Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by Napoleon
That site is brutal for NO reason. I swear its run by hipsters with NO understanding of the culture or the inspiration for the music.
I'm not sure what you mean by that first sentence but I completely agree with the second one. I would in the past check out the reviews on this site regularly and I can tell you with confidence they based what they rate albums on what internet messageboards, specifically ones like hipinion, think about an album... any album that receives buzz on there immediately gets a good rating or some kind of buzz on their site
The-Dream's first 2 albums are arguably better than his last one but there's absolutely no sign of those being reviewed on the site, whereas the last one gets a "best new music" tag just because of the initial hype around it
Rick Ross' albums would constantly get #$%$ on but for whatever reason *hipinion praise* his last album received a good rating EVEN THOUGH they didn't even bothering reviewing Deeper Than Rap...
Pitchfork are a bunch of frauds... they know nothing really about rap/hip-hop/r&b but they feel obligated to review those genres for web hits and pretty much have to rely on others' opinions to form their own... and no one on that staff can can't write a review to save their lives