**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

need me a micro so bad but these prices can't be real life..... can they?
Yup. Ben's micro>
You're paying for the name, mold, and gold. Pieces aren't cheap, but seeing D list rappers with pieces (which are likely fake) make people think jewelry is cheap/affordable
where were these pics taken from, i always see this one, and da other one where he's got da chain over his shoulder. i know this is biggie's chain

and its da same one on this cover..



From what I knew BIG had only copped 3 Tito jesus. 1 for him, 1 for D-Roc and 1 for puff/cease. Not sure who was the third one realy for. I thought that J**** had his own Tito Jesus and not BIGs as seen here YEARS later:

somebody said something about Jay borrowing big's tito jesus idk how true it is


somebody said something about Jay borrowing big's tito jesus idk how true it is



First pic is one of the sick, you just know who it is right away without seeing a face.

As for the Tito Jesus, the story is Jay borrows it and wears it sometimes.
is meek really getting that kind of money? every day it seems like he has some new jewelry or car lol

I'm sure he's getting money.. But the Cars.. Lease, C'Mon that Obvious, Anyone going through cars like that is a Lease, as Fare as Jewels.. Alot of these Jewels are Bang Bang, Not saying Meeks are but, look at this way, How do No Name jewelry shops that just open up , have Accounts with AP and Rolex, ANd Rapper with no Albums out have a watch Iced that with no Ice cost 50-60K plus, C'Mon SOn? That's suspect right there. that Brolic Iced out Chain that Ross with the Huge Stone is Fake, at that price being that clear or VVS at thst size would be properly 20K a Stone , someone correct me if I'm wrong...
is meek really getting that kind of money? every day it seems like he has some new jewelry or car lol

I'm sure he's getting money.. But the Cars.. Lease, C'Mon that Obvious, Anyone going through cars like that is a Lease, as Fare as Jewels.. Alot of these Jewels are Bang Bang, Not saying Meeks are but, look at this way, How do No Name jewelry shops that just open up , have Accounts with AP and Rolex, ANd Rapper with no Albums out have a watch Iced that with no Ice cost 50-60K plus, C'Mon SOn? That's suspect right there. that Brolic Iced out Chain that Ross with the Huge Stone is Fake, at that price being that clear or VVS at thst size would be properly 20K a Stone , someone correct me if I'm wrong...

meek getting alot of show money b.



flipping birds? i wonder how many rappers are in the drug game. i bet the return investment will be better that what wall street would be able to give them.
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