**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**


Ninja, is this something that would be in those catalogs you posted, or you think it is custom?
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I just googled St, Michael pendant+gold and this popped up.

thats in da diamond district da EXACT day i sold it, if you look at da pendant da wings were missing on st. michael and one of da devil's

wings was gone too. at that point it was a shell of its former self and decided to give it a proper burial and scrap it.
I just googled St, Michael pendant+gold and this popped up.


thats in da diamond district da EXACT day i sold it, if you look at da pendant da wings were missing on st. michael and one of da devil's

wings was gone too. at that point it was a shell of its former self and decided to give it a proper burial and scrap it.

Yeah,you did the right thing. It was a dope *** piece tho.
  it was fire, but so many piecez of it was too fragile...every 3 weeks or so i would have to take it to a jeweler and have stuff

re-soldered on because i would find cracks from banging it around clubs and riding on girls twerking on me..they would love holding

on to that **** and abuse it.
  it was fire, but so many piecez of it was too fragile...every 3 weeks or so i would have to take it to a jeweler and have stuff

re-soldered on because i would find cracks from banging it around clubs and riding on girls twerking on me..they would love holding

on to that **** and abuse it.

Yeah, I can tell by looking at it. Lotta weak points to break. That other one like RZA had looks sturdier. Did you remember seeing that one in any of the catalogs that you posted?
  it was fire, but so many piecez of it was too fragile...every 3 weeks or so i would have to take it to a jeweler and have stuff

re-soldered on because i would find cracks from banging it around clubs and riding on girls twerking on me..they would love holding

on to that **** and abuse it.

Yeah, I can tell by looking at it. Lotta weak points to break. That other one like RZA had looks sturdier. Did you remember seeing that one in any of the catalogs that you posted?
other then da joints i already peeped? nah...

i got a feeling that my st. michael and da halo jesus came from another company catalog.

its around, but i gotta find it.
You think that piece could be found around New York today?

There used to be a few in the Coliseum in Queens, but I haven't been over there in years......They used to have all the old chunky stuff from back in the day but now its possible its all melted down....
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