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TheHealthInspector wrote:
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Well yea.... this isn't coming out for Xbox.... so we figured.....


You mean besides the horrible PSN interface? Or the lack of party chat? Hell the lack of quick chat invites IN GAME... No M$ is winning because their service isfar superior to that PSN offers.

Horrible? Just different. I prefer Sony's... if I want to talk to someone, I'll $++!+$# call them.

How are your rip-off Wii characters?
Please let's not get on that HORRIBLE thing called home.
It doesn't matter anyways. come tomorrow i'll be on that HORRIBLE PSN playing Killzone for a while. So I'll have to learn to tolerate its inferiority.

^^ eh, its not sony ...its the game developers, its up to them if they want to implement it ...some games already have that function ...
No its Sony... really has VERY little to do with Game Devs..

u do realize that HOME is still in beta right?� i mean it just started its open beta like 3-4 months ago, ill admit that its not exactly what a lot of people expected it to be but its constantly evolving, what youre seeing in the video is some of sony's first BIG videogame-HOME cross interaction, yeah its not as big as sliced bread but its a start, stuff like this is why sony claims to lead the pack, we all know xbox live has a better communication set up with features like voice messages, cross invites, cross chat, party system but all those are from xbox days, yeah sure sony is behind the original xbox in some ways in terms of communication but its really not that serious or game ruining

and NO, it is game devs, the game devs have to apply it to there game music tracks so that it runs properly unlike this microsoft stuff where u hear outside music when you're not supposed to, i dont want to be hearing outside music during cutscenes, sony set it up to repace ingame music and not to be something constantly running externally

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Its not something the GAME DEVS put into the game. Its a firmware function.
do u even know how it works for the ps3?� it has everything to do with game devs, thats why santa monica released a music patch for pixel junk monsters soon after as 2.4 came out

Im not going to comment on Home because its boring. Yes its still in beta but its boring. Period. As for the music.. you still didn't read what Iwrote properly. If SONY implements it in its firmware its up to the Game Devs to tweak it. But it should be a STANDARD FEATURE....

Example. Not all Xbox games play music during FMVS... Game Devs that properly align there games with the feature will have the music cut during keysequences...

So its really up to SONY to implement it.

A gaming system includes a game console that executes an application that creates and plays soundtracks through the gaming system. The application allows a user to create soundtracks by copying audio tracks from one or more audio sources. A user-created soundtrack can be associated with a particular game such that the user-created soundtrack is played during execution of the game instead of the game's default soundtrack.

This further proves my point. Its in the firmware not the game itself.? As for The patent..
?im SURE Sony could be creative and find a way around this. There should be MOREthan one way to create in game music...
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

TheHealthInspector wrote:
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Well yea.... this isn't coming out for Xbox.... so we figured.....


You mean besides the horrible PSN interface? Or the lack of party chat? Hell the lack of quick chat invites IN GAME... No M$ is winning because their service isfar superior to that PSN offers.

Horrible? Just different. I prefer Sony's... if I want to talk to someone, I'll $++!+$# call them.

How are your rip-off Wii characters?
Please let's not get on that HORRIBLE thing called home.
It doesn't matter anyways. come tomorrow i'll be on that HORRIBLE PSN playing Killzone for a while. So I'll have to learn to tolerate its inferiority.

^^ eh, its not sony ...its the game developers, its up to them if they want to implement it ...some games already have that function ...
No its Sony... really has VERY little to do with Game Devs..

u do realize that HOME is still in beta right?� i mean it just started its open beta like 3-4 months ago, ill admit that its not exactly what a lot of people expected it to be but its constantly evolving, what youre seeing in the video is some of sony's first BIG videogame-HOME cross interaction, yeah its not as big as sliced bread but its a start, stuff like this is why sony claims to lead the pack, we all know xbox live has a better communication set up with features like voice messages, cross invites, cross chat, party system but all those are from xbox days, yeah sure sony is behind the original xbox in some ways in terms of communication but its really not that serious or game ruining

and NO, it is game devs, the game devs have to apply it to there game music tracks so that it runs properly unlike this microsoft stuff where u hear outside music when you're not supposed to, i dont want to be hearing outside music during cutscenes, sony set it up to repace ingame music and not to be something constantly running externally

