The Official Metal Gear Solid 4 Thread Vol. Snake's Last Hurrah | It's Out | Don't Post Spoilers!

SinnerP wrote:
parada - where did you cop The Essentials? I've played through MGS, MGS2 and MGS4, but skipped MGS3... now I'm tempted to go back...

on a sidenote regarding the initial part of Act 4 (trying to keep things vague, don't wanna spoil it) I was hoping there was more to it...
I played through them all as well. Loved them all but was not a big fan of MGS3 I only beat it once. But I am going to beat it again anywayz.

I went to best buy and they had one copy left. I was going back and forth on if I should buy it or not. I actually left the store and came back to buy it. $30for all three MGS I couldn't pass that up.
$30 is a good deal... but by skipping out on MGS3, how much of the story did I miss? it seems that a lot of the connections in MGS4 were with MGS1...

Amazon has some in stock.
Originally Posted by oO ThE RoC Oo

I just got done beating the Raging Raven.....and all I can say is OMFG!!!!!......Liquid is as cold as ice..
Liquid: Bang Bang

waiting to pick up my dual shock controller tomorrow before i do another run through, games seem so boring with out any feedback.
i got a question, when i mount a shotty on the bottom of a gun how the hell do i shoot it?
[h2]The Boss Extreme, beaten in under three hours [!][/h2]
Posted Jun 26th 2008 7:00PM by Andrew Yoon
Filed under: Videos and Screenshots, Community
The most hardcore MGS4 players are going to go for the Big Boss achievement trophy emblem, which requires masterful play with no deaths, no alerts, no kills, no recovery items, no stealth suit and no special items. To get the emblem, the entire game must be completed in 5 hours, but Tyndis from YouTube has managed to do it in less than three hours.

Obviously, because the entire game can be seen in these videos, it should be obviously that this is one giant spoiler. If you haven't beaten the game yet, come back to watch it later. But for those that want to see Metal Gear greatness, enjoy.
i just beat liquid octopus and the laughing woman or whatever. now i can't find naomi.
Gmills23 wrote:
can u play that MGS collection on ps3?
The 60 Gig PS3 plays MGS 1-3 flawless with no problems. The 80 Gig PS3 does the same, plays 2 Ok and I heard 3 was really bad on there. The 40 gigPS3 you can't play them at all on there.
Originally Posted by SonOfTony

true but how? i need the solar gun before i can go for the big boss mask
Cheating... download saved games with everything completed...
now i'm on stealth trying to follow the resistance to big mama, it got way harder.

how is online? i haven't tried it yet.
Liquid is as cold as ice..
That just sounds funny.

Anyway, just finished up Act 4....amazing.

I have to say, if you have never played the original Metal Gear Solid or Twin Snakes then there is no way that you can nearly appreciate act 4 as well assomeone who has. What Kojima did in Act 4 was absolutely masterful. I mean, when you play video games enough, games often hit on emotional notes...pulling onthe heart strings, or making you angry, but this is the first time that a game has made me feel genuinely nostalgic.

While fighting wolf, and I saw the wreckage of the Hind that I blasted from the communication towers so many years ago; I was like
. Such an awesome touch. If you've never played MGS, you probably justlooked at it like, oh, what's that downed chopper doing there.

::: Spoiler :::

Raiden went out like a G.

Act 4... no doubt... the great part about it was that I was reminiscing about it along with Snake and Otacon... and the little reference jokes there, too, wasfantastic...
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

Anyway, just finished up Act 4....amazing.

I have to say, if you have never played the original Metal Gear Solid or Twin Snakes then there is no way that you can nearly appreciate act 4 as well as someone who has. What Kojima did in Act 4 was absolutely masterful. I mean, when you play video games enough, games often hit on emotional notes...pulling on the heart strings, or making you angry, but this is the first time that a game has made me feel genuinely nostalgic.

While fighting wolf, and I saw the wreckage of the Hind that I blasted from the communication towers so many years ago; I was like
. Such an awesome touch. If you've never played MGS, you probably just looked at it like, oh, what's that downed chopper doing there.

Exactly! Act 4 of MGS4
4 is my new favorite number!!!
man... i got so far and then the lightning made my power go out for TWENTY SECONDS!!!! FDNAOTHETUEHITUESBTSUTBRSUTRSGTURSGIT
So I missed the frog statue on the first go around, but got every other statue, and then got the frog on the second time through.....but I still can't buythe solar gun from Drebin. Why is this??

where do i download the saved game with everything on it??
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