The Official FLASH FORWARD Season 1 Thread - Premieres 9/24, 8 ET on ABC - Vol. What Did You See?

Makes sense now why Janis allowed Simon to "get away" up in Canada.

I love this show.

A tad disappointed that so many people seem to be down on it now.
i always thought Marcie was hot....never knew her name until now....but today her teeth looked busted lol

i find her reasons corny though...and janis being a mole a little corny aswell
Maybe this show was just a year too early. It was a hit during the fall because a lot of people were looking for a show to satisfy them until Lost came back but then the 3 month layoff killed all the momentum. Then when Lost came back, a lot of people just lost interest in Flashforward.

It's too bad because the writers seemed to have had a plan that would last at least 3 seasons.
I find it funny that a FBI agent that's suppose to die in a day(or two not sure how far away they are now) finds himself alone in his house with no security AFTER knowing what state he's going to die in

It's just too dumb for me.
Originally Posted by shoutstoscreams

I heard the show is not being renewed for another season.

I'm not suprised, buzz for this show has dwindled tremendously, meaning rating plummeted. I still enjoy the show though.
Show getting canceled? V is next.

That 3 or 5 month break was the dumbest thing ABC decided to do.
The show is getting exciting, but is it weird that April 29 is in two weeks and the show is one month behind. ABC screwed up big time and should of brought the show back in early Feb, around the same time as Lost. I don't care about the Olympics, people can still follow it online or DVR. 

--How many of us believe no one ask Marcie what her flash forward was? especially since her dept is working on the mosaic, your telling me no one in that FBI office asked her once????

--Randy Savage 
Oh Yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

--Frost walks into a homeless shelter shoots up a bum, and no one does a damn thing. Wow! 

--Demetri is at home by himself??? wheres the best man??? wheres added security??? how many grooms go to weddings by themselves

--why didn't somebody jack Bauer Marcie and stick needles into her and force her to answer questions? She just shoot up an entire office and is your best lead to dylan frost and demetri death???? 
Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Maybe this show was just a year too early. It was a hit during the fall because a lot of people were looking for a show to satisfy them until Lost came back but then the 3 month layoff killed all the momentum. Then when Lost came back, a lot of people just lost interest in Flashforward.

It's too bad because the writers seemed to have had a plan that would last at least 3 seasons.
Agree 1000000%.
ABC dropped the ball big time on this one.

And I agree with alot of CaptainCrown's post as well.

- Marcie's reasons seemed a bit silly. Or at least her reactions afterward were puzzling. They tried to make it seem as if she was so hurt at what she did to Harold. Like she wanted to tell him more but couldn't. But I dunno... She didn't act distraught at killing so many agents (people that she worked with for 2 years). And who was the biker that came to rescue her? How come they never showed his face? How come they didn't question him? (Cuz I don't think he died from that crash into the water). You're gonna tell me he was fully padded AND had a helmet on and died? While Marcie who had ZERO protection on just fell off and was able to get up and fight Janice afterward? Gimme a break.

- The Jericho thing just needs to be dropped. Seems like it's gonna be a dumb storyline. Son gets guns and immunity to fly over to Afghanistan? Yeah right.

- Olivia sucking face with Lloyd so soon after Mark moves out seemed VERY unrealistic to me. I understand that Mark basically told her that their marriage is over with his dogged pursuit of his investigation and all. But her hooking up with Lloyd so easily struck me as odd and a bit premature.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Maybe this show was just a year too early. It was a hit during the fall because a lot of people were looking for a show to satisfy them until Lost came back but then the 3 month layoff killed all the momentum. Then when Lost came back, a lot of people just lost interest in Flashforward.

It's too bad because the writers seemed to have had a plan that would last at least 3 seasons.
Agree 1000000%.
ABC dropped the ball big time on this one.

And I agree with alot of CaptainCrown's post as well.

- Marcie's reasons seemed a bit silly. Or at least her reactions afterward were puzzling. They tried to make it seem as if she was so hurt at what she did to Harold. Like she wanted to tell him more but couldn't. But I dunno... She didn't act distraught at killing so many agents (people that she worked with for 2 years). And who was the biker that came to rescue her? How come they never showed his face? How come they didn't question him? (Cuz I don't think he died from that crash into the water). You're gonna tell me he was fully padded AND had a helmet on and died? While Marcie who had ZERO protection on just fell off and was able to get up and fight Janice afterward? Gimme a break.

- The Jericho thing just needs to be dropped. Seems like it's gonna be a dumb storyline. Son gets guns and immunity to fly over to Afghanistan? Yeah right.

- Olivia sucking face with Lloyd so soon after Mark moves out seemed VERY unrealistic to me. I understand that Mark basically told her that their marriage is over with his dogged pursuit of his investigation and all. But her hooking up with Lloyd so easily struck me as odd and a bit premature.

I thought the biker was shot? I think she acted the way she did because she knew she was gonna be freed from jail. She also said that she was  the happiest she's ever been in her vision, which is in jail so you know something is wrong with
she's probably been depressed for a minute. Also in the flashback it showed that she became the average worker/lackey while she felt that she could have been appointed to a better position as opposed to answering to Janis.

But yea ABC did %%*% up. They made it seem like once LOST was over this show was gonna replace it. LOST isn't over yet and even when it is it will always be strong. The break was weak. And also FF is more about plot development, I feel like a lot don't identify with the characters.
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

The show is getting exciting, but is it weird that April 29 is in two weeks and the show is one month behind.

lol after last weeks episode right after the show ended, i was like " what if they sync it with march 15" ...then i realized we were already in april.
So this really did not get picked up for a second season ? I must say Im disappointed.
the show had so much potential but the story and acting sucked so much. the plot is way too corny and inconsistent. i usually go with the flow on some of these shows and keep telling myself "its just a show" but this is like watching a slow train thats about to crash.
Just saw the episode today.

-Am I the only one that was cheering for Dyson Frost/D.Gibbons? I don't know why either.
-The little girl Charlie is very annoying, and I don't ever say that about kids.
-Where is Dominic Monaghan?
-I was
when that wall got erased when Dmitri stood up from the chair.
-The way that girl escaped from the prison was so completely lame.

Good episode. I surprised like someone said above that the show is not signed on for another year.
Finished the recent episode. It's crazy that they have this series planned for six more seasons, but we got like six episodes left. I don't want to even comment on this episode, it gave us more questions that answers. Plus, it looks like we're headed towards a trainwreck finale. So much to tell, with so little time.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Just saw the episode today.

-Am I the only one that was cheering for Dyson Frost/D.Gibbons? I don't know why either.
-The little girl Charlie is very annoying, and I don't ever say that about kids.
-Where is Dominic Monaghan?
-I was
when that wall got erased when Dmitri stood up from the chair.
-The way that girl escaped from the prison was so completely lame.

Good episode. I surprised like someone said above that the show is not signed on for another year.
I knew I wasn't the only one

Yea, the last few episodes are gonna be like a train wreck.
i hate when they cancel new shows the first season ...

especially good ones ... but i think they lost some writers and actors already ...

@ what happened last episode ... i guess i was hoping they both made it

and like someone said ...
@ the way shorty escaped from the prison ...

i want to see more of the japanese engineer
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