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Its not something the GAME DEVS put into the game. Its a firmware function.
do u even know how it works for the ps3?� it has everything to do with game devs, thats why santa monica released a music patch for pixel junk monsters soon after as 2.4 came out

Im not going to comment on Home because its boring. Yes its still in beta but its boring. Period. As for the music.. you still didn't read what I wrote properly. If SONY implements it in its firmware its up to the Game Devs to tweak it. But it should be a STANDARD FEATURE....

Example. Not all Xbox games play music during FMVS... Game Devs that properly align there games with the feature will have the music cut during key sequences...

So its really up to SONY to implement it.

Honestly, who gives a +@%@? This a Killzone thread not the music thread, granted, this game isnt as good as Cod4 or WaW nor does it deserve its own thread butits the official thread...Why are even here with that 360 signature
Honestly, who gives a #%%+? This a Killzone thread not the music thread, granted, this game isnt as good as Cod4 or WaW but its the official thread...Why are even here with that 360 sigmature

Calm down little fellow I have a PS3 as well..And I shall have Killzone 2 tomorrow as well... Sorry My little "360" signature upset you.. All Hail the PS3!

EXACTLY, microsoft has a patent on the firmware style meaning the way its done, microsoft has a patent on the ability to do it through their operating system

why do u keep ignoring my other posts? sony cant do with through the firmware/operating system (patent) so they had to find a way around it - meaning through the game itself, developers have to allow for sony's xmb to takeover their ingame music soundtracks, sony's music is controlled through the xmb and played off your ps3 but its only doing so by taking over the ingame soundtrack
You are correct. Peep the edit.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

A gaming system includes a game console that executes an application that creates and plays soundtracks through the gaming system. The application allows a user to create soundtracks by copying audio tracks from one or more audio sources. A user-created soundtrack can be associated with a particular game such that the user-created soundtrack is played during execution of the game instead of the game's default soundtrack.

This further proves my point. Its in the firmware not the game itself.
EXACTLY, microsoft has a patent on the firmware style meaning the way its done, microsoft has a patent on the ability to do it through theiroperating system

why do u keep ignoring my other posts? sony cant do with through the firmware/operating system (patent) so they had to find a way around it - meaning throughthe game itself, developers have to allow for sony's xmb to takeover their ingame music soundtracks, sony's music is controlled through the xmb andplayed off your ps3 but its only doing so by taking over the ingame soundtrack

as for the above poster, killzones multiplayer has ingame music so
firmware = application
, which microsoft has a patent on ....that whysony let the developer deal with it ...they dont wanna pay royalties to microsoft

- woah woah woah to tommorello , u saying KZ2aint as good as COD:WAW?!?!?!?!? explain please ...
Originally Posted by tommorello

This guy is 25+ acting like a little 15 year old fanboy


Almost there buddy.. 24. Fanboy? Sure. Why not. Im at work right now making money while surfing Niketalk... Very pathetic.

When it is football season, you are one of the worst sports posters and now you are solidifying your spot in General. You let your fanboyism get in the way ofeverything you post. Its just a game. Let us PS3 owners enjoy it.

You're 24 acting the way you do.
dudes in here really debatin xbox and ps3? smh jetpac is right anyways...playstations chat system is BASURA. HOME is boring get over it fam....with that saidtomorrow
next is RE5
RellNye wrote:

When it is football season, you are one of the worst greatest MOST incredible sports posters and now you are solidifying your spot in General. You let your fanboyism get in the way of everything you post. Its just a game. Let us PS3 owners enjoy it.

Thanx man. Oh maybe you should READ what I waswriting instead of thinking im bashing this game. We were simply discussing in game music. Nothing more. Killzone 2 is
Us PS3 owners would include me.. so hop off of mines... and go enjoy your game.

dudes in here really debatin xbox and ps3? smh jetpac is right anyways...playstations chat system is BASURA. HOME is boring get over it fam....with that said tomorrow
next is RE5
See, I couldn't have said it better myself.

