The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

Is there a way to put music from my ipod back into the mac? My Senuti trail ran out..
Thank you!
Can someone recommend a program that will allow me to save or download videos from youtube or video streams online?? even if it's just the audio. Good look
Originally Posted by VaGixxer

Can someone recommend a program that will allow me to save or download videos from youtube or video streams online?? even if it's just the audio. Good look

on the firefox website dude its a plug-in that converts videos into mp3's and stuff and another app to consider is tubetv works great for downloadingyoutube videos here are the links
fire fox add on -
[h3]Rumors of New Apple Hardware Tomorrow Swirling[/h3] With numerous reports in recent weeks of new hardware releases from Apple and low stocks of a number of current-generation models, Apple watchers have been waiting on edge for new products to make their appearance. Attention has naturally focused on Tuesdays, a frequent day of the week for Apple to release new products, so speculation has been on the increase again today.

Earlier today, Newsweek's Dan Lyons issued a teaser post on his "Fake Steve Jobs" blog claiming that Apple is planning a product release tomorrow and poking fun at Daring Fireball's John Gruber, who has occasionally had accurate inside information just prior to product announcements.
Can't tell you what, obviously. But there's something brewing. Gruber doesn't know about it, but the people we care about are being briefed in advance. Stay close to your Mac or iPhone, and have your credit card ready.
Gruber later responded with a brief post carrying a very lengthy headline listing a multitude of new products possibly on the table for release tomorrow:

- Redesigned plastic MacBooks
- Redesigned "impressive" iMacs
- Mac mini updates, including one based on Mac OS X Server
- Multi-touch "Magic Mouse"
- A multi-touch "trackpad gadget" for desktop Macs

MacRumors has similarly heard whispers over the past few days of new iMacs, MacBooks, and possibly Mac minis scheduled for release tomorrow, but we have been unable to confirm any of the reports.

So what happened with SL?
I still havent upgraded because alot said it caused problems for them. Whats good?
Still Working On Moding My MBP To Just The Way I Like it, But Finally Starting To Get The Hang Of Some Of The Tricks OF The Trade

Here's My Current Setup

*Does Anyone Have This Nike Shoe Box Icon WITHOUT The White Empty Space Around It?
i'm looking for a new wallpaper, anyone have suggestions with some ill ones? stuff like kaws, murakami, artsy, etc.
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

@ that nike box icon

Glad Your SO EASILY Amused
............ Now Can Someone That's Been Outside Lately Help Me To Get A Nike Shoebox Icon Without TheWhite Border Around It?
Originally Posted by So Much Sole 23

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

@ that nike box icon

Glad Your SO EASILY Amused
............ Now Can Someone That's Been Outside Lately Help Me To Get A Nike Shoebox Icon Without The White Border Around It?

Use CandyBar my man. It'll make changing icons that much easier.
Originally Posted by TheGoogler

Originally Posted by The Filipino Dream

how'd you get your dvd icons to that?
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Good website for icons??

Guessing you guys didn't take a look at the last couple of pages

Those links you posted on I think pg. 207 didnt have any icons on it, atleast I didnt see it.
The new macbooks are deals..basically same spec as my 13" mbp, but the can only have up to 4gb ram, mine can go up to 8 gb. Still, I'd be pissed if ibought the normal macbook lol...I got mine when they had the free itouch and the free printer along with the $100 discount
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