**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

I have always wanted this but have no clue on where to get it made

No stones just straight up gold
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

I have always wanted this but have no clue on where to get it made

No stones just straight up gold

that old redman weed leaf piece on a giant figaro was actually silver with no stones, but it fit his style back then lol
dude was a monster, its a shame what became of him
I would love to post my joints but honestly people are gonna steal the ideas and end up selling them in stainless steal on ebay for $50 lol
Originally Posted by BigLescobar

that old redman weed leaf piece on a giant figaro was actually silver with no stones, but it fit his style back then lol
dude was a monster, its a shame what became of him

Naw man that %%$* was gold. Take a look at the Muddy Waters booklet and you will see.

BTW what do you mean "a shame what became of him"?
Originally Posted by BigLescobar

Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

I have always wanted this but have no clue on where to get it made

No stones just straight up gold

that old redman weed leaf piece on a giant figaro was actually silver with no stones, but it fit his style back then lol
dude was a monster, its a shame what became of him
we had that piece like 6 years ago at our shop... it had been sitting for a while too... it was a manufactured joint, not a custom made one. *edit* it was gold fam. yellow gold. but I've seen some real bootleg silver ones in the fox hills mall kiosks

big les, the seller hit up my cousin and stated the word "KOREAN" in his email. and he replied to q aka tdot with the same thing. I know who madethe watch as well. and I wasn't disrespecting you. I didn't even know you had one. that "KOREAN" diamond setter does GREAT work. buthe'll do anything anyone tells him to do. I can't wear an alloy watch though. Sorry. and we just got a bunch of rolex explorers last night. we alsogot a bunch of big bezels for the subs and explorers and yacht masters... but I feel the same way Jeezy does about Rolex's. we just got them for cheap andsome OG's still wear them.
Hmm I coulda sworn that redmans was silver, but I could easily be wrong about that many years back....

i meant that its a shame dude was a raw monster and became a comedic joke type rapper after linking up with meth heavily

As far as an alloy gshock, to me a gshock is just like a toy, a novelty, i dont consider it a real watch like the other stuff in my collection so I didnt careif it was gold or alloy, I got a steal on a few of them, I rocked them for awhile, got my use out of them and sold them. I did like that blk-blk one I justsold alot though, it was real sharp, If i had more chances to wear it I would have kept it, but it gets no use from me, but part of me wanted to still keep it.People wanted to know who made the watch so i told them , point blank, as far as who made it...The gshocks bein iced got so big so fast that I think the bubblewill burst soon once something new comes along...

On another note, i just got an iced cuban.... its not the chain I ordered ( that ones still naked), its another one he had lying around Im gonna borrow for afew days to see if I like it...
its 9.5mm, but i still feel its not big enough, and I dont really like how hte stones look in it. I might just get a bigger plain cuban and enhance the DGpiece some more instead of the chain.... not sure what to do....


^Jesus Christ

what jeweler are you messing with now?
did you speak to my dude at woodbridge?
a player from the colts gave him and 2 friends plane and stadium tickets to their 2nd to last game this season
very nice BigLes.... also, FYI, novelty or not, it tells time more accurate than a rolex or jacob which is kinda sad. I forgot who did the testing in the 4different time zones, but it held better time. Although I heard the new jacobs after 2007 are official.
Also I got a lotta new stuff and I've been slippin due to shooting/filming... but I put up something on the blog today.
I need to update more often, but by the time it's ready to go I can't even do the deliveries to my clients anymore... they just up and go
Originally Posted by AJ4EVER

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

how much does a chain like that run?
im not a big fan of jewelery or pieces like that so yea...just wondering....
I want to know also.
This dude rlee926 Sold his piece&chain on ebay, $3000. I had seen it on ebay before he posted here, as well as the Jacob Jesus which I didnt know it is the big (NH) but some one had to open their mouth.

How did this guy sell his bootleg franco and bootleg Jesus for $3000? I couldn't even find a buyer for my solid franco and much nicer cross pendant forless than that....
What do you guys think about this? 2.68 karats. About $2500 bucks. I'm looking for something casual not too flashy I think this works well. Anyonehave any other suggestions. If can get a good deal on that I'd get it...I don't really go to pawn shops or anything though...and I'm weary ofebay.
best dogtags I've seen imo
but I don't like dogtags as jewelery.

chain and dogtags go along together pretty well!
T-Pain looking at dude like ____ please......and what happened toYayo's Spinning Plate that David made which has the diamonds floating in the see through glass?
Can someone drop some knowledge on the tags I posted or David Yurman in general. Resale value, quality, etc. I have no clue about jewelry.
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