**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

icebox mastered the stoneless Jesus


I like them a lot but I have to admit they do look better with diamonds on them. Too bad it isn't worth the money to ice it out. I'd like it a lot better plain if instead of those gold dots where the stones would go on Jesus hair they would do diamond cuts. My GFK JP has diamonds on the eyes and crown but If it were plain I could easily say that mold is a lot better looking IMO. Downside to the GFK JP is that it's not as heavy as the Icebox Jacob because it's not completely solid which I didn't realize until after I bought it and was looking through this thread and again saw ninjahood ninjahood post about it. I looked at the bottom of my piece and noticed two tiny holes on opposite sides. Thought it was solid at first glance of the piece because it's closed off on the back. Piece still has some decent weight to it, a little over 40 grams or so for the 3".
I like them a lot but I have to admit they do look better with diamonds on them. Too bad it isn't worth the money to ice it out. I'd like it a lot better plain if instead of those gold dots where the stones would go on Jesus hair they would do diamond cuts. My GFK JP has diamonds on the eyes and crown but If it were plain I could easily say that mold is a lot better looking IMO. Downside to the GFK JP is that it's not as heavy as the Icebox Jacob because it's not completely solid which I didn't realize until after I bought it and was looking through this thread and again saw ninjahood ninjahood post about it. I looked at the bottom of my piece and noticed two tiny holes on opposite sides. Thought it was solid at first glance of the piece because it's closed off on the back. Piece still has some decent weight to it, a little over 40 grams or so for the 3".

All gfk pieces semi hollow? Never knew. Anyone know how heavy the full size icebox pieces are? Were they 138gr or so?
I hate that term but technically yes as far as I know. I'm not too mad at it though like I said it's probably the best looking Jesus Piece you're going to get IMO. As well as it being the original Jesus Piece made, that seals the deal for me. Also I believe Bee Bee posted his Icebox Jacob JP was 145g.


All gfk pieces semi hollow? Never knew. Anyone know how heavy the full size icebox pieces are? Were they 138gr or so?
Anyone have size recommendations for everyday wear? I was thinking 8-9mm or should I wait and get something brolic like I want 12-13mm?
An everyday piece is 1-2mm chain maybe 3mm max. After that any chain becomes annoying when showering let alone sleeping.

my point exactly, everybody is gonna be lil different

I completely understand this line of thinking, and for many Im sure that would be enough, but personally thats too thin for my liking
An everyday piece is 1-2mm chain maybe 3mm max. After that any chain becomes annoying when showering let alone sleeping.
Hmmm.... you’ve never gave me bad information lol. Might cop soon then. Good look as always. Any recommendations on a place to get scratches buffed out of my ring? Or a DIY way
Last year I really wanted the GFK jesus. I kept bugging TommyJewels on IG. I get that he's a busy dude with heavy in-store presence. But damn, I got maybe 1 reply for the 3-4 times I tried getting a hold of him. I asked him for a price, he gave it and I said I wanted to buy - crickets. Gave up on it since and went with my coin pendant.
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