The Official FLASH FORWARD Season 1 Thread - Premieres 9/24, 8 ET on ABC - Vol. What Did You See?

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

You should watch LOST. Flash Forward is cool, but it's not even close to being on the level of LOST from the first 3 episodes...
So why is every other response a reference to Lost?

The name of this show is FLASH FORWARD.
Hey man we not screaming stuff about LOST while you watch the show. Blame the producers and directors for casting former LOST characters, LOST extras, putting in LOST Easter eggs, using lines from LOST, and the whole plot being completely based off a subplot for a character IN LOST/ a whole season using the technique of a FlashForward..
The show is based off a book, not LOST.

3rd ep was a step-down but I'm still watching.
It's interesting to me that it was inferred that Harold allowed this Jerome airport security guy to get off the hook with the bong/drugs. (Or did he?)

Thereby allowing Jerome to eventually land the position at the airport and taking another step to causing Mark's FF to come true.

It really wouldn't make sense to me if Harold allowed Jerome to get off seeing as Harold does NOT want his own FF to come true (assuming he's eventelling the truth about his own FF)...
Really quick the last scene I thought that was Walt until they did the close up to his face.

I miss Lost.
Originally Posted by mEasy15

What was the Somalian kid looking at during the last scene of the episode?? Nothing or anything??

I had no idea what I was looking at.
At first, I thought it was going to be like "The Mummy" and I thought I saw ancient city rise from out of nowhere.

But yeah, I couldn't really make out what the kid was looking at.
I couldn't really figure the ending out either. Obviously it was a test to get a blackout to happen is all we're supposed to know I guess. Whatever youwant to say about t his show, you can't say that there isn't some awesome cliffhangers at the end of each show. Definitely a smart way to keep peoplecoming back and wanting more.

I DON'T like the feeling that we wait all episode for the ending though. The third ep def dragged and picked up at the ending. I'd like to see thestory told better throughout the episode but that's definitely something that can be fixed easily IMO.
So the DNA matched that dude's daughter, when he exumed the body? What in the world. I wonder what happens in his FF then.
Originally Posted by mEasy15

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

3rd episode was good, but not as good as the other 2

wat was the Somalian kid looking at during the last scene of the episode?? Nothing or anything??
it looked like a spaceship to me and my wife.

I think Gabrielle Union's FF was a dream.

I think the guy who exumed his daughter also FF into a dream or they are going to tie in some military government conspiracy stuff and have his daughter havesomething to do with it.

Lastly, even if Harold didn't let the dude get the job at customs Marks FF would have still came true because they had already confirmed that the Nazi andthe customs agent saw the same thing. Therfore, if Harold stopped the guy from becoming a customs agent someone else would just have welcomed the Nazi backinto the US.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by EB4President

all in all this episode was ehh, I feel like homeboy is following his leads and creating his future, I dont know if that makes sense but I feel like he's bringing problems on himself
i dont think thats true everything so far has come to him in one way or another and he just follow it as a lead

i see what you're saying but i guess the whole philosophical question is "if he never saw his leads, would his board even exist?" because he's building a board based on a board he saw

I agree if he doesn't want his future to come true than he shouldn't follow his leads exactly the way he saw them in his FF.
@ everybody calling him Harold

Dimitri isn't a common Asian name though.

The last scene though with that cloud moving towards the kid reminded me of...the smoke monster.
Screw Lost; Zoe from Firefly was on tonight.

Combined (or "coupled") with a Stephen Moffat shout out by way of Jack Davenport, I now demand references to Pushing Daisies and the Middleman tosate my nerd hunger!
I'm in the process of watching the episode right now and I can't over the fact that Harold is engaged to Gabrielle Union.

But interracial couples are
Don't know if it was discussed here yet, but what are your theories on Charlie(the daughter), Dylan(autistic kid), & D. Gibbons?

"D. Gibbons is a bad man..."

btw, I like the show's premise. They can do so much with it, hopefully there isn't a let down. The cast is kinda random at times but it won't keepme from continuing to watch
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Don't know if it was discussed here yet, but what are your theories on Charlie(the daughter), Dylan(autistic kid), & D. Gibbons?

"D. Gibbons is a bad man..."

btw, I like the show's premise. They can do so much with it, hopefully there isn't a let down. The cast is kinda random at times but it won't keep me from continuing to watch

I dunno but i'm very interested too. I kinda feel like i'm more interested in what happens with the final result than the actual show itself.

We gotta start calling him Dimitri.
Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Good news is that the producer said FlashForward needs to last a minimum of three seasons but it can potentially go all the way up to seven seasons

Seems like they are in complete control with a master plan and the big picture of the storyline.

kinda steers me off though cause now i know there wont be answers for a while lol
Originally Posted by SHUGES

It's interesting to me that it was inferred that Harold allowed this Jerome airport security guy to get off the hook with the bong/drugs. (Or did he?)

Thereby allowing Jerome to eventually land the position at the airport and taking another step to causing Mark's FF to come true.

It really wouldn't make sense to me if Harold allowed Jerome to get off seeing as Harold does NOT want his own FF to come true (assuming he's even telling the truth about his own FF)...

I think, and I may sound like a stoner here... but if the future is what's going to happen, it doesn't really matter what they do.. it will happen theway they saw it, not because they made that happen - but because they saw how things were going to play out in a future where they knew they'd see theirfuture... see what i'm saying? like, the future is unavoidable in a way...

I don't think they'd let it play out that simply, b/c it'd be boring if it played out just like they saw.. but technically i think that would makethe most sense.
This last episode wasnt as good as the first two but it was still decent.

Some things

- Was that a fireball that was coming when they showed the flash back with the little boy in 1991 after the crows died?

- D Gibbons was the guy who was in the Dollhouse that got away, right ?

- Who thinks the Murder that the German guy was talking about in his Flash Forward at the Airport could be Dimitri's(The Korean Cops) murder ?
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Good news is that the producer said FlashForward needs to last a minimum of three seasons but it can potentially go all the way up to seven seasons

Seems like they are in complete control with a master plan and the big picture of the storyline.

kinda steers me off though cause now i know there wont be answers for a while lol
It's been said that a lot of questions people have WILL be answered in the first season so i'm waiting/wishing.
Like somebody said earlier after watching last weeks episode for the 4th time Dimitri did not blackout.

His attitude and him not being in the car throws me off...his Fiances FF also throws me off.
Seems like it might be interesting, we'll see where it goes.

While we're talking new series, check out my new comedy series HERE. It's called On the Rocks, let me know what you guys think.
Yeah, i'm in the Dimitri didn't blackout boat as well. I hope theres a reason why. Well, obviously there would be but you know what I mean.
Started reading the book today...same base different structure(21 Years instead of 6 months etc Phycsist instead of FBI). Still interesting though...should befinished by Sunday.
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