You're 24 acting the way you do.
And how do I act?
You don't even know me!!
I swear you guys take internetmessageboards waaaaaay to seriously
ur crappin on the thread man
it's annoying
some of ur comments have no place in this thread
Jetpac and Nnarum are my favorite NT'ers from the old 360 thread.

You remember that thread? The one that epically failed?

Home is garbage, I agree. But I don't have to ever see it unless I actually go into Home. At least I don't have to see a Wii character everytime I turnon my PS3 though.

And in-game music from your own library is soooo necessary. Killing punks to the sultry sounds of Bad Religion is unmatched.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

RellNye wrote:

When it is football season, you are one of the worst greatest MOST incredible sports posters and now you are solidifying your spot in General. You let your fanboyism get in the way of everything you post. Its just a game. Let us PS3 owners enjoy it.

Thanx man. Oh maybe you should READ what I was writing instead of thinking im bashing this game. We were simply discussing in game music. Nothing more. Killzone 2 is
Us PS3 owners would include me.. so hop off of mines... and go enjoy your game.

dudes in here really debatin xbox and ps3? smh jetpac is right anyways...playstations chat system is BASURA. HOME is boring get over it fam....with that said tomorrow
next is RE5
See, I couldn't have said it better myself.

You're 24 acting the way you do.
And how do I act?
You don't even know me!!
I swear you guys take internet messageboards waaaaaay to seriously

Choke on a %*$#. I did read what you said and like in S&T you posted nothing but garbage. I don't even know you?
I don't give a $+$@. You're a lame kid.
Choke on a %*$#. I did read what you said and like in S&T you posted nothing but garbage. I don't even know you?
I don't give a $+$@. You're a lame kid.

Im a lame but your following MY posts... calling ME out... lmao I don't even know you..
Why u so mad?

Anyways... im done with this thread until I get my copy of Killzone 2. Toooooo many feelings.

Procress - I'll have it about 1:30EST tomorrow but I won't be online until about 8ish or 9ish est... Going to get my Xbox modded after work
. So I'll probably hop on tonight and send you a request.
Spot just got it in on my way to cop now. not to interupt the debate, but I need a Bluetooth can someone recommend me a cheap one that works well with the ps3?Nothing extravagant just a cheap one cuz I definately will not be usin it wit my iPhone I hate dudes thAt keep that ++@% on their ears all day!
Anyone who ordered from Amazon and selected Release Date delievery get there confirmation yet? i havn't and this waiting game is driving menuts...
, i wanna know if Amazon gonna come thru with my order bytomorrow or else imma have to sneak out of work tomorrow and swoop one up from BB.
Originally Posted by RicH21KiD

Spot just got it in on my way to cop now. not to interupt the debate, but I need a Bluetooth can someone recommend me a cheap one that works well with the ps3? Nothing extravagant just a cheap one cuz I definately will not be usin it wit my iPhone I hate dudes thAt keep that ++@% on their ears all day!

I know this is probably the wrong thread, but I have shyed away from BT headsets. I had one, but found the echoing was awful. I switched to a wired Logitechand like it 10x better. No echoes.... unless you are in a room with 2--3 people with BT headsets with their sensitivity turned way too high. The feedback isdeafening.

(Looks at Battousai)
Also, to all the Canadian's... I tried all teh majors and looks like they aren't as stupid as past releases... they are sticking to the release date.

Oh well, GTA IV and Farcry 2 are getting traded in for this.
I saw killzone at wal mart last night, and told the kid at the electronics counter to lemme buy it, he scanned it and it said "cannot sell until feb27", and i wanted to snatch that $+$$% out his and and run with it...

i shoulda chin checked him, but i wouldn't even have anybody online to play with :-(
can we please get to the talk of killzone 2 and stop with the ps3 bashing and all that crap....its pointless...

anyway, anyone else get killzone 2 yet.........

i played some online yesterday and it runs lag or anything
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