wait for the next episode
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

I actually enjoyed tonights episode. I didn't think I would like the storyline involving the dr. and the Asian girl but they played it well. Shes also cute in a different sort of way.

But i'm really not enjoying the whole drunken/military daughter/who sent the text storyline.

agree with all of this

Can't wait for the next episode
yeah ditto. Not diggin it at all. And, to be honest, the main character of the show (the "lead" actor) is pretty terrible. The show isgood though.
Oh yeah, just wondering if anyone can tell us what the 'current date' is in the show's timeline? how long until the events of the flashforward takeplace?
From what I can tell, the show is moving in "real time".

I think they've referred to past events in terms of weeks on at least 2 different occasions.

As in, "well when the blackout occurred 4 weeks ago...". And it really was 4 weeks ago (at that time).

So if April 29, 2010 (which falls on a thursday) is supposed to be the big day in everyone's FF and the show debuted on Sept 24, I'm guessing they aremoving in "real time'. Or as close to it as possible.

Skip a week for thanksgiving, most likely skip the thursday of Christmas eve, skip the thursday for New Year's eve, take the usual month or so off in jan.,and we've got roughly 6 months from the start of the show to the end of the season.
Leave it to the production-team to stereotype Hong Kong... just because its a part of China, it doesn't mean that everyone rides around in bicycleswith rickshaw-like vehicles in the background. For the record, no one rides around in bikes nor are there a lot of people dressed in traditional Chineseoutfits. To give credit where credit's due, the airport does look close enough... *end of rant*

Anyway, interesting twist this week with Demetri's killer revealed... and why is Olivia so nice to Simcoe all of a sudden?
I don't know why but I'm still watching this.

Anyway I just figured out why Harold's wife thinks they're getting married 6 months from now; it's his funeral not a wedding. Just my strong hunchso I aint spoiling anybody.
Good episode tonight so far... character development is working well for me, and despite this being a pretty outrageous scenario overall, they're doing anice job with covering plot holes and such.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I just figured out why Harold's wife thinks they're getting married 6 months from now; it's his funeral not a wedding. Just my strong hunch so I aint spoiling anybody.

yea i figured that too
oh +#+$... i'm pretty sure what they're talking about is real right now.

there's this place in like antartica that sends radio signals up to the isophere or whatever the highest level of our atmosphere is - and they think as itcomes back down to the earth, that it's broadcasting on the same wave length that our brains do... conspiracy theorists suspect they could use this forcontrol over us somehow.

Not sure it's the exact same thing as this - but wow, i'm definitely interested suddenly.
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by Master Zik

I just figured out why Harold's wife thinks they're getting married 6 months from now; it's his funeral not a wedding. Just my strong hunch so I aint spoiling anybody.

yea i figured that too
why would she have a white dress on at a funeral though?
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Anyway I just figured out why Harold's wife thinks they're getting married 6 months from now; it's his funeral not a wedding. Just my strong hunch so I aint spoiling anybody.
was thinking that from the jump

anyways the wife is REALLY pissin me off why even talk to dude let alone say stuff like that
Yay I was right. She just realized it too.

@Craftsy. There's many different traditions for funerals all over the world. They party in NO and in Hawaii they wear white and have them on the Beach. IfI'm right they'll even send his body off in a makeshift boat/coffin and set it on fire. Plus they did it on LOST
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Yay I was right. She just realized it too.

@Craftsy. There's many different traditions for funerals all over the world. They party in NO and in Hawaii they wear white and have them on the Beach. If I'm right they'll even send his body off in a makeshift boat/coffin and set it on fire.
That's true, I guess they are in Hawaii...

What do you think could make him kill Harold? Is he just going to completely lose his *+#*, and that's what makes him start drinking also?
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Yay I was right. She just realized it too.

@Craftsy. There's many different traditions for funerals all over the world. They party in NO and in Hawaii they wear white and have them on the Beach. If I'm right they'll even send his body off in a makeshift boat/coffin and set it on fire. Plus they did it on LOST

I totally forgot about this tonight! Thank God for Series record on DVR!
Come on now, the doctor couldn't even stand being in the same room with Lloyd after her flash forward and now she is helping him and comfortable talking tohim?
I'm really lost on how things are gonna go down when it comes to certain FFs. That keeps me watching. I'm wondering if when he starts drinking he justgoes off the deep end with the conspiracy stuff and kills him in confusion.

Or maybe the D. Gibbons guy puts him in a situation where he as to kill Harold to "save the world" or stop another FF.

I don't know how right the lady was about Mark killing Harold tho.

This D. Gibbons guy intrigues the hell outta me now. That whole genius angle and not looking for the fame. Plus he apparently has the technology to manifesthis ideas.
SNAP D Gibbons with the @@%** middle eastern lady.

Damn... good episode so far. What is the connection between Dominic and the director of the FBI (black guy), they obviously knew each other already right?

And now the CIA is somehow connected to D Gibbons I guess?
Come on now, the doctor couldn't even stand being in the same room with Lloyd after her flash forward and now she is helping him and comfortable talking to him?
i know right?
she's all of a sudden morecompassionate to him when she finds out he caused the black out? or admitted to it anyways... %+%
I dunno if you missed the first 10 min or so like me but I think the English dude already made the announcement that him and Dom were the cause of the Blackoutand FFs.

Dom just up and decided to go to the FBI and work with them/find out what they know?? I'm guessing.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I dunno if you missed the first 10 min or so like me but I think the English dude already made the announcement that him and Dom were the cause of the Blackout and FFs.

Dom just up and decided to go to the FBI and work with them/find out what they know?? I'm guessing.
no no, i caught that. But when he showed up at the FBI office, it was as if he and the black guy had a history the way they were talking. Justseemed suspicious to me.

Also - i think these paramedics are going to hijack this guy and his son right now.
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